Silent: Windy Chyme's Story

by Phoenix Heart 27

Entry #004

Dear Diary,

I’m scared. Daddy just had to rush mama to the hospital. She was fine a while ago! We was just out on the terrace watering the flower boxes when all of a sudden, she just collaspes (sorry, still working on that word). I had to find mama’s cell phone to call daddy. He wasn’t happy that I called him while he was working, but when I told him mama wasn’t waking up, he stopped whatever he was doing and came home and took her to the hospital. After he took her to the hospital, he came back home. That’s when things got….really bad...I tried to explain to him that I don’t know why mama fell on the terrace! I really did, but he wouldn’t listen. Just kept yelling and--and hitting me. Saying it was my fault that she was in the hospital. I...I don’t know why he thought that. Anyways, now I’m in the bathroom trying to heal myself. My back left hoof hurts. My right wing is bruised. My eye is swollen and I’m sure I lost a tooth or two.

Update: Daddy went back to the hospital like nothing was wrong. He left me here again. I haven't eaten yet, though I’m sure I’ll manage. Also, I just realized I never remember to space my paragraphs in you, Diary. Sorry about that! Anyways, I’m probably gonna make a sandwich and chips for my dinner. If we got any soda, that’ll work too. I know it’s not the “healthiest” of stuff, but it’s all I got for now. So to sum it up, I’m sore. I’m hungry. I’m scared. Pray for me diary.
Wind Chyme (age 6)

P.S.: Dad’s gonna be gone for a while...I think my neighbor can let me crash at her place for a bit.