From Ooo to Equestria

by B_Bubble132

Simmons and Rarity

Where were we? Oh right, hurtling through the sky at 100 mph. anyways, we landed, or rather crashed, into a shop full of dresses.
“Pinkie Pie, Caboose, is that you?” a voice, whom I could only assume to be Rarity, say from upstairs.
“Yeah Rarity, just thought we’d drop in and say hi! And we made a new friend and thought you should meet her!”
“Alright, I’ll be right down, but I must finish this suit for Simmons. The Royal Wedding is coming up, and everything simply MUST be perfect! Just one more stitch, aaand…there, done!”
“Sama, hurry, turn invisible!” Pinkie whispered in my ear. So I did. I heard hoofsteps, and there was a white unicorn standing there, with a curly purple mane. “So, where is the new pony?”
“Right here” I said, turning visible again. Rarity conjured up a couch and fainted. Or at least, it looked like she fainted. She was up seconds later.
“Darling, you MUST tell me how you did that!”
“I dunno. I just…can. I think ‘invisible’ and shut my eyes, and when I open them again, I can’t see my own hoof in front of my face.” I explained
“How amazing! Do you have other powers?”
“Yeah. My coat changes colors according to my mood. Like this.” I looked at Caboose, and my coat turned light pink. And I had a goofy smile on my face.
“Simply dazzling! But what does light pink mean?” Rarity said, and I snapped out of my trance.
“Oh, um…it means love.” I muttered the last bit.
“It means love.” I muttered it again, only more quietly.
“Say that again?”
“It means love, alright? I have a crush on the blue goofball. Happy now?” I said more meanly than I intended.
“Oh, you’re in love! How wonderful! I actually have a ‘crush’ on someone myself.”
“Who?” I asked.
“It’s…Simmons” she whispered the last part.
“Who’s Si-oh right, I have to meet him.”
“Why must you meet him?”
“Because the blue goofball is gonna pout the rest of the day if I don’t meet all of his friends, and if we came here, I’m guessing you and Simmons are next on the list.”
“Oh, well then I shall call him down. Oh Simmons!”
“Yeah Rarity?”
“Caboose and Pinkie Pie are here, they brought someone new!”
“m’kay, I’ll be right down. I just gotta get this suit off.” I turned invisible when I heard hoofsteps.
“Well? Where is she?”
“Right here.” I said. “Can’t you see me?” I said teasingly, and then giggled, then reappeared.
“H-how did you do that?”
“Secret for girls, Grif, and Caboose” my coat turned light pink for a sec. “only. Sorry big boy.” I said to him.
“Am I seeing things, or did your coat change color for a sec?”
“No, you saw right. My coat changed color.” I said casually.
“H-how?” he seemed scared. Guess my awesomeness was too much to handle.
“Vampire/Kitsune powers.”
“WHAT powers?!”
“Vampire/Kitsune powers. And if you’re wondering what a Kitsune is, it’s a fox spirit.” I acted like I didn’t give a flying feather about my powers, but I LOVE being able to turn invisible at will and the other stuff. I’m like a living mood ring! So anyways, back to the story.
“You’re a…a what?”
“How many times I gotta say it, I’m a Vampire/Kitsune.”
“So you drink…b-b-b…blood?”
“No, I just drink the color.” And just then my stomach growled. “Sorry, I haven’t eaten in a while. Rarity, you wouldn’t happen to have some red fabric scraps or something?” I asked her.
“Yes, I have some leftover fabric scraps in the back room, I’ll go get them.” And she walked off. She was back a few minutes later with a basket full to the brim with red fabric scraps.
“I do hope this is enough.” She said once she put the basket down.
“You HOPE that this is enough? This is MORE than enough!” I said happily, and my coat turned yellow for a few minutes. I levitated a few scraps to my fangs, and sucked every bit of red out of them. And then I ate some more, and then a few more. When I finished eating, I had some red on my fangs.
“Darling, you have some red on your face.”
“Oh, sorry, when I’m hungry I get a bit messy.” And I just licked off the extra red. “Hey look, there’s some more fabric in here. I’ll save it for later.” I said. “You know, in case I get a bit peckish and need a snack. You never know.” So I shrunk the basket so it was small enough to fit comfortably under my wing.
“Dear, you seem to be in need of a saddlebag. I’ll tailor one for you.” She said. She hurried upstairs and I heard the sound of a sewing machine.
“Darling, would you mind coming up here so I can measure you for your saddlebag?”
“m’kay, I’ll be right there” I called upstairs. I grew the basket, and then I grabbed a piece of fabric, in case I got hungry during the measurements. “Okay, I’m coming” I called as I walked up the stairs. I entered the only door I saw up there, and was greeted by the sight of fabric, and the smell of red. If you’re wondering what red smells like to me, it smells like snickerdoodles. Ones that just came out of the oven. With chocolate chips.
“Hello darling, your saddlebag is almost done. I just need to measure you for the strap.” she said.
“m’kay. One question…did you make it my favorite color?”
“If dark blue is your favorite color, then yes.”
“Yes!” I whispered and hoof pumped.
“Alright darling, time to measure you.”
“Alright, but how long is this gonna take?”
“Oh, half an hour at most.”
“I’m not sure if I can stand still for that long.”
“Then I’ll just have to use my holding spell.” Her horn glowed, and I couldn’t move.
“This feels weird.” I said.
“Don’t worry, it won’t last long.” Sure enough, about 10 minutes later, the weird feeling went away
“I don’t mean to sound like a little foal, but how much longer?”
“Oh, another 10 minutes or so. Maybe 20.” Another 10 minutes went by.
“Just one more stitch, aaand…done!” and she released me from her grip.
“Whoa” I said as I wobbled a little. “Guess I got so used to not having to use my legs that it’s making me wobbly!”
“Well, it’s done, so here you go. I’ll add the patch for the flap once you get your cutie mark.” She said.
“m’kay.” I said simply. I walked downstairs, and Caboose tackled me.
“What took so long? I thought that you were coming down in a little while, but when you didn’t I thought that you weren’t going to ever come down! And that scared me! And made me a little mad at that Rarity lady. But not very mad. Just a little.”
“Well, I’m fine, so we can go now.” And my coat was light pink with maroon spots. Maroon is what would be blushing if I had been fully human, not just in human form.
“Okay then. We can go and see Church now, right?”
“Yes Boosey, we can go and see Church ‘n Twi now!” Pinkie said. She reached into her mane, and I panicked a little.
“NO! I mean, no, it’s fine, we don’t need to take the cannon this time. I’d rather walk.”
“Okie dokie lokie!” she said. “Let’s head to Twilight’s house!” so we started walking out the door, when I remembered
“OH! I almost forgot!” I levitated my new saddlebag onto my back, shrunk the basket of fabric, after grabbing a few pieces and sucking out their red, and levitated it into my saddlebag. “Okay, I’m ready!” so we set off to this ‘Twilight’s’ house.