High Expectations

by Judgeitive

The Journey

It wasn’t long before the cupcakes ran out and the ponies began to get ready to leave.

“Thanks for the cakes, Pinkie.” Twilight smiled, holding the door open for her friends. They all added their thanks as they left. As they were leaving, Applejack turned back.

“I was just wondering about Mysteria, Twilight, she’s been gone a while.”

Twilight frowned and looked out at the night.

“I’m sure she’s fine, right?” she questioned the group, her voice betraying her concern.

“Well, she met up with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and they all went into the Everfree Forest.” Pinkie inputted in a nonchalant manner, licking the icing off the tray. The others all stared at her, shocked.

“What? You didn’t know?” She added, confused. Twilight ran back into the library and hurriedly picked up her saddlebag, quickly stuffing scrolls and other miscellaneous items into it.

“I must go help her.” Twilight firmly stated, slinging the bag over her back and trotting towards the door.

“Well, let us help too, sugarcube.” Applejack said, moving to block Twilight’s path. The others all followed suit, barring her way with determined nods.

Twilight smiled at her assembled friends.

“Your loyalty and compassion, truly is special, but this is something I must do. I drove away a filly who looked up to me as a teacher, a mentor. This is my problem, and I must be the one to fix it.”

Applejack gave her a calculating look, then grinned ruefully.

“We sure are proud of you Twilight. You go get that filly, but be careful - it is the Everfree Forest, after all.”

She nodded gratefully, her friends moving out of her way. Outside, she stood for a moment staring at the moon. She bowed gracefully, and with a silent prayer to Luna for Mysteria’s safety, galloped off towards the Everfree Forest.


Mysteria smiled as the crusaders finished the last verse of their theme song. They had been speeding under the boughs for several minutes when they had decided to describe their group in song.

“Bravo” Mysteria said, clapping her hooves together. “That was really good!”

The three other fillies smiled brightly. However, those smiles evaporated as they burst out of the trees. Rapidly approaching before them was a chasm. They hurtled head on towards it - Scootaloo rapidly spread her wings to slow them down, but to no avail.

At the last moment, Applebloom and Mysteria grabbed the others and leapt out of the back, and not a moment too soon.

Empty, the cart flew over the lip of the ravine and plummeted down into the abyss. They all walked towards the edge, gazing at the shattered remains. They gulped, and, turning to each other, had a reassuring group hug.

“Now what are we supposed to do?” Applebloom sighed, slumping against a tree. They all stared at the rift - it was at least fifteen feet wide, large trees growing thickly on either side.

Then, Mysteria had an idea - she looked around and spotted a fallen tree.

“Girls, give me a hand with this.” Confused at first, they soon realised what she intended and began pushing the log across the gap, creating a bridge.

“Wow Mysteria, that was some pretty quick thinking.” Scootaloo told her, leaning heavily against the log. The unicorn blushed at the compliment, embarrassed. However, she did not shy away, and holding out her hoof, pulled the pegasus onto the makeshift bridge.

Danger forgotten, they skipped across and continued their trek deeper into the forest. After a few more minutes, they reached a clearing bedecked in purple leaves. Mysteria glanced at this, racking her brains - she was sure she had seen these in one of the books she had read earlier.

“What you folks waiting for?” Applebloom asked, “It’s just a bunch of silly purple leaves.”

“Wait!” Mysteria called out, stamping her hoof down. “There’s something wrong with this, I just know it!”

“If you say so.” Sweetie Belle said cheerfully, sitting down and staring hard at the leaves.

Mysteria raised her eyebrow.

“You trust me? But I haven’t given any evidence or proof - this is just a hunch.”

The fillies stared at her with odd looks.

“Now why would we need you to give us proof, you’re our friend. Of course we trust you.” Scootaloo said slowly, a reassuring smile on her face.

Mysteria smiled, and suddenly remembered.

“They’re Forget Me Lots!” she exclaimed, jumping up and down on the spot.

“They don’t look much like flowers to me.” Sweetie Belle sniffed. “Anyway, what’s so bad about them?”

“They make you forget what you are doing if you touch them.”

They all involuntarily took a step back at this, seeing the clearing more apprehensively.

“Scootaloo, I have an idea.” Mysteria proudly exclaimed, a smile on her face. After a brief conversation, the orange pegasus strode forward. When she was within feet of the leaves, she braced herself and began flapping her wings as fast as she could. Before the onrush of wind, the leaves scattered, and the filly advanced, clearing them a path.

Once they were safely on the other side, they broke out in applause and gave the filly some congratulatory pats on the back.

“Come on girls, we’re almost there now!” Applebloom excitedly told them, and giggling, they set off again.


Twilight galloped through the forest, using magic to light her way. The illumination allowing her to traverse the normally treacherous forest floor with ease. After a few minuted hard riding, she reached the home of the mysterious zebra.

“Zecora,” She said, tapping loudly on the door, “It’s Twilight. I know it’s late, but this is an emergency!”

After a moment, the door was opened by Zecora, looking at the flustered unicorn with a bemused expression.

“I fear you come about the fillies, who must have done something very silly.”

Twilight nodded and, following the zebra’s lead, entered the house. Once inside, she longed to begin analysing the lotions and potions that were on display, but shook herself out of the impulse. Now was not the time.

“Yeah, it’s the Cutie Mark Crusaders - they’ve run off into the forest on some kind of silly adventure and brought my student with them.”

Zecora smiled more, adding a foul smelling powder to the cauldron.

“What they seek is fable only. Perhaps your student was feeling lonely?”

Twilight glanced down at her hooves, embarrassed. Uninterrupted, Zecora continued.

“The stream they seek is north of here, what they will be feeling, it is fear. For the night holds many frights, that guard the way to starlight bright.”

“Thanks for the help, Zecora.” Twilight gratefully told her friend. As she turned to go, the zebra added.

“Twilight Sparkle, the mare you groom is watched by the princess of the moon.”

She turned, staring back at Zecora, who, having given her cryptic warning, was now engrossed in the simmering concoction.

Nodding in thanks, Twilight leapt out of the door and ran north with all haste . Her skin grew cold as she heard a ferocious howl from up ahead rend the quiet, to be quickly joined by others. With great fear, she ran towards the origin of the terrifying sounds, and whatever it was that was causing them.