//------------------------------// // I like that about you. // Story: I like that about you. ~ Appledash Short Story // by Mal Dash //------------------------------// The sun was nearly coming up after a rainy night. Dew covered small flowers and the wet grass shook softly in the wind. The residents of Ponyville were waking up to a beautiful Mothers Day. Around the town, you could hear young fillies and colts waking up to surprise their moms. Pinkie Pie was out of town visiting her fillyhood home, the rock farm. Fluttershy was up in Cloudsdale with her mom, dad, and brother. Shining Armor and Cadence had picked up Twilight, along with Spike, and took them to Canterlot to surprise their mom, and mother in law. Rarity and her little sister, Sweetie Belle, were in Manehatten, picking up their mom for a day of fun. Starlight and Sunbursts' mom and or dad had come to see them here in Ponyville. Twilight had prepped the castle for the visit. Applejack, however, couldn't celebrate mothers day, per say. Since her mom and dad died when she was just a filly, she and her siblings had turned 'Mothers' Day, to 'Grandmothers' Day. Since Granny Smith had taken care of the three young apples for most of their lives, they believed this was going to be the perfect change to things. The apple family had been getting by just dandy without the mare and colt who gave birth the three young. Of course, they all missed their mom and dad dearly, but they had to come to the point here they excepted it would always be this way. Applejack had gotten up even before the morning sun rose over the peek of the small hills. She had made Granny Smith's favorite apple dish, apple fritters, all morning, making sure they were perfect. Applejack loved making her granny smile, it brought her happiness. Applejack somehow finished early this 'Grandmothers' Day, so she had some time to think about this day. Gee, I wonder what this day would be like if I really had my ma to spend it with. But, honestly, I have nothing to complain about. I have a beautiful home, a loving family, and the best friends in the whole world. My friends. Gosh, I wish I were able to see them today, all of their ma's and pa's are so kind. Huh, the makes me wonder where Rainbow Dash is during this holiday.. Fluttershy must know, right? They both used to live in Cloudsdale. Maybe I can go catch Fluttershy before she leaves for her ma's. And with that, she galloped over to Fluttershy's cottage, that was place right at the edge of the Everfree Forest. The Everfree forest was avoided by almost everypony in Ponyville. But, like Fluttershy, Applejack didn't have a problem with it. Applejack approached the cottage door. She raised her hoof to knock. She knocked two times, and that was all it took for the meek Fluttershy to peek through the wooden door. Fluttershy smiled when she saw her country friend. "Oh, hello Applejack, how are you today?" Fluttershy said, opening the door, revealing all of her animal friends that were scattered everywhere, either sleeping, eating, or fighting with another animal. "I just came because I had a quick question, if that's alright with you, 'Shy." Applejack smiled at the light yellow Pegasus. Fluttershy nodded her head, "Of course, ask away." "Why does nopony ever see Dash durin' Mother's Day?" Applejack asked as she repositioned her Stetson. She looked back at Fluttershy, whose facial expression had switched from a smile, to a sad, sad frown. Applejack frowned at Fluttershy. The Pegasus seemed to let out a quiet sigh. She ever so slightly shook her head from one side to the other, then looking down at the ground. She finally spoke. "I'm sorry, Applejack. I can't tell you," Fluttershy sighed as she looked back up at the orange mare that stood before her, "I promised Rainbow I'd never tell anypony in my life. She even made me pinkie promise once I found out." Applejack was disappointed if she were being honest. What could possibly be so bad? Rainbow always said how awesome her parents were, so she had to have been up flying in the blue, cloudless sky. It was always cloudless on mother's day here in Ponyville. Applejack took a glance at the sky and saw many clouds. She thought that was strange. Rainbow Dash had always had the skies bright and blue. And sometimes, when she wasn't to lazy, would turn clouds heart shaped, or spelt out 'Happy Mother's Day!'. Applejack thought Rainbow loved this holiday. She spent so much time up in the sky making other ponies happy. What could possibly have held her back from doing that this year? Applejack's thought were cut off once Fluttershy spoke once more. "I'm pretty sure if you ask her, she would tell you, Applejack. I know she trusts you." Fluttershy smiled softly. Applejack nodded. She said her goodbyes and thank yous to Fluttershy, and left just in time to give Granny Smith a great morning. But even though she was having a wonderful time with her family, she couldn't help but this about that Rainbow Dash. Applejack really loved the cyan mare, she has for a while. Applejack loved everything about that Pegasus, her rainbow mane, her smile, her personality itself. But the thought of Rainbow Dash having something to hide, was worrying to the orange mare. "Applejack!" Applebloom came outside to where Applejack was feeding the pigs, "Scootaloo just came over and said she saw Rainbow Dash walkin' towards the Ponyville Cemetery. I remembered ya told me that somethin' was goin' on with Dash, so thought it might help, sis." Applejack raised an eyebrow. The cemetery? "Thanks, sugar cube. I might go check on her, thanks for lettin' me know." Smiled the worried Applejack. Applebloom smiled and trotted back into the big red barn, where Scootaloo awaited her. Applejack, however, started walking through the apple trees. She knew a shortcut towards the cemetery. As she left the apple path, going to correct way into the entrance of the small cemetery, she noticed a cyan mare, in the far corner of the gated area. Applejack slowly walked up. She was about to say something until she heard Rainbow taking. To herself? No. She was talking to a gravestone. Applejack couldn't see what name was engraved into it, so she just listened to her best friend speak. "Mommy.. your little Dashie's finally grown up now. I'm sorry I haven't came since I was a filly, but I didn't think I could handle it until now. Memories have been coming back and haunting me. I love that I remember you.. I really do.. but it hurts. I really wonder if you'd be proud of me. Like who I have become, ya know? When Daddy left me.. I was all alone. I guess that's why I care so much about Scootaloo, she doesn't have a family either. I wish you could be here.. or at least I wish I could be up in heaven with you.. you died because of me, you shouldn't have taken the stab for me," Rainbow Dash's voice was choky and low but high enough for Applejack to be hearing perfectly, "Everyone's so lucky. They have family to go to when they need somepony to be their for them. I don't anymore. Maybe if I weren't such a stuck-up, full of myself, jerk.. I'd still have Spec.. all I am to him is just a slacker, a loser, and everything else. I wish I could believe myself when I saw I'm cool.. I'm far from it. I wonder all the time if you would think I'm cool. I like to talk a lot now, because I have a similar voice to you. But, there's no doubt about how annoying I get. But, Mommy, if you can hear me now, just know I love you. And I'll be here next year, alright? Happy mother's day, Momma.." Rainbow's voice faded away with a tear falling down her face. Her magenta eyes glossed with tears, shining in the dim light of the sun slowly setting. Applejack felt like her heart had simply leaped out of her body. She had no idea Rainbow lost her mom, and the fact she didn't have a family at all. Applejack simply felt awful. "R-Rainbow..?" was all Applejack could get out. Luckily, it did catch the mares attention, Unluckily, it scared her a bit. A small flinch was shown as she popped up onto her hooves. Rainbow turned around, and tried acting like everything was fine, "Oh! Hey, AJ. Sup." Applejack shook her head, she looked at the Pegasus, "Ya realize I just heard every word that just came out of that mouth of yours, right?" Rainbow's eyes widened in surprise. She shook her head and flicked her hoof, "What? I wasn't talking.. I was just.. uh.." Rainbow had no excuse. What was she supposed to tell Applejack? AJ was the element of HONESTY for Celestia's sake! How could she like to the most honest pony in Equestria? Rainbow knew there wouldn't be any dodging clouds in this race. "F-Fine.. you know now.. whatever.." Rainbow kicked the ground. She let a tear escape from her magenta orbs. She hid her face in embarrassment. She was crying, in front of the pony she always wanted to impress. She was crying, in front of the strongest pony ever to trot the land. She was crying, in front of the mare who she has always called her best friend. She was crying, in front of Applejack Apple. "Dash, why didn't ya tell me?" Applejack said, taking a few steps towards her friend and slowly wrapping her into a hug. She had never felt Rainbow cling onto her so tightly. She felt a few hot tears drip onto her orange coat, but she didn't care. Applejack sat there, holding Rainbow close, until she was done crying, or done with the loud uncontrollable sobbing. "I didn't want to be more annoying then I already am.." Rainbow was able to say in between a long breath, after she let out another small sob. She hated crying, she was supposed to be strong. Applejack still felt just awful. "Rainbow," Applejack forced her friend to look at her, "You ain't annoyin'." Rainbow Dash's shoulders fell, her head lowered in shame, "I'm so self obsessed and cocky, it's annoying, and I know it Applejack. You guys shouldn't have to deal with me." "Rainbow, all of us have our annoyin' sides," Applejack smiled calmly at the mare, "Haven't ya though about Pinkie Pie? I'd say she's a bit more annoyin'." That made Rainbow smiled a tad. The thought of any of her friends gave her a bit of joy. "But what's important right now," Applejack frowned again, "Is you." Rainbow tilted her head to the side, her typical confused look. Applejack shook her head. "Rainbow, I'm so sorry you lost your ma, and that your pa left ya. You are so amazin' I just can't believe your own pa would leave ya like that. Just to be alone. But I need you to know, that you ain't alone, okay? I will always be right by your side if you need me, I ain't ever goin' to leave my best friend to cope with this herself. You don't deserve to be sad, you don't deserve to not have a family," and that's when an idea popped into the earth ponies mind, "And that's why, for the final hours of Mothers Day, you are comin' over and spendin' it with the apple family, alright?" Rainbow's eyes widened, "Applejack. No. I can't just intrude. I'm not an apple, and today is about family. I don't have one, thus I can't pretend I'm in one." "You ain't goin' to be intrudin'. Rainbow, ya mean so much to me, honestly. I don't know what my life would be like if it weren't for you. You've always been so good to me, so lemme be good to you back." Applejack smiled at the cyan Pegasus. "But still, it's a family day. You're in the apple family, I'm in.. party of one Rainbow Dash fun zone. Awesome people allowed." Rainbow rolled her eyes just hearing how stupid she sounded. "Well," Applejack placed her hat onto Rainbow's choppy mane, "Who said ya can't be an apple?" "Geez, you just have to be so nice to me all the time. I lo-" Rainbow shut herself up immediately. Blinking her eyes, she stood up. Applejack did the same, she chuckled. "Ya know, if you were about to say 'I love you', right back at ya." Applejack winked at Rainbow. Rainbow was in disbelief. "I- what- brain not functioning- HUH?!" Rainbow Dash's eyes were the size of a bowling ball. "Since when does your brain actually function?" Applejack teased her friend. Rainbow rolled her eyes. "You caught me off guard. Not cool, Jackie." Rainbow said, playfully glaring. Applejack stopped in her tracks. They were walking to Sweet Apple Acres by this point. Applejack smiled warmly. It had been so long since Rainbow has called her Jackie. The again, it's been a while since she's called her 'Dashie'. Rainbow stopped and looked back at Applejack. "AJ?" The cyan Pegasus looked confused at the earth pony that stood right in front of her. Applejack could only smile, that nickname brought back so many memories. Rainbow Dash would call her Jackie whenever she felt the happiest. But, wasn't she just so sad? What made her so happy? "I just.." Applejack looked into the magenta eyes that belonged the pony before her, "It's been a while since you've called me that." Rainbow blushed, "I miss saying it, I guess. When we were little, I guess you were the only family I had. You treated me like your own sister, and you still do. I just, don't get why." Applejack frowned. She picked one of her hooves up off the ground and repositioned her own Stetson that was on the top of Rainbow's head, "Because, Dashie. I love you." Rainbow sniffed, she still had left over tears falling, "Do you mean that?" "Of course, I do... you mean everythin' and more to me, Rainbow. You light up my whole world." Applejack kissed the rainbow maned Pegasus' cheek, causing her to blush lightly. "Sorry.. it's just that.. nopony whose ever said that to me really meant it.. I lost trust when my mom.." Applejack shut that cyan Pegasus right up. "You don't have to bring it up, okay? I know how hard it is to loose your ma and pa. I get it, Dash. But, I don't know what it's like to have nopony to love you. The apple family is one of the biggest families in Equestria, so I have so many ponies I can talk to or just plain out have a good time with 'em. Rain, from this day on you're allowed to call yourself an apple. I couldn't imagine not havin' anypony, I just can't. It would just feel-" Applejack was cut off. "Awful.. it feels just awful.." Rainbow said sadly. Applejack had never felt so sorry for someone in her entire life. Applejack never would have thought someone as tough, brave, and independent like Rainbow Dash, would have gone through so much pain, and still is. "But now you have somepony," Applejack allowed Rainbow to nuzzle into her chest, "You'll always have me, sugar cube." Rainbow smiled as she dug her muzzle into Applejack's chest. She felt so safe, so warm, ...so loved. Rainbow finally had somepony who would love her. She never thought she'd ever have somepony. Rainbow felt everything sad in her body flush away. Rain slowly started to drizzle on top of the two mares. Rainbow wasn't aware the rain was going to start at this time. "Oh, come on! Do I have to go teach you guys how to follow the rain schedule AGAIN?!" Rainbow yelled angrily into the sky, at nopony at all. Rainbow glared. "Those weather ponies. Can't follow rules." Rainbow sighed. The two mares began walking again towards Sweet Apple Acres. Rainbow then forgot about something, "AJ, wait." Applejack had no time to look at her friend before she zipped back into the cemetery really quick. Applejack tagged behind her. Slowly, Dash approached her mothers gravestone once more. "Momma.. I'm going to be okay. I got AJ. She's really nice, trust me, mommy. You would love her," and with that said, Rainbow smiled at the gravestone for the first time, "Bye, Mommy.." The Pegasus turned around to see Applejack standing there, smiling. Rainbow smiled too, one of her eyes were squinted, which just made Applejack find Rainbow even more cute than she already was. It was something about Rainbow Dash that made her heart skip a beat, made her feel nervous, or just made her smile like an idiot. But she loved that rebellious Pegasus. No matter how stubborn, annoying, and dangerously daring Rainbow Dash is, Applejack cannot help but love that mare. As for Rainbow Dash, she felt almost the same way. The thing different, was that Applejack cured her sadness she had been holding back for so long. Applejack, still, couldn't believe the tough Rainbow could truly be in so much pain and nobody would realize. Rainbow Dash now felt loved again. No matter how much she failed in life, Applejack never gave up on her. Even though she may not have her family anymore, she now has five best friends, one being her marefriend, an almost little sister, Scootaloo, and an entire apple family who already love her just as much as they love Applejack. Weeks after Rainbow had gotten used to her new life, she looked at Applejack with a sly grin on her face. "I'm 20% more sure than you that I'm going to win." Rainbow smirked. Applejack shook her head. "I'm 120% more sure that you that's I'm goin' to win." Applejack teased her friend. The both glared playfully at each other. "Oh Celestia, I'm so competitive." Rainbow rolled her eyes at herself. Applejack laughed silently. "Yeah, you are," Applejack put her hoof around Rainbow's neck, "I like that about you." -------------------------------