//------------------------------// // The King Meets V2 // Story: Cronus is King // by fanficlover 1 //------------------------------// Ch 28 Slowly, my eyes opened, barely able to see due to the crust that had grown in my eyes as well as the little light I had thanks to my still lit Gashacon Sword. Feeling around in my semi-blind state, I became worried to find that it was no longer laying next to me. Panicking, I quickly sat up to find it only to lean back at the sight of a large gun barrel that was pointed directly between my eyes. “Just stay still, and tell us who you are and what your costume is from.” Hearing a deep male voice, I looked up and became surprised at what I saw. There were five people total, each of them a displaced. The one who was now staring me down was none other than the default Commander Shepard with N7 armor and all the weapons that came with it, Rita Repulsa from Power Rangers OG with her crescent moon staff and strange clothing, Iron Spider from the recent Infinity war movie, Ganondorf from Legend of Zelda in his normal green skinned, human form, and finally Lion-o From Thundercats 2011  with both the Sword of Omens, his gauntlet, and the three jewels in one hand and my still lit Gashacon Sword in the other. “Um-” Not sure what to say, I simply answered the question. “I’m Kamen Rider Cronus from Kamen Rider Ex-aid.” “Kamen Rider Ex-aid? UGH.” The comment came from the Rita Repulsa clone. “What, you got something to say about it?” I should be somewhat scared considering I had a gun in my face but after everything that happened, I wasn’t in the mood from some snooty Power Ranger’s fan. “Yeah I do. The show is utter garbage. The characters don’t even look like Kamen RIders and their premise is so stupid.” “Hey, i’ll have you know that the entire plot of the show was easily around the same level as Gaim and the Suits look amazing as you can plainly see.” I gestured to my body. “Yeah sure, like having large googly eyes make something look cool. And don’t you dare compare the show to Gaim. Gaim was a masterpiece.” “Coming from someone who looks like Rita Repulsa, forgive me if I don’t exactly agree with you.” “What, you got something to say about Super Sentai?” “WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP!” The yell came from none other than Lion-o, who looked really pissed at the moment.  Taking advantage of the quietness now, Iron Spider stepped forward so as to gain our attention. “Um, I think we’re good Shepherd. He seems cool.” Without a word, The one known as Shepard backed away but still kept his gun out just in case. No longer under immediate threat, I got to my feet, and gave and unseen glare to Rita Repulsa. She seemed to understand it though and looked ready to fight with both hands on her staff. “So, Cronus, do you know where we are?” Sounding the most calm and collected, and not hesitant was Ganondorf. “Not really no. I just found this place and ended up down here.” “Wait, what do you mean found?” “Well I found this hidden room in the castle that with a portal in it that took me to some kind of study and after looking around, I came down here before taking a quick nap.” I didn’t want to mention the feeling right now because that was somewhat personal at the moment. “I see. You mentioned a castle, yes?” I nodded. “Would this castle happen to be the one that houses Princesses Celestia and Luna?” I nodded again. After doing so, I noticed all but Iron Spider seemingly tense up and put tighter grips on their respective weapons. Seeing this, I remembered that most of the displaced from the past had been soldiers of some kind of war before being trapped. “Will you lead us to the teleporter then Cronus?” Ganondorf came closer until only an arm’s length away. Realizing what he might be planning, I knew I had to stop it before it started. “No.” The grips got even tighter and Iron Spider only looked around confused. “Why...not?” The struggle in Ganondorf’s voice was extremely noticeable. “Because you’ll just try and fight the princesses again when you get back and I can’t let you do that. There’s already enough trouble as it is with Ed running around doing who knows what.” Iron Spider looked alarmed at the mention of fighting so I knew I had someone in the group of people not for the idea of war. I just had to somehow convince the rest. “Whether or not it will cause trouble matters little to us. We just need to find the princesses and destroy them so we can go home.” “You mean kill. Beside, whoever told you what obviously doesn’t know what their talking about-” A fist to the gut sent me into the air before falling down a good distance away (luckily not on top of any of the other, still frozen, displaced). As I tried to get up, after having more than just the wind knocked out of me, I could hear Iron Spider asking what they were doing before another sound of something hitting could be heard and a thump somewhere off to the side, a good distance away from me. On my knees now, I could hear the stomping of boots, shoes, and a staff coming from behind. Not wanting to go all out and accidentally kill any of the other frozen displaced, and not wanting to be beaten back by the group of four, I quickly pressed my driver buttons. Time Out Just as before, I time stopped and the sounds of walking were no longer heard. Getting up slowly, I looked around for any sign of Iron Spider and quickly walked over to him and picked him up. Without the fear of being attacked while I did so, I also made my way to Lion-o and plucked the Gashacon sword from his hand and got as far away as I could. By the time I felt safe enough, I had reached the same wall I had fallen from. The way I knew this was thanks to the sight of light above. Not wasting any time, I jumped with all my might and reached the top terrance before landing on it. Putting Iron Spider down gently, I started time again. Time In With time no longer frozen, Iron Spider slumped to the floor in his apparently unconscious state. Entering the room, I quickly blew out the candles so as to at least hinder the other four somewhat. Going back out to the terrance, I picked up Iron Spider once more and made my way to the teleporter and stepped into the circle. In an instant, The dark room of where ever I was, was gone and replaced by the sight of the unknown room I had found. Exiting the room, I started for the Courtroom, so as to let Luna know what had happened.