The Narrator Hates Us All

by TRIBOT 4000

Crimson Vision Pt2

Crimson Vision opened his eyes slowly, as the first little bits of sunlight began to sprinkle over us red-furred face. He had just woken up from a very nice nap, one which had rejuvenated him enormously. Suddenly he felt movement to his left side, turning he saw the face of a mare who was the brightest shade of pink...

...he jumped off the train in hopes of his survival...

...Crimson couldn't find the button in time...

...He tried once more to find the love of his life...

...Crimson couldn't escape the love of his life...

Crimson Vision opened his eyes slowly--

"Alright! I get it!"

Hmm? Wait. Wait, wait, wait. You can hear me? Oh dear, oh dear. This isn't right, you shouldn't be able to hear me. this is the forty third time.

"Forty third!?"

Why yes. I'm afraid I may need to make a decision.

"What decision?"

Well, I shall have to choose whether to continue narrating your story or to move on to another story.

"Wait. So you can do that?"

I wouldn't have said I could otherwise. Do you take me for a liar?

"No, no, no. I don't know what to take you for. Honestly I think I'm just going crazy. How many times have I woken up?"

The Narrator remained silent, deliberating whether or not he should answer. Besides, was Crimsons mind able to handle this information?

"Who the hay is that!?"

My boss. Try to ignore her. She has a lot of places to be so she only walks in now and then. No worries. Now, for the important part of this discussion: whether I should leave you or not.

"What happens if you leave and what happens if you stay?"

Well, if I leave then this story ceases to exist. If I stay then your story will continue until I get you to a point where you can take care of yourself. You see, when a character in a story enters a dilemma they have to have a narrator to make sure that dilemma is solved. If there is no narrator for the story, then there is no story.

"Wait, how does that work? What about the daily dilemmas in life? Why are there no narrators for those?"

Oh yes, well that is because, at that point you become the narrator of your own story. It's all very hard to explain so I would appreciate it if we could move on.

"Okay, okay, fine. Just, don't get me killed. Alright?"

Yes, yes fine. Now, ahem Crimson Velvet arose from his bed swiftly, in hopes of finding a way out of the troublesome predicament he found himself in. Making his way out of the room he noticed that the apartment building was eerily quiet. As he exited the apartment building and went outside, there before him stood the mare named Applejack from before.

'Ah' she exclaimed happily 'There ya are. Glad to see yer still kickin' Crimson trotted over to her and asked what was going on, and why he had been waking up in so many different horrible ways. 'Well partner' she said, with her country drawl showing more than ever 'It looks like I've gotta help ya out of this then. Follow me'. The two new companions then ventured forward, past the abandoned buildings of Detrot. It was a strange sort of empty, as if there was no one there to begin with. The city still looked livable, the sidewalks were clean, the buildings themselves looked cleaner than they ever had.

During their travels, Applejack explained what was happening, that Crimson was not the only one waking up, over and over again. A dimensional rupture caused by a strange spell had caused several ponies to wake up in the bodies of different versions of themselves, each one different in some way. You had to either die or be stressed out for the restart to happen. The only way they could get out of this loop was to find the original unicorn who had cast the spell.

After some time they came to a strange building that Crimson knew was never in Manehatten. It was tall, slender, almost female. It's entire structure was different shades of white and grey. The doors seemed to jump several generations forward in time. The two ponies entered and searched the interior of the structure, which was much like the outside; clean and highly technological.

After some searching them eventually came to an elevator. Why they had not seen it before was beyond them, perhaps they had gone temporarily blind, maybe the elevator had been invisible for the time being, maybe they were just stupid. Whatever the case, at least they had found the elevator at all.

'I hate him.' stated Crimson as Applejack pressed the "up" button. He must have forgotten what could happen to him if he said such things. His memory was not a good one. Applejack chuckled at his short memory, all knowing of the mental disability he had.

As the two headed upwards they got into a meaningful discussion about life, and how things had gone so far. Why had all this happened? Was there some greater force that wanted them to go through this horrible reawakening? If so, why would it want that in the first place? Maybe it was for entertainment. Maybe it was because the one who wanted this couldn't continue to contain his ideas and boredom was reigning. Maybe this was an arms against boredom, to help these ponies see the error of living life without meaning. Whatever the cause, all that mattered now was to escape this dream world as soon as possible.

'I'm getting hungry' said Applejack, as her stomach growled. Luckily for them, two bags of chips spontaneously appeared on the ground before them. Oh how lucky they were for this particular world to grant them such fortunes.

After the much needed snack, the elevator finally came to a stop on floor 666. They glanced at each other nervously. What horrors could possibly exist past this metal door? What indescribably terrible beings laid in wait? The door opened, and there, before them, sat...

Oh dear.

"What? What is it?"

Mister Crimson, I am terribly sorry but I have to leave now.


No worries, I'll wrap this up for you real quick. ahem, there before them sat a little purple filly. She told them she was sorry for accidentally sending an old spell from the past into the future and promised it would not happen again. The world then went black and Crimson woke up again on the floor of warehouse, the one that the afore mentioned party had taken place.

Ah, there. Now I'll go. Goodbye Crimson!

"That was a bit quick don't you think?"

I'm sorry but I'm on a tight schedule. Now for the words.

He lived Happily Ever After.