//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: The Day of the Dead // by Bookpony579 //------------------------------// "Twilight! What's happening!?" Spike asked as he watch the incorporeal forms around them. "I don't know!" Twilight eyes were wide as she looked around. What was going on!? "Ah! There you are!" Twilight and Spike turned and saw Luna walking towards them. What surprised Twilight and Spike was the fact that she didn't seemed surprised by the apparitions around the, in fact she often nodded and waved at them cordially, and they returned it. "Luna!" Twilight exclaimed as she rushed over to her teacher. "What's going on!? Who- or what are these things!?" Luna just rolled her eyes. "Those 'things' are the the spirits of the deceased coming back to see their living family." "Huh!?" "I was hoping to catch you before they arrived but I suppose this makes it easier to explain." Luna then smiled and spread her arms out. "Welcome the Day of the Dead for psychics." "What!?" "It's alright, I was shocked too the first time I saw them. But it's perfectly natural reaction." "B-but ghosts aren't real! They're not scientifically possible! THIS IS NOT SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE!" Twilight realized she was shouting when she noticed people, living and dead, look towards her. Luna put a firm hand on Twilight's shoulder. "Ghosts are very real Twilight. Especially on a day dedicated to them. Your powers are just allowing you to actually see, sense and communicate with them now. You see, all psychics can see ghosts; in fact it's one of the most basic psychic abilities." "But what about me?" Spike asked. Luna put a hand to her chin in thought. "Well, animals can certainly sense when spirits are around. I don't know about actually seeing them though. Of course, most animals can't talk so it's possibly just another side affect of the mutant spell that allowed you to speak." "This can't be happening..." Twilight said, clutching her head in her hands. "First the dreams, the the feelings, now this?" "I know this is a lot to take; especially since it undermines pretty much everything you believe in scientifically. But consider this: now you'll actually be able to see and communicate with your grandparents now. Along with all your other ancestors." Twilight looked up in surprise, and actually considered this possibility."R-really?" "At least for today." Twilight stopped to think for a second. The idea that ghosts were real and she could see them now still freaked her out. But the thought of seeing her grandmother again.... She looked around taking in all the spirits wandering around. Several of them were talking with other spirits or enjoying the party.....but many of them stayed close to their own altars, smiling and looking at the friends and families gathered, even if they couldn't see them back. "Look how big she's getting..."The spirit of a grandmother sighed while she and her husband watch their live little granddaughter decorate their altar. "Well...."Twilight had to admit, her situation didn't seem so bad now. These spirits weren't malevolent or scary like the movies or books. They looked like ordinary people trying to spend time with their loved ones.....while being see through. "Maybe...this isn't so bad after all." "Excellent!" Luna chimed. "I hoped you would see it like that. Today is a day where they can cross over to be with their loved ones. Now obviously there's more to ghosts than that but today is a day for celebration, not worrying. Now, I must get going, but I wish you a happy Dia de los Muertos." Luna began walking away but quickly stopped and turned her head. "And tell Aurella and Orion I said 'Hello!'" With that, she was gone. "Well?" Spike asked now that they were along. "Maybe Luna was right, maybe this isn't such a bad thing after all. I mean, families being together again? What's scary about that?" Suddenly a spirit passed through her and turned around. "Excuse me?" "Ah!" Both Twilight and Spike screamed as he jumped into Twilight's arms and she help him close. "Oh! Sorry sweetie! I didn't mean-" The spirit stopped for moment as it realized something. "Wait...that means you can see us!" Twilight and Spike could only nod as they finally got a good look at the her. She appeared to be a tall, middle aged woman with short hair wearing a blouse and skirt. The orange glow made it difficult to distinguish any colors. "Uh...yes?" Twilight responded nervously. The ghost smiled widely. "I knew it! I knew you could help me!" "Help you with...what?" The ghost gave a slight curtsey as she introduced herself. "I am Ursa Brown. I need you to help my living family." "How?" Twilight asked, putting Spike down. "They are at each others throats! They can barely speak to one another without ending up in a shouting match. It's even worse than when I was alive! I'm just lucky they at least remembered to put my photo up so I could come over! I need you to help my mother and daughters sort this out." "So.." Twilight began, feeling torn."You want me to talk to three complete strangers and tell them to get along because their mother's and daughter's ghost told me to?" Ursa shrugged. "Pretty much." Twilight felt sorry for the woman, but the whole thing was still making her nervous. "I'm sorry. I want to help, but my own family needs me here to help with the celebration." "I understand." Ursa sighed. "Your a good person, honoring your family. I wish my own family could follow your example." She woe'd dramatically. "Instead they arguing over who will run our family inn instead of getting along like their poor mama wanted." She put her hands over her face and began to cry. Twilight finally gave in. "Okay! Okay! I'll help!" "Excellent!" Ursa said, recovering immediately. "It's just a few minute walk from here. I'll show you the way, but we have to hurry! I only get to come back today!" She began floating away. Twilight sighed and followed her. What have I gotten myself into?