Nature's Tears

by Sympio

7 - Goodbye, Rarity

''Good day, sir and miss! How can I help you two?'' Rarity said with a sweet smile.

'Even though it is already after closing...' She said to herself.

''I am here for a certain unicorn, her name is Rarity, have you seen her?'' The mare asked the fashionista.

''Oh, that would be me! Do you need my advice? I have some pretty good looks I can give you, you know! Just follow me!'' Rarity said excitedly and grabbed the mare's hooves.

''NO!'' The mare yelled fiercely and pulled her hooves away from Rarity.

Rarity blinked in shock before regaining her posture. Never before, has a customer snapped at her like that. ''Oh, my apologies, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that. So, how may I help?'' Rarity asked once again.

''Well, you can be of service to us if you hand us over your unicorn magic kindly, NOW...'' The mare commanded, and the stallion grabbed the apple out of his pocket, pointing it at Rarity.

''H-Hand over my magic?! You must be kidding! I don't know how, and even if I did, I wouldn't have handed it over!'' She said with determination.

''Good, then use the magic apple...'' The mare whispered to her servant, who did what was told. Rarity growled and kicked them both away from her.

The stallipn dropped the apple on the ground. Rarity scowled at it. ''This apple smells rotten! Disgusting!'' She said, and was about to stamp on it, but the stallion pushed her away from the apple.

''Don't you dare! After all the trouble I've been through to get it in the first place!'' He yelled at her.

Rarity's eyes widened. ''All the trouble to get such a disgusting apple?!'' She exclaimed.

''DO IT NOW!'' The mare yelled.

The stallion nodded his head, and pointed the apple once more at Rarity. This time, he put his horn against the apple, feeding it with his magic. The apple then made a magic chain to Rarity's horn, and all of her magic was getting sucked by the chain into the apple.

''Wh-What's happening?!'' Rarity yelled in shock, trying to turn her head away, but without success. The apple kept sucking her magic.

With every second, she started feeling weaker and weaker. Rarity was desperate. She felt all of her magic leaving her horn. She tried to resist, but that costed too much energy.

And then, she fell to the ground. Her magic wasn't there anymore, but they still kept taking something from her body.

Her energy.

Unicorns live on magic energy. And now that the magic is out of her body, she's still alive thanks to her energy. Normally, when your energy is drained, you go to bed and regain it. But now that the magic is gone... Once all of her energy is sucked out of her body, she'll die.

''No...'' Rarity said, and her breathing became hitched. Rarity has no energy left to talk, to move or to fight back. All she could do, was hold on to that little bit of energy she had left.

She gathered all little bits of energy she had left, and breathed in.


She cried out. She breathed out, all of the oxygen leaving her lungs. Rarity closed her eyes, ready to sleep forever.

And then, that tiny bit of energy, left her body. It got carried like a flower petal in the wind, into the apple.

And then, she didn't feel anything anymore.

Everything went black.

And she could feel her heart stop beating.

''We're done here. It took all of her magic. We can go and capture that pegasus now,'' the leader said, broke the chain, and walked outside of the boutique, on her way to Ponyville.

- Twilight -

''GAH!'' Twilight cried out in pain.

''Twilight?! What's wrong?!'' Spike said, and hurried over to his caretaker.

She said nothing. Spike looked at Twilight's crown. One of the points of Twilight's crown became gray.

(This was the original crown) ^

(And this was the crown after Rarity's magic was taken) ^

''Twilight... That's.... The point of Generosity...'' Spike muttered.

''I'm well aware... Something must've happened to Rarity... Oh no... What if it was the evil princess Celestia was talking about?!'' Twilight said, starting to panic.

''Calm down, Twilight. We'll go to Manehattan and find out right now!'' Spike decided.

''Crap...Without all five elements of Harmony, the sixth element is considered useless... All elements need each other. Let's go right now!'' Twilight said, flying all the way over to Manehattan, hoping to find Rarity save and sound.

Which wouldn't be the case.

- Fluttershy -

''Today's the day I'm going to bring Twinkleshine a visit!'' Fluttershy said happily to her bunny Angel.

''Be sure to take care of my pets for me, Discord!'' The pink-maned pony said to her best friend, who had promised to feed them.

''Sure thing, you have fun! Also, when are you coming back?'' Discord asked.

''Hmm, I won't stay in Canterlot too long. I think, two days maybe? Not longer, in any case. Goodbye now!'' Fluttershy said, grabbed her bag and left.

''So, I can fly my way over to Canterlot... But I can also take the train... Hmmm...'' Fluttershy thought out loud.

''Let's go there flying!'' She decided, and flew away from her house.

But little did she know, she wouldn't be gone for two days, but two....