Beginnings of the Race Swapper

by Hexan Tronic

Chapter 12 - Items and Antics

When I woke up that day, the first thing I did was put my hat on, after which I felt a slight tingle from the magic in the hat now. Going to have to get used to that now.

After brushing my teeth, thank Celestia I have magic now, I went down for breakfast, which lead to me going to school. Before I actually left though, I made sure to get some bits from my parents, around one hundred and fifty. Not much happened today, except for Prissy wanting to come out, but I talked her into waiting. So now, I’ve decided to look for items for the rest of them.

After a discussion, we decided on Knockout first, since it wouldn’t be hard to find something. And that is why I’m in front of the sporting goods store.

When I walk in, a bell rings, signaling my entrance, which leads to a worker coming over. They were a pegasus, with a dark mane colour and a blue coat. Can’t remember their cutie mark, but they were a stallion.

“Afternoon kid, what can I do for ya?” He asks when he is nearby.

“Um, hi, I was looking for something along the lines of fighting sports things?” I respond.

“Hmm. I think I know where the things you could want are, but are you sure?” He asks before taking me to the isle.

“Yeah, I’m sure, thanks anyway.” When I see the rows of different sporting things, I start asking Knockout what he wants.

<Something I can use in fights, but won’t get in the way.> He tells me. <And have it be in orange.> He also says.

“So, what would you like kid?” The worker asks. After searching the shelves, I notice a pair of orange boxing gloves.

“What about those?” I ask while pointing to the gloves. He takes them down and I try them on. “They fit pretty well, how much?” The worker thinks for a moment.

“Thirty bits for the pair of them.” I just nod and take the requested bits out of my hat, which he takes to the register. “Hope to see you again, Kid” I nod and head off to find something else, after putting the gloves in my hat.

After some time walking around town, without finding something to get, I decided to ask them what I could look for.

<So, who should I find something for next guys?> I ask to the remaining three without an item.

<Hmm, well I already know what I want, so that can wait.> Logic replies, while seeming distracted.

<I have an idea or two, we would need to visit a clothing store for it, but that shouldn't be hard.> Burst says, as I pass one or two.

<I was thinking that I would like a watch, so clock shop then?> Distrac replies.

<Alright, I guess the watch first, then Burst’s item, then we can get Logic’s, sound good?> I can tell the three have nodded at the idea.

After walking around for a bit more, I see the clock shop and head over to it. When I walk in, I hear a lot of ticking, not very quiet. The pony at the register hears my entrance, somehow, and waves me over.

“Hello sir, what may I do for you today, clock repair, making or just browsing? We have clocks that tick, tock, bong and squark.” I just look for a second before I reply.

“Well, if it’s alright, I was looking for a watch, preferably one with a green strap.” The mare at the counter thinks for a moment at my request.

“Hmm alright, I’ll see if we have what you need.” And off she goes, looking through the large collection of clocks, drawers, and parts of all colours.After some time she returns with two watches that meet my requirements. “So, I have found these two, one is silent, and the other makes a faint ticking, which would you prefer?”

“Hmm.” I take each watch in a forehoof and weight them, then I look each over, the ticking one has a bird on its clock face, and the silent one has , surprisingly, two acting masks, one of sad, and one grinning. That made my choice easier. “The silent one Miss, and may I ask, where the idea for the design on the clock face came from?” Since that looks almost like Distrac’s cutie mark, it makes me suspicious.

“This one? Well, I don’t really know, I just remember waking up one day to work, and that was the first I made, usually I put more thought into a clock, but this one just put itself together really.” She says, looking a bit confused. “Either way, it's forty bits.” I nod and hoof the bits to her from my hat.

“Thank you for this Miss, but I must be going. Thank you for the watch.” She nods and starts waiting for the next one to come in.

Looking around outside, I head to the closest clothing store to see if I could find something for Burst. But when I got there, he asked me a question.

<Mind if I go in Hexan?> I stop at the door to think.

<Why do you want that Burst?> I asked him, wondering why.

<Because then I can get something for me, instead of you getting something for me, since the ponies that work here will probably recommend something for you not me.> He replies, as I feel the swapping sensation again.

<Alright Burst, don’t take too long alright?> He nods as he takes control.


When I walked in, a young mare walked over to see what I needed.

“Hello sir, what are you here to find?” She asks me, waiting for my answer.

“Well miss, I was thinking, well, something to just wear where ever I am. So something that won’t get in the way, but is noticeable too.” I reply, while looking around the store. She looked to be thinking about my requirements.

“Hmm…. Well, I have some ideas, would you follow me?” I nod and she starts to lead me to a different area of the store. There were ties, bows, hats and jackets, boots and mane accessories and more. Then there were something that caught my eye.

“How about one of these?” I ask, pointing the a large selection of bandanas. She starts to look over what is there.

“There are some nice ones here, but how about this one?” She asks, while passing me a blue bandana with wave patterns on it. It looked alright so I tried it on.

“It’s nice, and comfortable, but I’m not sure on the design or colours.” She looks a bit sad at that.

“Oh alright, well would you like to try another then?” I just shake my head at that and give her a soft smile.

“No need, I can fix the design and colours to suit me more, just watch.” I take it off and hold it in a hoof. After focusing on it, a small flicker of a spark appears on a corner of it, which scares her slightly. “It’s alright, it will only take me a minute.” After keeping my focus some more, the spark grows brighter and soon, it looks like a flame is crawling over the bandana. When the flame dies down, the bandana has changed to be bright red and orange red colours, as well as instead of waves, a flame like design.

“How did you do that? Your an earth pony.” She asks.

“My secret miss, but either way, how much is it?” She fumbles over her words before coming to the answer.

“Twenty bits for it, plus five more because of the changes.” I nod at that and put it on. She leads me over to a register and I give her the bits from Hexan’s hat to pay for it. “Alright sir, it’s yours now. Are you sure you won’t tell me how you did that?” I shake my head and smirk.

“Now, it wouldn’t be a secret if I told you now, would it?” Then I walk out after putting the bandana in Hexan’s hat, then I return control to him.


When I get control back, I stretch and chuckle, since I saw the whole thing.

“Nice job Burst, now for Logic.” <Where to Logic?> I ask him while walking off.

<Glasses shop please Hexan, I know what to get for me.> He replies.

I nod and start heading to the glasses store. When I walk in I see a stallion at the counter looking a little bored. <Hey Hexan, let me take control, that may get his attention.> After nodding I take the backseat as Logic takes control.


As expected of me taking control, the stallion has taken interest in me. “Hello sir, would I be able to trouble you in some blue framed glasses, preferably a set that can hold a number of spells.” He nods dumbly and goes for what I requested. I spend some time looking over the other glasses in stock until he comes back.

“Here you go sir, that will be forty bits.” I give him the bits, and after putting the glasses away, walk out and let Hexan take back control.


When I regain control, I take a look at my remaining bits, which is only fifteen.

“Huh, we almost ran out, guess we were lucky.” I say while heading home. After I get home, I sit at the dining room table.

“So, what did you need the bits for dear?” Mom asks me when she notices I’ve sat down.

“Just some stuff and things.” I reply while just relaxing. She comes to sit down as well.

“Oh, what kind of things?”She asks while looking to be curious.

“Oh well, a watch, bandana, glasses and boxing gloves, with fifteen bits to spare.” She looks at me a bit confused.

“So, if you did buy those things, where are they?” She looks me over, since I don’t have any bags or anything with me.

“In my hat.” I take my hat off, and take each of the items out and lay them on the table. She takes the watch and looks it over.

“Alright, I’m convinced, but why do you need these things dear?” I just shrug.

“Secret.” Now she looks a little annoyed.

“Again dear?” She puts the watch down and looks me in the eyes. “Why can’t you tell me?”

“Waiting for the right time, of course.” She nods at my answer.

“Makes sense, and what makes you think you can stop me from figuring it out early?” She asks with a smirk. So I give her a smirk of my own as my eyes flash orange.

“Because I’m the best at what I do, mom.” And with that, I head to my room with the things back in my hat, and I go to sleep.