//------------------------------// // Confessions, Part Nummer Zwei // Story: That's What Little Colts Are Made Of // by Jomm the Dino //------------------------------// Confessions, part 2 (Do NOT complain about the shippings.) READER’S POV. Twist woke up before Snails did. She turned around. And saw that the colt was still asleep. “wakey wakey, eggsth and haybacey…..” Twist whispered as she gently nudged him. “mmmmfffff….” Snails slowly became conscious. “What time is it?” “It’s about…..” She looked over at the nearest clock. “4:34” “Oh okay…..” he responded. Twist got up and trotted towards his door. “uuuhhh… Twisty…..before you go downstairs….could you help me sit up?” He asked. “Of course I will!” She trotted back to the bed and gently helped Snails sit upright. “Hey is it alright if I raid your refrigerator?” She asked. “Go ahead, but can you bring me a granola bar and a glass of lemonade?” He responded. “Okay!” she said as she trotted downstairs. …. ELSEWHERE…. Snails’ LOVE speech was apparently doing its desired effect on Ponyville. Everyone was just telling each other their feeling for each other. Ponies who had heard the what he said were telling everyone else about it. “Don’t overreact, Featherweight…..you got this.” Featherweight thought to himself as he stood outside of the apple farm. He slowly trotted up to the door, taking out the Apple Blossom he had pick for his crush. He’s had feelings for Apple Bloom for a few years now. At first, he tried to avoid his feelings for this filly. But today would be the day. The day he will finally admit his feelings for Apple Bloom. He just stood there, shaken, with his face covered with the color of his blood rushing through his cheeks. He slowly raised his hoof to the door. *knock knock* He expected Apple Bloom to answer, but only to find Big Macintosh, who also had an Apple Blossom in his mouth. “Ummmmm….Hello Mr. Macintosh.” Featherweight slowly spoke. “uuuuhhhh….howdy…” He responded. Featherweight shifted his hooves. “So….where you headed?” “Ummmm….to the Carousel Boutique….” The red stallion replied, his face turning darker than usual. “I-i-i-is your sister home?” He asked. “Eeyup. I’ll go get her.” Big Macintosh went back into the house. “Alright. Just remember what Snails said….” Featherweight thought. “Just tell her-“ “HOWDY FEATHERWEIGHT!” He jumped at the sudden sound of Apple Bloom’s voice. “H-h-h-i…..Apple Bloom….” He responded timidly. “What’s wrong? You’re redder then an apple!” Apple Bloom looked at him. Featherweight shifted his hooves, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. “Apple Bloom, there’s something I really need to tell you….” He spoke as he took out the apple blossom. …. Big Macintosh slowly walked over to the library. He’s always been the type of stallion who usually hides his feelings fir a pony, whether its deep love, or deep hatred. Big Macintosh has ALWAYS thought that Twilight was the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria. She was smart, and funny. He told Applejack that he wanted to ask her out, but he didn’t know how. Applejack told her what Snails said earlier, and he decided, “What the hay. I’ll try it”. He was almost at his destination until she ran into Scootaloo, who was carrying a fuchsia zinnia in her mouth. She was blushing furiously. “Ummmm…howdy…” He spoke. “Hiya Big Macintosh…..” Scootaloo replied. “….where y’all headed?” He asked. “Oh……over to the……carousel…..boutique….” Awkward silence. “I was heading towards the library…..” He told her. “Oh….well…okay…..see ya round?” Scootaloo asked. “Eeyup.” As the library got closer and closer, Big Mac felt like vomiting. He had never been so worried in his life. He slowly came to the door, but it swung right open to see Twilight on the ground, along with books and papers. “Oh! Big Macintosh! I’m so, so sorry! I didn’t mean to open the door on you like that!” Twilight apologized. “It’s mighty fine, Miss Twilight.” He responded, while helping her pick up the papers and books. “My, my what a gentlecolt.” Twilight thought. As Twilight put her papers away, she walked over to Big Macintosh. “Oh horseapples, she’s comin’ this way!” Big Mac blushed. “Now’s your chance.” “Miss Twilight?” Big Mac stuttered. “Yes Big Macintosh?” “There’s…uhhh…this…..thing…..I….want….to…tell…..you……” He blushed. “Well I’m all ears.” Big Mac couldin’t finish. He just slowly handed her the apple blossom. … Scootaloo walked down the street of Ponyville. She then felt something, or somepony, hit her body. She looked at the body and saw that it was Pipsqueak, who had a calla lilly in his bag. “Hi there Pip….” Scootaloo greeted. “Hey…..” He greeted back. Another awkward silence. “You goin’ to Dinky’s place?” “Indeed I am. Carousel Boutique?” “Uh-huh.” The thing between Scootaloo and Pipsqueak, they have this awkward way of communicating. It’s like…they can read each other’s mind. “So….see you tonight?” Pip asked. “Yeah. See ya” Scootaloo hesitantly came up to the shop were her best friend lived. She knocked on the door, only to hear, “Its open!” Inside the store was Rarity, sitting on her couch reading ‘Of Mice and Stallions’. Rarity noticed her sister’s Pegasus friend. “Hello there, Miss Scootaloo.” She spoke. “H-H-hi Rarity.” She tripped on her words. Rarity noticed her grammar mishap. “Sweetie is everything….alright?” Scootaloo nodded. “Is Sweetie Belle…ya know…here.” “Yes she’s in the garden in the back.” Rarity responded. “But she told me she was coming over to your house, but she wanted to find a pretty flower for some reaso-“ Rarity looked up at the flustered Scootaloo. “* a WAY too overly-exaggerated gasp* THAT’S SO CUTE!” Rarity squealed. “SSSSHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” Scootaloo tried to quiet Rarity. Rarity pranced over to Scootaloo. “You have a crush on my sister!” “Yeah……but-“ “How long have you been having these feelings?!” “Uhhhmmm…about a year…..” *door opens then closes* “*another overly-exaggerated gasp* There she is! Go ahead tell her!” “Tell me what?” Sweetie Belle asked. She stared at Scootaloo, and Scootaloo stared back. They could both feel blushed coming across their snouts. “Ummm...hey…Scootaloo…” Sweetie Belle stammered. “Hey….Sweetie Belle.” Scootaloo greeted back. Rarity was just staring at both of them. “I’ll give you guys some alone time.” She said as she raced into the hall. She was still peeking though. “Scootaloo…” “Sweetie Belle” They spoke at the same time. Rarity had a huge smile on her face. They looked at each other, and both had the same flower, a fuschia zinnia. They looked at each other….as huge grin and a small blush came across their faces. … Pip trotted over to the Hooves Manor. His hooves were shaking, and his face could easily be mistaken for a tomato. He made his way over to the front door. And he saw a cyan mare exit the mansion. “Thanks, Ditzy! I owe you one!” Rainbow Dash said as she grabbed the gardenia, and was about to take off, until she saw the little colt. “Hey there Pip.” She patted his head. Pipsqueak blushed. “Hello Rainbow Dash.” “Sorry about yesterday.” Rainbow said slowly. “It’s okay. Sorry for cursing you out like that.” He responded. “Sooooo…where you off to?” “To Sweet Apple Acres…..” She answered, blushing furiously. “What about yourself?” “Oh….I’m….here…” he said shaking. “Okay well gotta dash!” She said quickly. She was about to dash off until she remembered something. “Oh and Pipsqueak?” “Yes?” “Good Luck.” She winked at him. Pipsqueak blushed and smiled. “Thanks! You too!” Pipsqueak hesitantly walked up to the door, and knocked. He then heard a racing to the door, unmistakably, it was Dinky. “Hey Pippy!” She squealed as she hugged him. “H-hey Dinky…” Pip responded, trying to keep his cool. “What can I do for you?” “I need to tell you something.” “Tell me what?” She asked in a sing-song voice. “Something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a long time now…” He responded pulling out the calla lily. … Rainbow Dash flew at a slower speed than usual. Her mind was racing. She was about to tell Applejack, the mare of her dreams how she felt. Of course, they were always so very open with each other. And Granny Smith wasn’t too…..sure…about filly-fooling. Of course, she’s okay with it, but she just doesn’t understand the point of it. “Calm yourself RD, you ain’t scared of nothin’” Rainbow said to herself. He came over to a lake near Sweet Apple Acres and started to flash water of her face. “Stay calm, and play it cool. You can do this. Just tell her you love her. Or just tell her a cheesy horrible love pun.” She said out loud. “Actually, Ah’ prefer ‘I love you’ way better.” Applejack giggled. Rainbow Dash’s heart stopped. “Rainbow Dash?” Applejack tried to get the Pegasus’ attention. Rainbow Dash just hung her head, then pulled out the gardenia. Giant blushes were on both of their faces. … “YESTH! HEAHSTHOT!” Twist said as she stole the reloads of a soldier in CoD: MW3. “I didn’y know you were that good!” Snips looked at Twist. “I dabble at video games.” She giggled. Snails looked outside. “Hey what do you think everypony’s doing today…?” He asked Twist. “Oh….you know…..sthuff.” “Yeah….but….what kinda stuff?” Snips and Twist looked at Snails, and then smiled. “Just stuff.” They said simultaneously. A/N yeah WAY shorter than the other chapters and the chapter ending sucks. Read and Review. Next chapter will focus more on Snails! I PROMISE! PipxDinkyDoo Idea I got from BlackShock1995. THAT GUY IS A GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111