//------------------------------// // camping is only slightly depressing // Story: Storm of My Fury // by Flurryshine //------------------------------// The day was a bright one. The birds were singing as they flew from tree to tree. The roadside flowers were blooming in delicate pinks and yellows. All was right in the world as the ponies travel on their journey. Flurryshine had her wings tucked tightly under her cloak as she walked at the front with Twilight at her side. The others of both respective groups were all intermingled behind them, each of them carrying saddlebags for their journey ahead as the talked and laughed together. Flurryshine and Sparkleshine were the only ones without saddlebags. Sparkleshine exploited it to run between everypony’s legs and bounce in front of Flurryshine as she trotted backwards. “She sure is energetic,” Twilight said to Flurryshine as she looked down at the little unicorn filly. “Yeah,” Flurryshine answered flatly. Twilight could only sigh. This had been the way things were going since they left Ponyville that morning. Everyone else was excitedly talking amongst themselves, while Flurryshine seemed to brood impassively. It was maddening to Twilight. She knew Flurryshine didn’t exactly have a normal upbringing, but this was ridiculous! She just seemed set in her motions and not paying much attention to anypony! It was almost noon and that was all she had gotten out of the grumpy alicorn this whole time. “If you don’t mind me asking, what’s eating you today Flurryshine? You always seem grumpy; I’m kinda used to that. But, today you seem…I don’t know…bored?” Twilight asked, hoping she could get some form of reaction out of her. “That’s because I kinda am. Braying Cliffs is one hay of a walk northwest of here. Since it’s easier to hide my wings versus my horn for daytime travel, I am stuck hoofing it the whole way. So, yeah. I’m pretty bored,” Flurryshine replied. “Oh, come on. I’m sure we could make it less boring. You said your parents were from different parts of Braying Cliffs society. Would you mind sharing about that? You know, the part before everything went bad in the end,” Twilight tried to ask cheerfully, only to realize how dumb it sounded. “Fine,” Flurryshine agreed to Twilight’s surprise. “Mom was a white unicorn. I know shocker, right? Something unusual about Braying Cliffs is most of the ponies are white. It’s weird compared to how everywhere else is filled with colorful ponies. Braying Cliffs…almost everypony has a white coat,” Flurryshine began her tale. “That is interesting. Did your mom have your hair too?” Twilight asked, urging Flurryshine to keep talking. “Nah, it was all blue. Dark blue, but blue none the less. She was a really nice mare. She was about our age when she met my father. He was a hot shot as a young stallion. He felt so superior to others because he was from a high-class family. He also had a way with fire. Pyro kinetic, I heard someone say once. He was so good at it; he earned his cutie mark in that talent. He is red and black though. A really imposing stallion when you first see him. I don’t remember how they said it happened. But, basically my father was being rebellious flying near the valley and crashed into my mom. It was love at first crash,” Flurryshine said, with a small smile trailing on her face as she remembered her parents. The other ponies had gone quite as they listened to her story. “Well, what happened next?” Twilight prompted. “They started meeting in secret at the halfway point between the valley and pegasi district. They had so many adventures together. Father said they once drank from a magical spring that made them a bit taller than other ponies. Kind of explains my size, if you think about it. Well, when they had me, mom kept me for a lot of my foal life. When I got old enough to help keep up with their rouse, they began trading off who had me and disguising whatever part of me wasn’t acceptable where they lived. It was a strange foalhood, but it gave me a chance experience life in a way no other foal in Braying Cliffs could. I understood that all ponies were the same on the inside, that we didn’t have to hate each other. So, I had my friends meet me at the halfway point my parents met at for their secret meetings. At first, the idea of them comingling amongst each other was hard to get across. But, they came around,” Flurryshine continued. She smiled back at her friends at the last part. “Hehe, yeah. It was so weird that first meeting. I was the only pegasus there. Then we all found out Flurryshine wasn’t what she looked like to us. I don’t regret it though. Springflower is like my best friend now!” Periwinkleflight said before swooshing down to give the green unicorn a hug. “That’s right. I never would have dreamed I would be friends with a pegasus before Flurryshine united us,” Springflower replied. “If only all of Braying Cliffs were like you guys,” Twilight said offhandedly. “Yes, if only it was…When mom died two years ago, I had to try to hide my horn constantly because I lived with my father. Then a year ago, the hat I was wearing fell off in front of visiting council members. Periwinkleflight and my father tried to cover for me, but it couldn’t be helped. They saw what I was and demanded an explanation. So, my father told them my mother was a unicorn…You can guess how it went from there,” Flurryshine concluded before hanging her head low. “Aw, come on now sugar cube. I have seen ya with more fire in ya than that. It’s gonna be okay. That’s all in the past. We’ll put those narrow minded ponies in their place,” Applejack consoled from her place in the motley crew of a herd. Flurryshine gave a curt nod as she raised her head high with her all too familiar scowl. Sparkleshine bounced to her side and mimicked her. It was almost humorous to see the stern gaze of Flurryshine right by Sparkleshine’s cute imitation. It almost made them comical to look at. The herd looked at them and couldn’t help but laugh. Flurryshine looked at them confused before she rolled her eyes. She bent down and scooped Sparkleshine onto her neck. The tiny filly slide down to find herself seated on her cousin’s back. Flurryshine’s wings supporting her from under the cloak. “We gotta long way to go. Relax for a bit, Sparkle,” Flurryshine commented without looking back at her. Sparkleshine nodded as she lay with her stomach along Flurryshine’s spine. Her tiny head propped up on the back of Flurryshine’s neck and she just chilled out. Twilight then had a thought that was slowly uttered as the question, “Why is your cutie mark a wand with magic, Flurryshine.” Glancing at her own flank for a moment, Flurryshine responded,” Not really sure. My talent only I can do is magic related, but I don’t know where the wand comes end.” “What is your talent, darling?” Rarity asked. “Hmhm, you’ll see when we get closer to Braying Cliffs,” Flurryshine replied as she grew quiet. This time, however, she was smiling and not wearing a brooding scowl. With a swoop to the front of the herd, Rainbow Dash faced Flurryshine and commented,” No offense, but can we talk about something other than you?” Flurryshine held her smile as she laughed a bit and replied, “Haha, I have to agree. I fill a little um… pretentious? We won’t talk about me anymore. Um, who are you again?” “Ha! They call me Rainbow Dash! The fastest flyer in all of Equestria, if don’t say so myself,” Rainbow Dash was quick to say. “Hmhm, when all this is said and done, I’ll have to test that claim myself,” Flurryshine said with a cynical smile on her face. “Count on it!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she rushed back to Fluttershy and Periwinkleflight. That evening the herd of our heroes found themselves making camp in the nearby woods. Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Snowbreeze were setting up the tents. Springflower was preparing food with Pinkie Pie over the fire Periwinkleflight had started. Rarity found herself scouting the area with Flurryshine and Rainbow Dash. Sparkleshine was acting like the tiny filly she was, and running about the camp. Once Flurryshine was sure there was no reason to fear having some wild animal or anything dangerous would stumble upon the camp, she led Rarity and Rainbow Dash back for supper. Springflower had prepared a great little stew. The mix of the few vegetables see had brought from Ponyville and the plants in the surrounding wilderness made a spectacular taste no pony had ever tasted before. Ten tiny bowls were passed between the ponies. At first the mane six were confused why only ten bowls had been packed when there was eleven ponies present. It soon made sense as Sparkleshine pranced over to Flurryshine’s slightly larger bowl. The tiny unicorn quickly began to gobble almost more than her fair share. Flurryshine smiled down at her younger cousin and she relaxed near her. She waited patiently for her to finish eating before she took part. Sparkleshine lifted her head and smiled at her cousin. She clopped over to settle down at Flurryshine’s side. Taking this cue, Flurryshine began to eat her share of the stew. “I see you found some marjoram,” Flurryshine said as she raised her head from the bowl. “Ah, you noticed. I couldn’t resist adding it. It makes everything a little sweeter, I believe,” Springflower replied, smiling proudly. “Marjoram? What the hay is that?” Rainbow Dash asked. “It’s an herb. Its most commonly compared to oregano,” Twilight explained. “Riiiiiight,” Rainbow Dash commented. The ponies ate happily until the stew was polished off. Springflower and Snowbreeze gathered the bowls to be cleaned in a stream not too terribly far away. The others began preparing for bed. They would all have to get up early to break camp and make sure they stayed on schedule. Rainbow Dash headed to her shared tent with Rarity and Fluttershy. Applejack and Pinkie Pie went to their tent they would soon share with Twilight. Periwinkleflight was tending the fire. Twilight watched this all before turning to Flurryshine. She was surprised to see the alicorn was missing. Not only that, but Sparkleshine was also gone. Curious to their whereabouts, Twilight told Periwinkleflight she was heading out for a brief walk and left. The lavender unicorn felt a strange calm in the night of the forest. She headed deeper and deeper still. The forest grew thicker and darker. Twilight cast a small illumination spell from her horn. It did little to break in the shadows that crept around her. As she trudged onwards, there was a break in the forest. There was a pool that fed the stream Springflower and Snowbreeze were currently washing the bowls in. The pool stood under a rocky outcropping, an outcropping with a waterfall spilling into the pool below. Twilight looked upon the moon bathed pool with awe. There was no magical quality to the scene before her, but it held her in a wondrous awe. A glint near her hooves caught her eyes. She soon recognized the metal bracers she looked upon. She raised her gaze to look again for their owner. Flurryshine broke the waterfall’s symmetric flowing. The alicorn allowed the water to rush over her. Little Sparkleshine pranced through the falling water below her. Sparkleshine then dived into the pool and began to swim about happily. Twilight watched the two silently. She could see this somehow brought solace to Flurryshine by the look on her face. The alicorn allowed herself to be washed in the falling water. She even spread her wings, to allow them to be bathed as well. She was completely at ease. Twilight couldn’t see an ounce of the pain she always saw upon Flurryshine. “Beautiful isn’t she?” a quiet voice whispered beside Twilight. Twilight jumped a good foot into the air from shock. She looked about in fright. She eased when she turned to see Snowbreeze. Then she tilted her head puzzled by her comment. It was an odd thing for one mare to call another beautiful. It was made even stranger by the fact they were both watching Flurryshine bathe without her knowledge of their presence. “Hmhm, don’t look at me like that. We know it both to be true she does look pretty. In her happiest moments she shines her brightest. You almost…can’t see the scars,” Snowbreeze whispered with a chuckle. “The scars?” Twilight asked quietly. She looked back to try and see what she meant. As she looked harder, she could see faint slivers of pink scar tissue at the base of her neck. These scars were also near the hoof of all her legs. They were tiny from this distance, but why hadn’t she seen them before now?! Then she noticed that the scars would have been covered by her bracers. A lump grew in Twilight’s throat for a moment. She didn’t ask where they came from. She knew by now where it came from. All she could say was one thing. “Why?” Twilight asked in small whisper. “When she tried to break the enchantments placed on her braces, the magic discharge cut deep into her flesh. She struggled for months to break the enchantments. The scars were formed with each attempt,” Snowbreeze explained quietly. Twilight hung her head low. Braying Cliffs seemed worse the more she heard about it. Snowbreeze nudged her shoulder and turned to leave. Twilight followed close behind her. They left Flurryshine and her cousin to finish bathing in peace. Snowbreeze kept quiet as she walked gently down the path. Twilight followed close behind. She slowly raised her head to look Snowbreeze in the face. The white unicorn turned and smiled as she waited for Twilight to speak. “Since I met Flurryshine, I feel I am becoming more depressed as the days pass,” Twilight said half-jokingly. “Sorry about that. You’re pretty much caught up with the most depressing parts of our lives. Well, except the fact that most white ponies in Braying Cliffs are highly eligible to catch horrible diseases. We believe it has to do with the higher amount of white ponies to begin with,” Snowbreeze replied with a smile. “That’s…sad. It’s almost morbid you’re smiling at that too,” Twilight said with obvious signs of being creeped out. “Haha, I am used to it as all. Well, goodnight,” Snowbreeze replied as they entered camp. Twilight looked around in surprise she was here so quickly. She sighed and headed to her shared tent to find Applejack and Pinkie Pie waiting for her. The sight of her friends brought a smile to her face. She quickly settled down between them. Snowbreeze was doing the same as Periwinkleflight doused the fire and joined her two unicorn friends in their tent. Twilight slowly fell asleep as she watched everypony settling down for the night. Crunch. Crunch. Twilight looked up drowsily. It was very late in the night. She strained to see what was moving in the dark. Slowly her eyes made out Flurryshine’s figure strolling into camp. The smaller silhouette of Sparkleshine prancing around her hooves came into view. She saw Flurryshine nose her rump towards the tent were their three friends were sleeping. Sparkleshine trotted towards it slowly before turning around and nuzzling Flurryshine’s muzzle. Flurryshine sighed before walking over to the doused fire. Flurryshine settled down quietly. Sparkleshine was quick to curl up next to her. Flurryshine opened one of her wings enough to cover Sparkleshine’s body. She too joined the tiny unicorn as they both settled down under the stars. Twilight could only smile before she too resettled down to rest.