//------------------------------// // Confessions, Part Numero Uno // Story: That's What Little Colts Are Made Of // by Jomm the Dino //------------------------------// Confessions, part 1 READER’S POV It was 8:30 a.m. and the sun was rising beautifully on the horizon. All of the ponies (and dragon) were sleeping soundly in the hospital room. All than can be heard was Snails' heart monitor. A few minutes later, Snips woke up and looked at the sleeping couple. Snails' good arm was wrapped around Twist. Twist's head was resting on his chest, and Snails' chin was resting on Twist's head. Snips couldn't help but D'AWWWW at this. "Cute ain't it?" Snips heard someone say. Applejack trotted over to the bed. "Yeah….they are kinda cute together."Snips admitted. "So…since Snails got himself a pretty filly…..is there anypony you've gotcha eye on?" Applejack asked. Snips' eyes grew bigger and he felt a blush coming on. "Uhhhhh….no? Ummmm maybe…." "….who might that be?" She asked. Snips didn't want to tell Applejack who his crush was, so his response was, "uuhhh…you know….a filly." Applejack rolled her eyes. "Whoa seriously? Ah didn't know she was a filly!" She whispered sarcastically. "Okay, I'm sorry…..it’s….oon…” "Come again pard'ner?" "Sil….." "One more time?" "Silver Spoon." Snails said suddenly. Applejack and Snips both turned their heads toward Snails. Snips started to freak out. "Dude why did you say that?" he stared at Snails. "Man, you love her and she LOVES you." Featherweight spoke up. "When did you wake up?" Snips asked, shocked to hear his voice. "Right after me." Pipsqueak spoke up. "Great, now ALL of you know." Snips hung his head. "It’s okay, Sthnips. You won't have trouble winning her over." Twist spoke. "Good grief…..why can't everyone go back to sleep?" He thought. "Wait, what do you mean." Twist sat up. "When we were having a sthleepover, I asked her did sthe have a crush on anypony. And of course sthe sthaid yesth. So I asthked her who it was, and sthe told me it wasth you." She explained happily. Snips felt like he wanted to explode. He never 'like' liked someone who didn't like him back. Then again, he never 'like' liked anyone at all. "But I need advice….what should I do….." Snips looked at Snails. Snails put his hoof on Snips' shoulder. "Just tell her how you feel." "But what if-" "See, love is…..love is…what is love?" Snails Thought "BABY DON'T HURT ME! DON'T HURT ME! NO MORE!" Said a pony walking past his door, gaining a laugh from everyone. "But seriously love is…love is like pie!" Snails explained. "Everyone likes pie! It comes in a variety of flavors, and you don’t know if it’s going to hit you in the face. If you really like a person, then you would just tell them how you feel. A pony shouldn't go out of their way and buy her expensive dinners, roses, clothing, or those types of gifts, just give her the most important gift. Your love and affection. Because buying her things isn't love, It's materialism. The only expensive thing you should by her is the ring you plan on giving her. It doesn't mean you have to tell her immediately. Just give her a flower, or something that really shows that you care about them, and just give it to them." At this point, some of the nurses were peeking through the room. "It's best to tell them what you like about them. The mares LOVE compliments. Tell them how pretty they look. And this doesn't apply to just men. It also applies to women, or even same-sex couples." Some of the ponies in the room started to listen. "And that's another thing. SAME SEX COUPLES ARE NOT WEIRD. IT'S CUTE. There is no logic to it. Two ponies love each other, they date, then marriage. End of story. Do you know how many homophobes there are in Canterlot? About half of those snobs say horrible things about how 'homosexuals aren't people', 'it's disgusting', 'that's weird', 'that's not Celestia's law'. Screw that! If you love a person, You love them. What's more to explain?" More ponies started to listen from the waiting room. "I saw THE CUTEST lesbian couple taking their foal for a walk in Canterlot a couple months ago. Then all of a sudden these teenagers walk by. They were doing some stupid crap then all of a sudden one of them dropped something and then had the nerve to say, 'That's so gay.' I sitting on the bench with my dad and I'm like 'what the buck? How is that gay?". How would they like it if I said that's so 'raggedy punk-ass sixteen year old teenager?' Would they like it? Nooooooo. But the moral of all this, let her know how you feel. Say what's in your heart. If she rejects you, which isn't going to happen, then you two were never meant to be. In face I wish everypony in Equestria would just admit who they like. Either that or every couple who's been dating for…..ehhhh at least a year, and know that they want to be with each other should get married. So did that help Sni-….uhhhh hello?" Everypony in the room were wide away and staring at him. "Uhmmm…..I like pudding?" he said. "That was an epic speech." Featherweight spoke up. "That was amazing, Snails." Sweetie Belle spoke up. "Ahh….just something I wanted to share with….Snips." "Ah didn't know ya felt so strongly about that…." Apple Bloom stated. "Yeah….most of the stuff I just said I learned from cheesy romantic comedies, chick flicks, soap operas, and romance books." "Oh my you read romances?" Almost every girl asked him, except Scootaloo. "I LOVE romances." He admitted. "I didn't know that!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed happily. Then Doctor Wise walked in. The blue unicorn had a big smile on his face. "Well I've got good news and bad news." He started. "Which do you want to here first?" "Good news!" Snails responded. "The good news is that your heart is doing much better and you will be release in around 7 p.m. tonight. The bad news is that the staff won't be able to see you as much as they want now." He chuckled. "YESH!" he whispered. "Well I better be getting back on the farm!" Applejack said sadly. "And I should go too….Angel bunny is probably worried sick." Fluttershy spoke up. "I have clouds to clear." "And I have to open the library back up. Come on Spike." "So I guess it's just us now." Snails said looking around at Featherweight, Twist, Pipsqueak, Scootaloo, Banks, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Snips, and Pinkie Pie. "Yes, darling. I have no orders in at the moment so why leave? Plus my back is killing me." Rarity explained as she walked over to the recliner. "ahhhhhh….much better." "Yeah and I have the next three days off from Sugarcube Corner." Pinkie Pie told him. Rawrrrrrrrrrrr… "I think I'm hungry." Snails said adjusting his bed to make him comfortable. "I BROGHT MUFFINS!" Derpy shouted as she, Dinky, and Jomm (what my human OC will be addressed as from now on) entered the room. "How's my favorite one of my favorite colts doing today?" Jomm asked as he threw himself on the couch. "Fine, thank you!" Snails responded. Then he smelled the most awesome thing in the world. "What is that heavenly smell?" "Oh I know how hospitals have very bad food so I took it upon myself to make you some food! I made you three jumbo blueberry muffins, eggs, sunny side up, the way you like it, a daisy sandwich, and sausage!" "Smells excellent!" He exclaimed. "Awwwww man did you bring some for us?" Scootaloo asked. "Pssshhht girl I got you guys covered." Derpy said. "Jomm aren't you gonna eat?" Snails asked. "Oh, I already ate." He explained. As the others began to eat, Snails decided to asked Snips a very important question. "Snips, why do you like Silver Spoon?" Snips nearly choked on his food. "Well…..uuhhh….." He couldn't put it into words. "She's…nice." "Uh-huh. What else?" "Okay screw that, this filly is awesome and so super cute, she looks so sophisticated and she stopped being friends with Diamond Tiara, thank CELESTIA. She’s sweet, and she’s the only filly who gave me a card for Hearts and Hooves Day! She the most amazing filly ever, and…" As he kept explaining, Silver Spoon secretly came up behind Snips, absorbing every word he said. Everypony's jaws dropped. Her mane and tail were like Fluttershy's, her mane covered one of her eyes, and she didn't have her glasses. "It's like every time I see her it's like, my heart stops, my brain races, and…..I love her…now I sound like a creeper." He hung his head. Silver Spoon covered his eyes. "Wha-who’s there?" He asked. "Me….." she said, giggling. Oh Sweet eight pound six ounce baby Luna….. "Spoony?" he stammered. "I love that nick name." He turned around and noticed her. He just stared at her. "Hi…" she blushed. "I….I can't put into words on how amazing you look…." She giggled. "Yeah I straightened my hair, and my mom got me contacts, to show off my eyes more." "You look magnificent….." Snips said, causing her to blush. "Awww...you're so sweet." She kissed his cheek. Pinkie was shaking in her seat. "M-m-must…..resist…..the DIABETES!" "YES! YES WISE YES !" they heard Nurse Redheart scream happily, hugging Doctor Wise, and they heard happy cheers and clopping. (not like that.) "What in the heavens going on?" Rarity stepped out of the room. "Dr. Wise just proposed to Nurse Redheart!" one of the other nurses explained. "Awwwww….how sweet." Snails said to himself. "But he's so nervous, what made him do it this time?" Pinkie asked. "That guy right there." The nurse pointed at Snails. "Snails, do you have any idea how happy I am right now?" Nurse Redheart trotted into his room. "Ummm…very?" he asked. "YES VERY! Because of what you said, by coltfriend finally proposed to me!" She exclaimed. Nurse Redheart and Doctor Wise began working as co-workers about three years ago. Then one evening, He asked Nurse Redheart if she would consider dating him. Of course she said yes. They dated for two years, and after hearing what Snails had to say, he decided to pop the question, her answer obvious. "Congratulations." He said. "A match made in heaven." Pipsqueak said. A loud burst from the entrance door and two ponies came rushing toward Snails, both had huge smiles on their faces. "Lyra! Bon Bon!" Snails yelled. "Guess what?" Lyra asked. "What?" Nurse Redheart asked. "We're dating now!" Bon Bon yelled. "AWWWWWW!" was all that was heard from the room. "Thanks to this colt right here!" Lyra explained. "YEAH WAY TO GO SNAILS!" Featherweight shouted. "What did I do?" He looked confused. "You encouraged us to confess our feelings for each other." Lyra explained. This made Snails feel good inside. "Thank you Snails!" They said as Lyra kissed his left cheek, Bon Bon kissed his right, and Nurse Redheart kissed his forehead. His face was solid red. "But not to bring up bad things, but why would you ever want to kill yourself?" Bon Bon asked. Snails sighed. "Because I had a bad day yesterday…..I felt like a waste of time." "But you are a VERY intelligent kid." Nurse Redheart told him. "You sure are wiser than some of the kids I know around here." "And who or what would make you ever think that you are a waste of time?" Lyra asked. "Stinger." "Well that figures…" Redheart responded. "And Knock-out and Fracture." Snails added. "Those two?" Bon Bon asked. "And their parents." Snails finished. "We'll have a chat with them. You have our guarantee that they won't bother you again." Lyra told him. "They were arrested yesterday." Nurse Redheart explained. "For what?" Derpy asked throwing her trash away. "Yeah….what did they get arrested for?" Lyra asked. Snails ears drooped. "I'm not hungry anymore…." He said as he put his food aside and his head under the covers. "they were planning to kill snails." Nurse Redheart whispered. "what?" she whisper-shouted. "yeah they had a bag full of miscellaneous weapons. They were going to do more than kill him." Snails could hear her. He started choking on tears of sadness. Bon Bon heard this and slowly pulled the cover off of him. He was indeed crying. "Don't cry sweetie, don't cry…" Banks stood up and started to rub his cheek. This brought tears to everypony's eyes again. Twist was hugging Snips, and the others were leaning on each other. "Dang it…" Lyra quickly wiped a tear from her face. Nurse Redheart pulled a chair and started to nuzzle his nose. "Calm down sweetheart, don't stress yourself out." "I-I-I wanna go home….." He hiccupped as he laid on his side (left side but not on his arm) Twist started to stroke his mane. "We'll be home soon…" Snails started to shake. Bon Bon grabbed his hoof and started to stroke it gently. "Please calm down Snails." Pinkie Pie came over and started to rub his back. "Relax, Snails, it's okay…." Snails' cry turned into whimpers. Pinkie continued to rub his back. "That's better." She said soothingly. Snails wiped his eyes and sat up. "Sorry…." "No I'm sorry for bringing it up." Nurse Redheart hugged him. "And thanks again…." "Yeah thank you Snails." The two mares said. Doctor Wise came back in the room. He looked at Banks. "Yeah it's best if we released him now….because he's been through a lot in the past day. So I'm going to prescribe him some pain killers. He needs to take them every four hours if needed. I'm also going to put him on medicine to raise his sodium levels. Mrs. Banks, does your son eat salt?" "Snails never has eaten salt and never will eat salt." Banks explained. Doctor Wise thought for a minute, and then laughed. "That explains his sodium levels. Are aware that you son also has two tattoos?" "Yes, he got them after his parents died." Banks explained. "Those are very nice tattoos…" He told her. "Woah you have a tattoo!" Scootaloo gasped. "Yeah, so does Snips." Snails explained. "That's cool….." The CMCs, Featherweight, and Pipsqueak admired their tattoos. Snails had a tattoo of his mom's cutie mark, a blue sun, under his left arm and his dad's cutie mark, a salt shaker, under his right arm. Snails got his mom's cutie mark, a razor blade, on his neck. "Didn't that hurt, Snips?" Twist asked. "Nah….well….it doesn't necessarily hurt, but then again it wasn't a pleasant feeling." He explained. "Oh….okay…." "Alright….all set to go! It was nice having you here Snails. Come back soon….wait…..not as a patient!" The doctor told him as he finished writing the prescription. Snails laughed as he was wheeled out of the hospital. "Okay I will." All of the nurses came and hugged Snails before he left. As they were about to leave, Nurse Redheart told him, "If there's anything you'd like to talk about…..I'm all ears." The other ponies went to Sugarcube Corner. "Hey Snails?" Pinkie called out. "Yessum?" "Come by Sugarcube corner around 6:30." She said. He simply nodded. Twist and Snails went home along with Banks. Because of his leg, he had to use crutches. As the stepped in their home, Banks told them. "I'll be in my room sleeping. Don't hesitate to wake me up if something is wrong." "Okay thanks mom!" he said. "Snails can I use your phone?" Twist asked. "Yeah it’s over there." She walked over to the phone and told her what happened yesterday. Her mom gave her full permission to stay with Snails as long as she liked. After the phone call, she helped Snails up to his room. His room was pretty neat for the average thirteen year old. ALL of his furniture was black. His bed was circular with black sheets, covers and pillows, and what remained of his shelf stood perfectly against the wall. He had a 42 inch plasma TV, along with a HayStation 3 (yeah that’s right) with the games Call of Duty: Modern Warmare 3 and Fallout: New Pegasus on the table next to it. He had a black A/C which he always kept at 32 degrees, and a black ceiling fan with blue lights. "Thanks, Twist." He said as she tucked him in. "Not a problem." She responded. "No….thanks…..for not leaving me….." Snails added. "It'sth okay….." Twist blushed. "Are you hungry?" "No just tired." He told her. "Stho am I…that bed wasth uncomfortable….” She agreed. She then noticed something she didn’t notice before, It was FREEZING. She started rubbing her arms. “Why isth it stho cold in here? Are you like a vampire of sthomething?” "It helps me sleep when I'm stressed." "Well you're gonna have to sthare that blanket." She said as she crawled under the blanket. She giggled as she snuggled close to him. "Better?" she asked, blushing. "Much better…." Snails replied as he grabbed her hooves as the cute couple soundly fell asleep. A/N Read and review. Oh and the speech was based on a gay rights commercial with Wanda Sykes. Look it up!