Fuss Budget's First Day.

by Jaycren

Everything According To Schedule.

Princess Luna sat upon the newly refurbished Lunar throne. Her courtroom once more open. At her side was her Sencshcal Fuss Budget. Impeccable of dress, he briefed the Princess on those that sought an audience with her.

"Court will start, precisely, at 3:01:02, giving time for the oiling of the doors to take effect. You're first Petitioner will be from a Tradesmen Union. He made the appointment for 3:02:03, but will erroneously go to the Solar Court. Which would've made him late, so I moved his appearance to 3:09:55. I took the liberty of posting a Night Guard to lead him here. The Tradesmen Union he represents has not selected a name yet, so he'll be making one up on the spot. He'll in fact be founding it in this court.

Flipping through his Schedule Book, FussBudget then continued. "You'll then have a surprise presentation, along with a group heartsong, but as most of that event is governed by the Quantum Uncertainty Principle, I can only say that it'll occur after the Earth Pony finishes at 3:45:01. The only thing of certainty is that all the Guards in attendance will be unconscious and said surprise will be pleasant. You, I, and the above mentioned Earth Pony will be the only ones that view this event.

A Pause to wait for any Questions from Princess Luna followed by Fussbudget closing his schedule book. "In fact, my belief that you need such a thing, after Nightmare Night was so nearly a disaster, is why I'm allowing this one bit of chaos into my perfect schedule. Afterwards, promptly at 4:55:02, Princess Twilight will come in, to see how you're doing and also to see if we can annul a marriage. Namely, hers to her Coffee Maker, which she herself officiated, upon her first cup of coffee that very morning. Afterwards court will adjourn, you'll go to breakfast with your sister and I'll go scream at Kibbitz about how utterly sloppy his scheduling is, condensing him to a pile of quivering jello over such inaccuracies."

"Uhm, Fuss?"

"Yes, Princess Luna?"

"Kibbitz, schedules down to the minute."

"Exactly, which leaves seconds, NanoSeconds, and Quantum Moments, where each choice leads to the creation of a different timeline, like one where pony couples realize their love, belting out heartsongs, as dark things begin to gather in the shadows and an unseen villain tries to protect us all. Just so she can once more....."


"Yes, Princess Luna."

"Shouldn't we start Court?"

"Don't worry that was scheduled."

"What was?"

"My rant, the doors are opening right on time."

True to his words, the doors to the Lunar Courts was indeed opening Exactly at 3:01, Luna took Fuss's word on the seconds. Shaking her head she waited the requisite 8 minutes, as a Thestral walked in, followed by a large Earth pony.

He had a Greyish Black coat and short cropped white hair. His Suit was the brightest White Luna had ever seen, his shirt Scarlet, his tie so black it seemed more a dark crack in reality showing the darkness between all things. His chest muscles sufficiently prevented the darkness entering Equestria.

The Guard announced him.

"Presenting Union Representative Graveyard Shift."

The pony stepped forward, kneeling, he waited.

Princess Luna smiled, it was nice for a pony to consider her preferences for some of the old ways. Also, it gave her a chance to examine the lines of this one and even at his age, WOOF!

Smiling, she announced, "Rise Petitioner, how may we assist thee this night?"

"Your Ladyship, I've come here to establish a Union for a group that, through no fault of your sister's, may she be blessed, has been ignored. Not out of maliciousness, merely because of one simple fact. That we're up through the night and do those labors unseen."

"Which means you've little time for trying for representation in the Day Courts, because all of your members, after a night of labor, would need to rest through the day, as I do. Tell us, who exactly would be represented within this Union."

"It'd be all Laborers that work during the nighttime hours. We've very specific needs that have to be addressed. Including, appropriate scheduling, proper amount of sleep, access to food and refreshments, in particular Coffee or other preferred Caffeinated beverage, and health benefits. Not to mention, reevaluating compensation, as working at night can lead to certain problems that can often be more expensive then those that work in the daytime deal with." He paused, this was the part that he knew could sink this.

"Please continue. You've said nothing to insult or demean my night. You've kept to the facts, that these are facts I'm not fond of is irrelevant. They need to be addressed. Truth be told we're flattered that there are those that choose to work through the night for the betterment of others. Knowing how we can ease such burdens would be beneficial to all"

"Thank You, Highness, it's gratifying to hear that our Princess cares so much for us."

"Your Princess?"

He cursed himself the slip, still best way is forward. "Yes, OUR Princess. Celestia's watched over us for thousands of years. All of us that work during the night are grateful, but honestly, it's the legends of you that we looked to. Those of us that worked in the night could look to the sky and see a Princess that so cared for us that she stopped the sun from rising, so that others could see the world as we do. You defied, everything. We only had to look to the moon to feel that love. To feel how much you'd driven yourself to make those of the daytime see. Yes, it broke you in the end, but that's something that all who toil thanklessly within the night have in common. We break, we get jealous. Why should those in the daytime have all the fun, we did all the work. What'd they do? All of us have had to face that. Then we'd look up at the moon, and their was a Princess, an Alicorn, that'd faced the same thing. That was still fighting. Then you come back and you're honestly one of the most beautiful, kindest mares in Equestria. You retrained yourself, rededicating yourself to the service of your subjects. Those in the daytime may not have seen that, but we did. The maid that brought you a midnight snack at your request, saw and remembered, the custodian looking to the castle saw your light. All that toiled through the night knew that OUR Princess was back and not only cared but worked as hard, if not harder then any of us. So, a group of us started meeting and discussions of our shared problems began. We knew that you where fair, we knew you cared. So, that group reached out to more, until finally we heard that at last you were ready to once again open your court. We held elections and I was selected to come to you, asking you to recognize, before all of Equestria, The Union of Night Laborers."



"Give us the required papers."

"Here they are, Your Highness, I've filled them out, all you need to do is sign them and fill in the name."

"Thank you Fuss."

She turned her attention again to the older stallion, tensing she noticed that during her distraction a jet black pony had approached Graveyard from behind, she looked to her guards, they where not at their posts. Luna called forth her magic when Fuss laid a simple hand upon her. She looked to him, holding up his hand he bid her check the time. it was 3:45. Time for the surprise.

"Hello, Graveyard." The Stallion of Darkest Black rumbled

Graveyard Shift, swiftly moved to the side, a low boiling rage in his eyes. Turning, he beheld who had crept so close, prepared to teach such a foal a lesson in respect. To Luna's surprise, the older Stallion started laughing.

Embracing the younger newcomer he shouted his joy, "Nightingale, I should've known. You really shouldn't sneak up on somepony my age, you nearly gave me a heart attack." Clapping his arms around Nightingale, Graveyard greeted the other stallion as a brother. Luna again, was appreciative of Graveyard's..... character.

"I'm sorry Graveyard, but I think you've taken enough of the Princess's time, might you give someone else time to present themselves."

Graveyard's smile fell, his eyes narrowing, "You're planning something." But then his smile was back and he once more bowed to Princess Luna.

"I beg apologies, Princess, I and this one have known each other a long time. I have not seen him lately and I always considered him more a little brother then a friend. My outburst was most unprofessional."

"Not at all Representative Shift, it's good for the Night Court to occasionally wring out with such joy. But we must continue."

"Of course, highness."

"Graveyard." Nightingale clasped the Union reps arm, then quietly, "Whatever happens next, I always considered you family too. Afterwards, I'll understand if you hate me. Things are about to come out, things kept in the shadows a long time."

Graveyard shook his head. "That's the problem with you, always so serious. You saved my life, kept all of us in the night safe. Nothing you could say or do would make me stop being your friend."

"Graveyard, after this, I'll be lucky to not end up in the palace dungeons."

Graveyard chuckled, "So, tomorrow night the coffee and pastries are on me then? Talk to the Princess, I'll be to the side, whatever happens I'll be there. Even if it's just to slug you for being stupid."

Walking over to the benches the elder pony leaned back, easing the world from his shoulders.

"So, what is it that makes you think you'll end up in the Dungeons, Hmmmm?"

Nightingale snapped back to were he was. Then laughed. "Princess of the Night, you really do earn that title. I am, or was Captain Nightingale of the Canterlot City Night Watch and I've come to ask, why?"

Princess Luna quirked an eyebrow, "Why?"

"I believe these are what the captain is referring to. I took the liberty of gathering them together, once I was certain of his intentions." Fussbudget interjected, handing Princess Luna a stack of papers.

A snarl formed on Luna's face, frost radiated from her throne.

"These are Reassignment Papers!" Luna growled. She turned to Fussbudget, "Fuss would you return these to the Captain?"

"Of Course, Highness."

"Captain, those did not come from me, I'll be having a talk with my sister about POACHING later, until then would you like to give these papers their proper response?"

"It'd be my Honor, Highness."

FussBudget threw the clipped papers in the air, as Captain Nightingale Monk's hood of the City Night Watch drew and sheathed his sword, the papers nothing more then confetti.

Princess Luna, closed her eyes, breathing rhythmically she brought her powers under control. Upon opening her Eyes she addressed Her Captain.

"You've a glamour that conceals your true appearance, why?"

The Captain smiled, he knew this was a risk. "Because among the Night Watch a secret has been concealed since before you left."

"Really? A secret? Not one that harms our ponies, is it?"

"No, all those that know are bonded by it. It's why none of us wanted reassignment, since it'd mean the breaking of a trust that has been held for centuries."

"Then it's time it's ended, I'll have no more secrets. Those of us in the night have a responsibility to no longer allow such things. So, tell us this secret and remove your glamour. The time for such things is over."

"Yes, Highness." He recited his story, as his glamour fell, Black scales, replacing black fur. The horn atop his head staying to show his pony heritage. The glamour continued to drop to reveal a pony shaped head with a mouth filled with fangs, and hands tipped with sharp talons. "Before the coming of Nightmare Moon, a mother who had no children of her own gathered children that no mother wanted. She bid them follow her into the night, singing a song that called to each child alone.

Luna's hand rose to her mouth, it couldn't be. Those children had to have been lost.

Nightingale continued, "The children followed their new mother into that wondrous first night. She loved them as her own and they loved her. But, the overwhelming sadness that had caused the mother to call these unwanted little ones, sickened her. Until in her sickness, she had to sleep for a while, so that she could regain her health. However, the children had been forgotten by those of the day. They bore those of the day no ill will, merely wished to do as their mother would've done. So they went into the darkness, learning all they could from it. Never seeking power, only seeking to protect those of the day from that which would hide in the darkness. They, no, WE made sure that when our first mother returned she would have only the quiet safety of the night. That she would never have to face the horrors that polluted her night ever again." Here Nightingale stopped. He brought up his hand and beheld it.

Luna began to rise from her throne, this was one of her children, one that had done much to make his mother proud. FussBudget again placed a hand upon her wrist, signaling her to let Nightingale continue.

After a brief time staring at his arm, the Dracony continued his narration. "So it was for many years. A curious thing began to happen though, those of us that remained faithful began to resemble those things we stood so much against. We had none of their appetites, and could use the powers we'd gained in the service of our mother. Many more years passed and those of us that where children of the night no longer changed, for we where born this way. So, in order to prevent fear and mistrust we placed glamours upon ourselves, so that we could walk in daylight as well as night. Such had been our custom until your return, Mother. All of us, remember your love for us, as you sang it to our parents, so it was sung to their children, so it was sung to us.

He began the lullaby, as Luna herself had sung so long ago.

Soon other voices took up the Song as they formed up rank behind their captain.

The first to pick up the song was a stallion of white coat, his mane almost translucent, feeling the temperature drop, Luna knew, this one had the blood of a Windigo.

The Next to take up the song was a small mare, who simultaneously seemed to want to hide behind her mane and sing at the same time, her dark coloration and almost cloudy, shadowed appearance showed the influence of the Umbrum.

Another came, this one so like the previous that they could've been siblings, but where she was shy, he was confident. His sparkling appearance reminded Luna of an Ursa.

Still another came, a swirl of bats, forming into a fanged Pegasai, a vampony

On the last verse one last Pony arrived, she was large. Her mouth held fangs and vines wrapped parts of her body, A timber pony.

Luna beheld them as the song ended, this group was the result of what was her greatest sin, now become Equestria's greatest blessing.

She looked once more at her children, internally squeeing at the Umbrum Mare's cuteness. Proudly, she addressed them.

"I'm proud of you. You have helped bring about something that even in my madness I wanted. For the night to be valued as much as the day. For it not to be feared. You, my Night Guard have done this. I love each and every one of you." Not being able to contain herself any longer she shot forward and embraced her favored.

"And you're so adorable." Noting the uncomfortable look on the Mare in her arms she quietly asked. "Is everything all right?"

It was the windigo blooded that answered, "Phobias was convinced that you'd banish her because of her Umbrum heritage. Forgive me, I'm Petite de La Morte. I serve as the Night Watch's coroner, My dearest Phobias their is responsible for the southern Canterlot Garrison."

Luna looked to the mare in her arms, "Daughter, know that I'll never send thee away. All my children are precious to me, and none will I ever send from me."

Phobias laid her head on Luna's shoulder, closing her eyes, she took comfort in the Alicorn's embrace.

The Ursa pony grumbled, "I'm Morpheus, Phobias is my sister. I'm head of the forensics division of the Nightwatch."

The Vamp pony introduced herself next. "I'm Apple Bat, I attend to the western garrison. And it's unfair mother that you get to snuggle Phobias so long, I haven't had the chance yet."

Luna looked at Apple Bat darkly. "It's a Mother's prerogative to snuggle any of her daughters for as long as she can," Luna smiled mischievously, "So I'll just have to hug you both." quickly wrapping her arm around the well endowed vampony she pulled Apple Bat in, the Pegasai letting out the most adorable squeak.

The timber pony stepped forward, Luna was struck by how tall the mare was, it was not everyday that somepony could look her in the eye. "My name is Timber Jack, I guard the eastern garrison and I also hold the dubious honor of being this ones second in command," Timber gestured to the Dracony.

Luna smirked, "Do you want in on this hug too?" She teased.

Timber grimaced, "No, I'm quite fine, besides it appears there's no more room, highness."

Luna smirked, "Oh, daughter dear, There's always room for one more."

Giggling Apple and Phobias moved with Luna, all three wrapping their arms around the stout mare, pulling her close.

Nightingale just laughed, which is why he didn't see Graveyard's punch before it connected with his face.

"Representative Shift what're you.....?" Nightingale held up his hand, then shook his head.

"Princess, I and Representative Shift need a moment."

"I'll say we need a moment, you stupid dayworm. You been lying to me all these years. Why? Because your a Dracony? Boy, I been working the docks for decades, before that I worked everything from Garbage to Maintenance. All of them Night Crew. That's my special talent, working labor at night, and in all that time I have seen some strange shit. Most of which we've talked about, you saved my Cellestia Fucked life, you protected my guys from going on years now, and did it ever occur to you to be honest about yourself with me!! You think I'm some prissy little Canterlot Noble that'd give a flying FUCK that you where some kinda Half breed. Or whatever your particular ancestors happen to have been!" Offering his hand to the Dracony, the much larger stallion yanked Nightingale into a hug. "You're my brother in all but parentage, you asshole. Like I would remotely give a shit."

"Sorry Graveyard, it wasn't my secret to tell."

"Just shut up and hug me back you fucking idiot."

The two men, hugged each other as brothers once more, but soon duty called.

"Alright, officer's we need to return to the Garrisons. If we're going to integrate all the new oncoming changes the Thestrals are going to bring, we need to get started." Nightingale ordered, after being released from Graveyard.

"Yeah and I got to contact the Union and start organizing things, Princess Luna it's been an honor and a pleasure,"

Luna watched the Union Rep leave before shaking her head, "Oh, the pleasure was all mine," She growled.

Apple Bat's Giggle brought her back, seeing Phobias blush and Timber looking everywhere but at her, she groused. "What? I can't appreciate a handsome stallion? I may be several thousand years old, but your mother isn't dead yet."

"Yes, on that note I think we should all leave," Nightingale said. His horn glowing, his glamour began to form, the others of her children, taking the cue, called their own glamours.

Luna's eyes narrowed in anger, "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" At Luna's Royal Voice, the glamours dissipated.

"I said before, that such deceptions are DONE!!!!! I'll not have any of you hide behind such enchantments. You should all be proud of who and what you are. I'll be writing a press release on this very thing. Representative Shift, I'm sure will back us. You are MY LITTLE PONIES, I'll not have any of you hide your beautiful faces, unless required for your duty. Such things are for those you fight AGAINST, not for you to use to hide BEHIND."

Fussbudget stepped forward, "Indeed, the time has come for all of you to step forward into the light, enjoying the fruits of your labor. It'll be hard, but it's time that things are corrected. If the Thestrals are to be a part of this world we need the Children of Luna to stand with us, we need their help. For you to have lived in Equestria for those thousands of years that we've been away, it's not right that we get to rejoin the world, while you who've protected it, hide within it. Princess, I took the liberty of writing up a rough draft of a press release I think you might find acceptable. I give it to you so you may go over at your leisure.

"Thank You Fuss."

"You're most welcome Princess."

All filed out of the room, as Princess Luna reascended to her throne, plopping into it, she turned to Fussbudget.

"Fuss, didn't you say that Twilight would be stopping by, about this time?"

"Not at this moment Princess."


"Princess Luna, just stopping by to see how you are doing, TEEHEE." The youngest Alicorn came in, dragging what looked like a very expensive coffee maker.


"She had 2 more minutes, before she was scheduled to arrive. Now she is on time."