The Foal Prince

by Foal Star

Chapter 2: Royal Duties

Blueblood was in shock while looking around his new room, it was now furnished with a fancy looking crib with a mobile of little suns and moons circling overhead. His walls were painted with cute smiling suns all over the walls, and the floor was padded with soft blue foam. A baby blue diaper changing table was set up near the back of the room, with a cute playpen in the center of the room filled with foam blocks and plushies. Comfy Rump looked around the place with astonishment. “Oh, just look at this nursery. Isn’t it just perfect?”

Blueblood blinked with his mouth dropped open in horror as he thought. “Perfect?! This is insane! How could Celestia do this to my room?!

Comfy Rump then bounced over to the closet and giggled. “Oh, I wonder how your wardrobe looks,” The nanny opened it with a gasp as Blueblood groaned, seeing all his fancy tuxedos and suits now turned into suited onesies, and packages of diapers piled up near the back of the closet. Comfy Rump cooed. ”Oh look, Celesta stocked up just for you. I think all these diapers should last you for an entire month. Just look at all the styles.”

Blueblood saw they were stacked by type, with Celestia’s sun styled diapers, cute blue colored diapers, and the thick dark blue diapers with moons and stars printed on the fabric with Luna’s cutie mark on them. He whined. “Tis is a nightmawe, I gonna wake up and weawise this is aw some siwwy dweam.”

Comfy Rump giggled. “Oh really? Well if this is a nightmare, I’m sure you sweet dreams must be ten times more adorable than this.”

Blueblood pouted. “Ya tink tat I wike tis?”

Comfy Rump smirked. “Oh I bet you will.” She then took the foal down, setting him in the playpen, and Blueblood whined. “Come on! Not gonna pway with tese stupid toys, I wana go to my meeting!”

Comfy giggled again. “What, you think the nobles will listen to you like this?”

Blueblood stuck his tongue out. “Maybe not. Bu even in diapees, I stiiww need to do my wwoyaw duties.”

Comfy Rump smirked, just imaging the little Blueblood trying to discuss royal duties, and then cooed. “Okay, deary, let’s get you all ready for your big meeting.”

Blueblood eyed the mare and sighed, seeing the mare was going to dress him up, and groaned. “Otay, weww we can dwess me in somthin’ to covew my diapee, but noting too cute. Maybe just one of te suited onesies.”

Comfy Rump nodded, unable to contain her excitement as she clapped in joy and started going through them. “Okay, sweetie, let’s see what we’ve got. I’m sure there’s something that will fit you.”

Blueblood cringed, looking up at the onesies that were made for a colt with embarrassing slogans printed on them, and in pastel colors of baby blue, yellow, and some even pink!

Comfy Rump took out a little adorable blue colored suited onesie and cooed. “Oh, this is just perfect.” Blueblood rolled his eyes but nodded, seeing that it wasn’t as embarrassing as the other options in his transformed closet.

Soon, the well trained mare was taking the foal to the changing table and started to dress him. Blueblood cringed as the mare changed his diaper and cleaned him up (seeing as he’d unknowingly peed a little) his rump was powdered quite generously, making the little prince sneeze. Then he was placed into a fresh new diaper, thankfully one that was a simple blue in color. He smiled and thought. “At least this Nanny Comfy Rump is being considerate. This diaper isn’t as embarrassing as the one Celestia put on me.

He was then taken from the changing table with magic and drifted down to the ground. He waddled around in his diaper, admiring how it wasn’t too thick but still felt comfortable. He beamed. “What a gweat diapee, defintewy designed fow woyawty.”

Comfy Rump nodded. “Good, now for the onesie,” She turned, took out the cute little blue tuxedo, and cooed, “Raise your little hoovsies!”

Blueblood rolled his eyes but still raised his hooves, as Comfy Rump started dressing him up, snapping the buttons on the bottom. Despite the fact that being dressed was degrading Blueblood blushed, feeling a little warm inside about being pampered like this.

When the nanny finished, Blueblood turned to a mirror and beamed a smile of pride at his apparel as Comfy Rump ruffled his mane. “There you go, all dressed up and ready for anything.”

Blueblood was quivering in excitement as he bounced around with glee. “I aww weady! Come on, gonna be wate! I can’t be wate!”

Comfy just smiled and followed the foalified prince down the hall. She was fully absorbed in seeing the little prince waddling around with pride despite his current state. As a result, she did not notice the guards and maids going about their duties, giggling at the little colt showing off his adorable suit. Despite the diaper being less obvious than his previous padding, it was still visible with its crinkles, and some of the padded material poking out from the leg holes.

Blueblood eventually came upon the meeting hall and Comfy Rump lifted him up as she turned to a maid. “Did you set up a high chair for the prince?”

The mare bowed. “Yes, Nanny Comfy Rump. I also have three bottles of formula ready, just in case.”

Blueblood groaned and rolled his eyes, even as he accepted the fact that he was probably unable to use a regular cup in his current state. He resigned to Comfy Rump lifting him onto her back again, and then she trotted into the room. The place was filled with nobles from Canterlot all dressed in suits, who were smirking at Blueblood as he was seated in his padded highchair.

One fancy noble got up and asked. “Is this really necessary? I thought Princess Celestia was supposed to hold this meeting due to…uh…Prince Blueblood’s unfortunate accident.”

Blueblood crossed his hooves and pouted. “Just becawse I a foaw, dun mean I can’t do my duties.”

The nobles just rolled their eyes and they all sat down and began discussing things about the finances of the Galloping Gala, seeing how much bits were made.

Blueblood’s foalish mind began to wander and looked around the place. He watched a fly buzzing around the indoor plants nearby, then he looked around and became fixated on Fancy Pants  playing with his monocle. Blueblood was so engrossed in his own little world, he barely noticed when Comfy Rump bent down and asked. “Hey, you paying attention?”

Blueblood blinked and shook his head. “Yeah, of cowse I am…” He then trailed off, seeing the bottles of formula and he took out his chubby hooves, trying to grab them instantly. Comfy Rump chuckled, took one of the bottles, and placed it in her mouth. Blueblood began suckling rather reluctantly, but the creamy formula tasted good, so he continued to suckle.

Blueblood mind drifted off, again not paying attention to the various stallions and mares talking. His eyes drooped as he felt the warm formula trickle down his throat, as his mind blacked out and he fell asleep.

Blueblood woke a few hours later, and as he was getting up Comfy Rump cooed. “Had a nice nap?”

Blueblood squeaked, getting up as all the nobles chuckled. He hadn’t meant to nod off for so long. The prince was squeaking as he felt a ping and realized he needed to pee, his now regressed bladders was going to burst pretty soon!

The nobles were chuckling as one replied. “Well, the meeting is about done. We just need you to sign the agreement for the next Grand Galloping Gala. Okay, little one?”

Blueblood nodded quickly, squirming. He did not want to pee in front of the nobles, so he took out a quill and tried to sign with his signature. But it turned into illegible scribbles, and he squeaked as he splattered ink all over the parchment!

The nobles laughed and clapped their hooves as Blueblood then finished his experience by peeing his diaper, and this made the nobles laugh even louder. The embarrassed prince kicked about and whined. ”Stop, it not funny!”

Fancy Pants got up with a smile, wiping a lone tear from his eye. “Come now, everypony. Despite him being a foal, Blueblood is still a prince and deserves our respect,” The nobles calmed down as Fancy Pants took out another parchment. “Here, Prince Blueblood. I made a copy of the original agreement, just in case something like this happened. Never hurts to have a back-up.”

Prince Blueblood sighed as he took out the quill and dipped it into the pot of ink as Comfy Rump held the scroll and helped him write his name.

Smiling, Fancy Pants took the scroll and patted the foal’s head. “I have to say, I don’t think you should be worrying about all these big pony things.” He suggested.

Blueblood scoffed. “So wha? I did well.”

Fancy Pants sighed. “Do you even know anything about what we discussed?”

Blueblood blinked and tapped a hoof to his face. “Uh…fowgots.” He said with a blush.

Fancy Pants chuckled. “Well, that’s alright. But next time, let Princess Celestia do these things, okay?”

Blueblood growled in frustration as he shouted. “Comfy Wump, pick me up by ta dipee!” Comfy Rump shrugged as she picked the foal up by the seam of his diaper, and he shouted. “I a pwince, and I stiww weawning to deaw with this stupid cuwse! But I stiww gonna do my woyaw duties!”

The nobles all were stunned at the little foal and backed up a little as Comfy Rump placed the foal onto her back, blushing. “Okay, I think it’s time for somepony’s nap.” The nobles couldn’t hold it, and they all just burst out laughing.

Blueblood screamed and kicked about, but Comfy Rump skipped off with a sheepish smile.

Blueblood fussed and kicked as he was carried to his nursery “I stiww a pwince! I stiww a pwince!” He pouted.

Comfy Rump plopped the little colt into the crib and put her hooves on her hips. “Hey, calm down, mister! You’re being very naughty. Amd if you don’t calm down, you won’t go the fancy party tonight. You’ll just stay here in your crib.”

Blueblood pouted and kicked his sheets in protest, but he knew that Comfy Rump wasn’t bluffing. So reluctantly, he just settled underneath his sheets. “Fine, I’ww take a wittwe nappy. But ya gotta stop tweatin me wike a foaw in fwont of othew ponies. Is embawwassing.”

Comfy Rump couldn’t help but giggle, before she kissed the little colt on his forehead and cooed. “Oh, but sweetie, you are a foal. I think you’re going to have to accept that one way or another.”

Prince Blueblood shook his head. “Nah uh, gonna do my woyaw duties. I gonna go to ta fancy pawty tonight whether ya wike it ow not.” He then took the covers and threw them over his head.

Comfy Rump shook her head, dimmed the lights and slowly closed the door to the nursery. “For a prince, his manners are quite appalling. Clearly, somepony will have to teach him how to behave.” She thought to herself.

Later that evening, Blueblood was in his cute little blue suited onesie, with his diaper poking through his leg holes. He was strolling up to a fancy little chateau, peering a little as he saw that Comfy Rump was in a fancy little maid’s dress and wearing her super pink and thick diaper bag. The bag bursting with adorable foal supplies. Blueblood blushed, not even wanting to know the kind of diapers she had inside. “Luckily I had a diaper change before this. Just gotta make sure I don’t go potty for the rest of the night.” He thought to himself. He’d have to set aside some time tomorrow to see if he couldn’t potty train himself, at least to the point where he wouldn’t need diapers all day.

Blueblood and Comfy Rump made their way inside. There, they found Fleur hosting the party, wearing a fancy, sparkling gold dress. She smiled at the two and greeted. “Hey there, Comfy Rump. It’s been a long time!”

The nanny squealed in delight! “Oh, Fleur, you look amazing! How’s your little cousin doing? I heard he just graduated from diapers.”

Fleur grinned. “You heard right, he’s an amazing little colt. I think after he’s potty trained, he’ll be Celestia’s next top student for sure.”

Comfy Rump cooed. “Oh, I bet his magic surges were quite powerful. He just loves diapers. Did I tell you about how he created a copy spell, and buried the two of us under a mountain of diapers?”

Other nobles nearby gasped in horror and disgust, as Fleur was laughing and clapping her hooves. “Oh, you have to tell me that story! I assume they were clean,” Blueblood rolled his eyes and grumbled, prompting Fleur to turn and take notice of him. ”Oh, and this must be the adorable little prince who was just regressed.”

Without warning, Blueblood felt his diaper be pulled back and checked by Fleur. This prompted him to squeak. “Hey! No random diapee checks!”

Fleur laughed. “Oh, sorry. I just got so used to doing that with my little cousin. I’ll have to introduce you to him one of these days. Now come on, Blueblood. I have a special guest for you.”

Blueblood eyed her as he was taken further inside the house. It looked like a standard dinner party with both noble mares and stallions standing around, drinking wine and talking, while a band played classical music.

He was taken to the dance floor, where the ponies circled around to the beat of classical ball dance music. And there, in the center of the room, was a little filly. She was a cute little pink coated unicorn filly, with bright blue eyes and a cute frilly yellow mane that poofed around her neck. She was wearing a poofy pink dress with a thick diaper with a heart printed on the back. She was talking to ponies, clearly enjoying herself.

A mare (who Blueblood assumed was the filly’s mother) seemed to be a strict looking gold coated unicorn mare, with a shimmering silver mane and stern purple eyes, with a glassy silvery dress that covered up her cutie mark from Blueblood’s point of view. She smiled, seeing Blueblood as she cooed. “Oh, this is the foal prince I’ve heard so much about.”

Fleur continued as she explained. “Yes he is. While we discuss supporting the school with more funds, let’s have Blueblood dance with your daughter.”

The mare nodded as she explained. “Of course, this is half the reason she came to this party.”

Blueblood got pouty and whined. “I didn’t come to dance with a toddwer.”

Comfy Rump put the colt down as the filly came up. “Hey, just cause I stiww in diapees doesn’t me I not a big mawe wike my mommy.”

The mare smirked, patting her daughter’s head. “That’s right, Flower Petal, such a good little filly.” She then walked off, talking to Fleur as Blueblood rolled his eyes. “Fleur did this on purpose. But Celestia did want us to get some more funds for the school. I just have to play along this one time.” He thought.

Blushing, Blueblood looked at the filly and asked her. “Uh, so ya name is Fwowew Petaw?”

The filly nodded, crossing her hooves. “Yeah, name’s Fowew Petaw, and I thwee yeaws owd. I onwy weawin a diapee because thewe’s no twainin potty awound hewe. And Mommy says I not owd enough to use ta big potty yet.”

Blueblood sighed, that comment just made him all the more embarrassed about being in diapers. “So, ya aweady in poptty twainin?” He asked.

Flower Petal nodded again. “Yep, gots wots of sunshine stickews this week. And Daddy says, if I go aww week without wetting my puww-ups, I gonna onwy have to weaw diapees at night.”

Blueblood rolled his eyes. “Huwway fow ya, congwats.” He sarcastically remarked.

Flower Petal blushed. “So, ya a weaw pwince in shiny awmow wike in ta faiwy tawes?”

Blueblood nodded. “I am, even if I have to weaw diapees.”

Flower Petal went around the little prince and patted the diaper, inspecting it. “Hey, ya diapee is supew thick!” She remarked. “Bet ya is a heavy wettew.”

Blueblood eeped as he bounced back. “Hey, dun touch ta diapee! Tat wude! I dun pee-pee mysewf tat much!” He lied.

Flower Petal just giggled. “Ya funny, pwince. Can we dance?”

Blueblood smirked, dancing was something he still knew how to do. “Otay, but is hawd with tese diapees.” He complained.

Flower simply giggled. “Oh tats awight, come on. I been wanting to dance with a pwince aw my wife!”

Blueblood eyed her and asked. “Aw ya wife? Ya wike thwee!”

Flower Petal shrieked. “So wha?! Tats aw my wife! Now wets dance!” She took Blueblood by the hooves and Blueblood sighed as they waddled around the dance floor, their diapers crinkling and squeaking.

Poor Blueblood was thrown around like a rag doll, his little chubby back legs trying to follow along with the beat. Blueblood fussed as he whined. “Stop it, ya doin it aw wong! ”

The prince stopped the dance and Flower Petal whimpered as she teared up. Blueblood felt the tiniest pang of regret, and reluctantly replied. “Hey, is otay. I show ya how to dance,” He put a hoof on her shoulder and hip as they started to waddle around the room to the beat as Blueblood babbled. “See, tis is how ya dance.”

Flower Petal giggled as she followed along with Blueblood, their diapers crinkling around the room. Adults soon started taking notice, awwing at the adorable little scene.

Soon, Flower Petal’s mother returned with a smile. “Oh, just look at them. Thank you so much, Fleur. I promise we will fund the Canterlot schools to help give them a new swing set, and set up a field trip to Manehatten.”

Fleur smiled back. “Thank you so much. I’ll be sure to inform Princess Celestia of the wonderful news.”

They all turned and watched the cute dance unfolding on the floor, before Fleur noticed reporters in the crowd giggling and writing things down as some took pictures and gasped. She turned to Comfy Rump. “Hey, uh…I don’t want to break up the cute dance. But you should get the prince out of here before his padded rump is on the front page tomorrow.”

Comfy Rump ( having also noticed the reporters) nodded as she quickly came over and in less then a second, Blueblood squeaked as his diaper was pulled up, and he was plopped back onto Comfy Rump’s back. “Sorry, sweetheart, you’re up way past your bedtime.”

All the nobles around burst into laughter and Blueblood was going to shout something at Comfy Rump, but turned to the reports giggling as  they wrote stuff down and took pictures. His face went blank with horror. He snuggled into Comfy Rumps’ mane as she quickly left the chateau, thinking to himself. “Maybe…maybe Comfy Rump is right. What if I’m too young now to do my royal duties?