//------------------------------// // Time to meet students // Story: Celestia's Bad Tea Day // by Cocoa Fortune //------------------------------// Celestia went back to her room and laid her face down on a pillow on the floor. She laid there without moving, with such a hatred for how she had handled everything. She laid there and laid there, oblivious to the time. I’m no longer the princess of Equestria, I’m going to just resign and be the princess of this pillow. Twilight can take the job, she’s good enough. The door will open in ten seconds, and Raven will remind you of today’s schedule. Go away. “Come in!” Celestia feigned a smile, looking at her assistant with the fakest expression in the land. “Princess, I can sort out any problems and I’ve cancelled all your non-essential appointments for the day.” Oh, thank myself. Forget Twilight, I should just make Raven an alicorn and promote her to princess! “Though you do have the new students coming in today, so I left that one open.” Okay maybe alicorn princess is too much of a promotion. Maybe a unicorn baroness instead? “I do like to meet my new students…” Celestia pondered, “well, I am a teacher after all. I’ve been looking forward to this for days, it would be a shame to cancel. Tell Professor Weasel I’ll be down in just a moment.” “Right away, princess.” Celestia magicked up a scroll that had been by her side for the entire week. A list of 25 names, ponies coming from all over Equestria to learn from a princess. It brought a tear to her eye, thinking of the many ponies to come before them. Maybe she would meet the next princess of Equestria, just as she had met Twilight many moons before. Before the stars appear, two ponies you shall meet. The hero in the shadow and the villain in the light. United, they will be a force to safeguard Equestria. Divided, their battle will threaten to destroy it. Funny, for a voice that can see into the future you have a habit of repeating yourself. “Princess Celestia!” cried an entire crowd of young foals, each one glowing in all senses of the word. “My my, you must be next year’s class. It is my pleasure to meet you all,” Celestia bowed to them, which left the horde gasping, “I’m princess Celestia, and I will be your teacher.” That tall pony will try to get your attention in a minute. Don’t ruin this for me, foresight. “Princess! Princess!” shouted a rather tall pony, “will you be teaching us how to be heroes?” “I will be guiding you on whatever path suits you best, little ones,” Celestia knew it was best to be tactful, “and if heroism is that path, then heroes you shall be.” “Awesome. I’m going to be the next princess Twilight and save Equestria!” she exclaimed, “my name is Velvet Star, and I am a born hero!” With those words, this extraordinary little pony called forth great magical power. She shot fireworks into the sky, rivalling some grown up magicians Celestia had seen. If this was her as a filly, then just a little help might go a long way with this one. Velvet’s power will change Equestria. That much was obvious. Still, thanks for that. Now’s the best time to put names to the ponies. I have the list memorised. Velvet Star, Dawn Song must be that singing one over there… Celestia started to track each pony, looking for names and ways to relate them. She had met enough ponies in her life to put names to faces. She gave herself points for getting them right, even. This time, it was out of 25 so she needed to put a face to each of the 24 ponies before her… Wait, where was the last one? “Miss Gem, we appear to be missing a student,” Celestia hushed her voice low, “did they not turn up?” “Ah, number 25 failed the test, you see…” Professor Gem started to explain, “professor Weasel is with them over in the office.” “Oh dear, need I remind the good professor that the test is merely a formality? I would never decline a student for any reason, despite what this school might be named!” Celestia stormed off, racing towards the school office where many young ponies had found themselves facing the most fearful tests in Equestria. It was time to bring that pony back. Oh dear, she’s crying. She’s one of the strongest ponies you will ever meet. Not while she’s crying, foresight. “My little pony, what troubles you?” And can I just test this because it seems a little “Pr-princess?” a brown unicorn looked up at the princess, clearly distraught, “I’m a… A… A squib.” Oh dear. Squibs are unicorns that can’t use magic, or at least have very low ability. Which one was she? I think I sense some power... She can cast spells, she just needs to awaken to her full potential. “What you are is very unique, little one,” Celestia comforted. She’s got a very strong heart and a strong sense of justice. “Very few ponies are like you and fewer still have a heart like yours,” Celestia started to stroke the sad filly’s hoof. “B-but… I’ll never be Cocoa the archmage or a hero like Velvet Star…” Ah, Cocoa. I got that right. So that’s at least 2 out of 25. With your guidance, she will be a hero. The door will soon open. “A true hero is one who can triumph over adversity, my little pony. Inside of you beats the heart of a hero.” The door creaked open, exposing the professor in charge of admissions. “Princess? I didn’t realise you were here.” “I was visiting my new students when I saw one of them crying in here, so I just had to see what was going on.” “About that…. Number 25- “ How dare she. This is a pony with a name, a pony with an identity. Her name is Cocoa and she dreams of being an archmage, and as my mum as my witness an archmage she will be. She’s a hero, not some number on a list. “Cocoa,” Celestia coldly corrected, with enough chill shooting from her eyes to paralyse the hardened professor. “Right…” Professor Weasel shrunk a little, scared of the princess, “Cocoa failed her practical magic test. She… She… She doesn’t have the magical ability that we require.” “There is always a place at my school for a young pony who is willing to rise to the challenge,” Celestia rebutted, “I’m sure I don’t have to remind you of somepony who underperformed in her own test and pleaded with me to let her try again?” Weasel felt like a scolded schoolfilly once again, much to the enjoyment of both the princess and Cocoa. She contemplated the school curriculum and itinerary. It is never worth fighting against a princess, so the professor sighed. “…Entire syllabus might have to be changed but very well, if the princess is willing to admit you then you may join the others.” She will decline. …What? You’re mistaken, surely? “I decline,” Cocoa boldly stated, her tears stopping. Celestia was in complete shock. Never had anypony ever declined before. Celestia wondered if this pony had given up, if she was too weak. No, no weak pony would ever be willing to stand up to their professor and the princess like this. Celestia knew she had to act and quickly. It is that determination that shall fuel her and make her famous. “W-what?” Weasel stuttered, turning to Celestia and pleading for her to say something, “I… What?” “I decline.” “And why is that, little one?” Celestia did her best to keep an angelic tone, a comforting motherly tone not unlike her mum used to use on her. “I failed, therefore I am not worthy. It is simple logic, that’s how I see it anyway.” The visions from the divination tea grew stronger and stronger, seeing Cocoa surrounded by shadow. Celestia could barely keep track of reality, seeing visions of a fiery mane and a broken wing. A book, two books… Why must this be so vague? “B-but we were willing to make special provisions for you!” Weasel remained distraught, confused beyond all measure. “This is what I deserve. This is justice.” No, it isn’t. You deserve so much more, so much more. Change your mind, let me guide you. She’s not going to change her mind. I have to try! “As much as I try to make this world just for all my little ponies, this is not a just world. Many ponies get what they do not deserve. In a just would, this ailment would not inflict you thus.” “I am not a gifted unicorn. I am an earth pony with a useless stump!” Cocoa shouted, yelling at the princess. No, don’t be this stubborn. I can change this, I can make things right. I can unite you and make you strong. There is no stopping her, her mind is made up. “Any earth pony with the magical ability you have would be a very gifted earth pony, Cocoa. You might be weak but you have something, I sense it.” “I decline,” Cocoa punctuated, her heart clear. Not even a princess can change fate. No… I can’t have failed like this. “Very well,” Celestia felt on the verge of tears, “I would very much have liked to have been your teacher but if your mind is set then I cannot change it,” she cursed the divination tea, she cursed it with all her heart, “would you at least allow me to walk you back to the station?” “Sure…” Celestia found it very hard to concentrate on Canterlot as they walked back. The divination tea was doing many, many different things to her mind. She could not help but see afterimages, seeing glimpses of the future she could not stop. Every few seconds, the little voice inside her head told her something about Cocoa. These small windows through time were enough to know that there was something extraordinary afoot, something necessary. “Look at me, I’m professor Weasel. I’m a silly pony who likes lists and always follows it. Blehblehbleh!” Celestia mocked, trying to cheer up Cocoa. From the laughter, it seemed it worked. “I’m surprised a princess could be so silly!” “I wasn’t born old, you know! I’ve had some fun in my time,” Celestia chuckled, “so, what got you interested in magic, Cocoa?” “Well… I guess I just read a lot of old fairy tales. I sorta grew up in an old castle and would run wild in my imagination…” “Ah, I wish I could have such an imagination. I daresay I might point my sister towards your dreams if they are so… Inspired.” Ask about that scrapbook she’s carrying, it will be important. “Where did you get that book?” “Oh, this?” Cocoa held out a small, fairly average notebook, “I just used it to scribble on the train, is all.” I was expecting something more exciting from divinations, thank you very much. “Hmm… How about where you live, then? Trottingham, was it?” “Just outside Trottingham, actually. A small town, I live in a tea shop.” The dreaded word, don’t remind me. Wait, don’t tell me. “Your mother isn’t called Tea Tree, is she?” Celestia queried. “She is! How did you know?” Cocoa responded. Oh, so that’s how it is. Oh fate, oh fortune. You’re such a terrible mistress, such a whimsical one. You brought me the daughter of the one who cursed me. “Oh, princess’s secret.” Cocoa is actually not really a fan of most teas, she just tolerates it out of nostalgia. “Talking about my secrets, I actually would rather have a nice hot chocolate or a coffee than a cup of tea. And that’s something that stays between us, okay?” “I swear on my honour as a pony,” Cocoa responded, bowing in such a dignified way. Alas, the train station had crept up upon them. It was almost time for Celestia to say goodbye. Just as Cocoa’s train rolled into the station, Celestia had a very strong vision. A vision of a pony, a book, and a bright light that changes Equestria. This vision brought a tear to Celestia’s eye, knowing how this one little pony would have such a dark life but emerge so brightly. Don’t go, stay. I could learn a lot from you. “If you ever change your mind,” Celestia started to sing, saluting the young filly, “there will always be a seat in my classroom for you. It doesn’t matter if that day is tomorrow or when you are a mare of one hundred years, I will be waiting.” Cocoa hesitated. For a moment, she almost looked like she might change her mind. “Thanks…” Cocoa sadly replied, boarding the train and departing from the princess. She will need one more bit of help from you, Celestia. A year from now, she’ll need a box of chocolates. I think I need some myself right now, honestly. And so, the princess’s day of foresight finally came to a close. When she woke up the next morning, it had left her body. It was a terrible experience, she thought. Well, maybe it could have been worse. The sun still shone, the kingdom did not quite collapse. Maybe it was not the worst situation in the world. Nopony got injured, after a- Celestia slipped on the very patch of wet floor Vulpa slipped on the day before, falling over and spraining her ankle. “I guess I should have seen that coming.”