Day in Paradise

by Comrade Bagel Muffin

Winter Wonderland

Summer Showers woke up slowly. His fiance wrapped in his hooves. He took a long sniff. He didn't know what kind of shampoo that she was using, but whatever it was it was completely intoxicating. He took another deep breath, the smells flavor was just as illusive as it was nice. He moved one of his hooves and leaned up on the bed. He smiled as he watched her sleep her Her light orange sides rising and falling with each breath. He gently and carefully moved a stray strand of her mulberry red mane from her face. He's gaze shifted to the window as the first winter snow storm continued to fall. He watched wishing spring would come quickly.
"Whatcha looking at?" Apple Butter asks. Cozying herself up against her fiancee.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" He asked as he nuzzled her cheek. He wrapped his bronze colored wings wrapped around her waist.
"Nah, I'm fine." She yawned and pulled the blanket up over them. "A bit for your thoughts."
"I just thinking that I'm the luckiest pony alive." He scooted the two of them to the head board. He leaned against the wall and wrapped his hooves around her as well. "When you said yes was the happiest day of my life. Now though I have to wait until the end of winter until it's official."
"Come on Summer we're married in everything but paper and deed." She put her hooves on his. Even though he was a pegasus his legs were still strong. She leaned back against his chest sighing contently as she listened to his heart beat. Letting its continues beating lull her into a near trance like state. "I love you." She smiles eyes half lidded as she watches to snow. While his heart beats steadily and quickly.
"Bit for you thoughts?" he asked after taking a deep breath. He wished that he could put a hoof on what she smelled like what ever it was it was beautiful.
"Hmm, nothing really. I was just, day dreaming." She wrapped took his hooves and wrapped them tighter around herself as she leaned further into him, and grinding herself against him. "I was always wondering if fallen in love would be like those in romance stories."
"Is it?" he asked in a whisper.
"Hmm, no." She sighed. "It's so much better." She smiled and looked up at him and his soft purple eyes.
"There where never any spats. In the romance books I've read." He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "We're both a little stubborn."
"True but that just means that they never got to make up." She leaned up and kissed him. He smiled and kissed her back.
"Hehem, your tail is tickling me Butter." he chuckled and squirmed under the blanket.
"Still ticklish Summer?" She smirked and playfully tugged on his porpoise mane. She moved around and using her earthpony strength pinned him to the wall. She play fully ground herself against him her tail playfully tickling his cutie mark, a bright sun between two clouds. He tried to get away from the playful torture and stood up on his two hind-legs.
"Apppple Butttter stoppp iittt." He laughed pushing against her. Despite his strength he was still a pegasus she easily pinned him against the wall.
"Stop what Summer Showers?" She asked with a playful smile. "This?" She swished her tail over his a cutie mark. "Or This?" She ground herself against him. Her coat tickling his belly. "Well is this okay?" One of her fore hooves started tickling his side. He tried to protest, but wasn't able to get the words out. "Or what about this." She leaned in and nibbled a ticklish part on his neck.
"Appppleee." He laughed. He noticed a mistake that she had made. In leaning in to nibble and tickle his neck she had exposed one of her most sensitive spots. He struggled to catch his breath before going on the offensive. He grabbed the top part of her ear and sucked it into his mouth, and nommed on it gently.
"Ahhhhh." She moaned her legs turning to jelly. Summer Showers took full advantage of the this turn of events. He wrapped her in his for hooves and flopped her on her back, back onto the bed. His nostrils were filled with the strange smell. He looked down on her, and she looked up at him. Her purple eyes full of love and desire. "That wasn't-" Summer cut her off mid sentence leaning down and kissing her. She wrapped her hooves around his shoulders as his copper wings opened. After a minute he pulled back from the passionate kiss, gently biting her lip as he pulled away and panted trying to catch his breath. "fair." she panted her tail swishing back and forth.
"All's fair in love." He said looking her as she lay on her back between his forehooves. "And I love you with all the love in my heart." He leaned down and kissed her cheek, both of their blushes plainly evident.
"I love you too Summer Showers." She leaned up and kissed him. Her hooves glided up and down his sides. He was fit enough to be a Wonder Bolt. She hummed as he idly stroked her mane.
"I'm getting cold. I know we have hot chocolate powder and marshmallows down stairs in the kitchen." She shook her head.
"Don't go. Please. Just stay up here. I'll keep you warm." She pulled him down until he was laying on top of her.
"Okay only if you tell me what that shampoo is." He nuzzled her gently. "It's amazing, it'd driving me crazy. It's smell as nice as you look."
"I'm using the same shampoo I've always used."
"Perfume then?" She gulped and shook her head. His eyes widened as the revelation dawned on him, and he started to pull back. "You're in-"
"Please don't go." She said softly pulling him holding him close but not tight. He could have easily broken away from her, her grip was so loose that her hooves might slid off of him at any point. He stayed there like that for a long second, before leaning back down and holding her tight in his embrace.
"I'll never leave you." He said as he embraced her in a passionate kiss.


He woke up the bed was a mess. He looked over at the alarm clock it was 2 in the afternoon. Movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. He looked at Apple Butter his long mane a complete mess. He gently, moved stray strands from her face. with his free hoof. His other one was still cradling her head. After ten minutes he got up being careful to not wake the sleeping mare until he came back. When he did he had two hot steaming cups of hot chocolate, but full with marshmallows and whipped cream. He kissed her gently.
"Uh, good morning Summer."
"It's already 2:30 Butter." He smiled and handed her one of the hot chocolates. He leaned in and kissed her again, and leaned down and kissed her belly.
"Best day my life." She smiled.
"Best day of your life so far." He corrected. She shook her head.
"Best day of our life so far." She snuggled up close to him.
"I wouldn't have it any other way." He pulled the cover up over the to of them as they cuddled together drinking hot chocolate.