Playing in the Mud

by The Dark Wolf

Fluttershy and Applejack

Fluttershy was helping Applejack feed the pigs at her farm. The pigs were in a pigpen full of mud.

Applejack had been working around the farm all morning so she was very sweaty, even though she was wearing a white and green T-shirt and a short, tight pair of jean shorts. Fluttershy had just arrived recently, and was wearing her usual white tank top and green skirt.

They watched the pigs eat the food they threw into the pigpen for them, and then the pigs looked up at Fluttershy and started to oink at her.

"They want me to play with them," said Fluttershy. Without a moment's hesitation she jumped into the mud and sat down.

Applejack chuckled. This wasn't the first time Fluttershy had done this, and she knew it wouldn't be the last.

The pigs pawed at the mud a bit, splattering Fluttershy. Fluttershy giggled and splashed them lightly with mud. The pigs jumped and belly flopped onto the mud, splashing Fluttershy and saturating her completely. Fluttershy let out a little squeal, but giggled once it was over. The pigs started to roll around, and Fluttershy rolled in the mud with them.

"Mind if ah join in?" said Applejack, who remembered how much fun she often had in the mud with the other girls these days. Fluttershy still hadn't joined in a mud fight but had always made sure she was sitting close enough to get splashed.

"Not at all," said Fluttershy.

Applejack jumped up and did a cannonball into the mud, splashing Fluttershy and the pigs, and getting her jean shorts dirty. The pigs all started to oink.

"They really liked that," said Fluttershy. "Um, if we're going to have a mud fight, can we just splash each other? I'm not ready for anything rough yet."

"Sure thing, Fluttershy," said Applejack.

Fluttershy splashed Applejack lightly. Applejack splashed Fluttershy a lot harder. Not that Fluttershy could get any dirtier. Then the pigs splashed Applejack and Fluttershy. Whatever parts of Applejack that were still clean were now completely covered in mud. Applejack didn't mind. She liked it a lot.

They had a lot of fun splashing and rolling in the mud for several minutes, before Applejack stood up.

"I got a few other things to do today," she said. "But it's been real fun."

Applejack and Fluttershy stepped out of the pigpen and shook hands. The pigs looked satisfied at playing with Fluttershy and Applejack.

"Before you get back to work," said Fluttershy, "could you please..."

"I'm on it, sugarcube."

Applejack sprayed Fluttershy with the hose, rinsing the mud off her.

"Mind hosin' me down next?"

Fluttershy grabbed the hose and sprayed Applejack. She found it refreshing after working for so long in the summer heat.

Soon both girls were soaking wet and relatively clean.

"Thank you kindly, Fluttershy," said Applejack. "For rinsin' me off and helpin' feed the pigs."

"I'm honored to help," said Fluttershy, and she walked back to her house.