//------------------------------// // Chapter 10 Trail // Story: Power Heroes Final Countdown // by Firestarter Dazzle //------------------------------// "Did ya find anything?" Applejack asked. Kate shook her head no, other than what the current evidence about the rattlesnake charm bracelet among other things. Kassidy and Dash came in the observation deck, having some stories to tell after destroying those bracelets. "Well after what's going on we have pinpointed where Rarity vanished off to" Twilight began, activating a security video clip of the nightmare essence going inside Rarity through her nose. Everyone excluding Kate let out a shocked gasp. "That explains why Rarity went coo coo" Pinkie blurted out, making the sound of a coo coo clock. "So Twilight how do you suppose we take down this nightmare that corrupted your friend?" Kate asked blankly. "I've come up with a theory: If I can somehow get through to her I may be able to drive the nightmare out of her. But if that doesn't work, I'll use a green ray that will separate Rarity from the nightmare" Twilight explained. "How are you going to be able to get close enough to perform that kind of move?" Kassidy questioned. "That part we can handle" Applejack came out and spoke. "Before we even think about doing something like that, we have to get in her little castle Pinkie and I saw in Midtown" Dash said. "Magic will suffice" Thorn heart said. Twilight did have a mixture of doubt about hurting her friend but at this point there was no other solution. Kate had some self doubt as well, but she did her best to keep it hidden. "Being that Rarity may have someone else there, it could spell trouble for us all so it's best Kate and I stay behind the front gates while you guys go inside" Thorn commanded. "Alright" Applejack agreed. Twilight looked at the purple bracelets sitting on the table next to her, flashes of Rarity appeared in her mind, causing her to shed a tear but Applejack gave her a hug. "We'll get 'er back Twi I promise" Applejack proclaimed. "Yeah" Twilight responded hopefully. Kate tried not to understand what was going on with Twilight but for some reason she felt...different somehow. It was as if something clicked inside her head, her heart was actually (but figuratively) beating. Hopefully when we rescue Twilight's little friend, this is going to be the beginning of the end Fluttershy walked out of the store, eating an apple and walking down the street. Nightshade pulled out a bow and arrow, aiming it at Shy's head ready to fire. "Goodbye brute" Nightshade said. The arrow whizzed past everyone and once Shy wanted to take another bite of her apple, it was impaled into a wall by a stray arrow. Shy looked over and saw the apple impaled arrow on the wall, Nightshade came over and went to slash her sword but Fluttershy grabbed the sword with one hand. She punched Nightshade straight in the stomach, making some of her organs crack and make her spill blood out of her mouth. She then went through 4 walls, slid down the 5th one and struggled to stand up. Shy walked over and looked down at the now struggling shadowbolt, as she went to pick her up, Nightshade speared her into the air flying about 4 feet up in the sky. Shy kept elbowing the back of her head, forcing her to land into an abandoned building the hard way. Rubble fell on top of both girls as they both tried to stand up and Shy charged at the shadowbolt, punching her in the face hard, causing her to bleed more from her mouth and nose. Fluttershy kept the assault going with more punches to the head, stomach, and chest. Nightshade ducked another punch then countered with an uppercut to the chin, disorienting Fluttershy. She used this as an advantage to use her electric energy ball to blast Fluttershy through a brick wall and falling outside, back first into the cold unforgiving ground. "Hmph I guess you prove more of a challenge than I originally anticipated" Nightshade said impressed. Fluttershy rolled on to her stomach after almost destroying her spine before Nightshade dropped down a few feet away from where Shy was. "I expected more of a fight but I guess once I kill you, I'll go after the demon girl" Nightshade proposed, raising her sword as it sparked. Fluttershy struggled to stand, before Nightshade could stab her, a blast of siren energy blasted her into some rubble. As Shy turned around, she noticed Aria Blaze standing there with an open palm like she went for an attack. "Aria..." Shy managed to call out. "I'm here to save your life Miss Saddle Rager, she was going to kill you while you weren't looking" Aria explained. Fluttershy nodded, "It would be more effective if we teamed up against her" she proposed. Aria nodded, a charging Nightshade ate Aria's boot as she kicked her in the face, sending her flying. Shy then increased her muscles until her skin tone turned yellow and chased after a thrown Nightshade and sucker punched her in the gut, internally bleeding her. Aria then ran over to where Shy was and could see Nightshade stayed down with blood dripping down the left side of her mouth. Shy decreased her muscles until her normal skin tone returned, minus the now ripped up shirt and pants. "Is she dead?" Aria asked concerned. "No she's still alive just bleeding internally" Shy replied, checking on her pulse. Aria then hugged Fluttershy unexpectedly, out of nowhere and started sobbing on her shoulders. "Awww what's wrong?" Shy cooed, showing a motherly side to her. "My big sister Adagio is gone and I can't do anything to escape this" Aria squeaked out. Fluttershy stroked her hair softly and held her close to her chest. Aria continued to sob on Shy's shoulder, feeling some comfort and is reminded of how Adagio would hold her the same way. And that made her very happy.