//------------------------------// // I love you // Story: Best big brother ever // by King Ice //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle, 7 years old filly, was sitting on the couch, reading a book, without surprise, it was a book on magic, not far from her, was her big brother Shining Armor, he was at the door with their parents. “Cadance won’t be able to foalsit Twilight today, you two will be all alone, are you sure you won’t need any help?” Velvet asked worriedly, she and Night Light were going on a dinner with some friends. “Now honey, don’t worry about them, they’ll be okay.” Night Light reassured her. “Okay” She said sighing. “We’re seven pm, and Twilight must be sleeping at nine pm, don’t forget that, and you already know what food she likes, if she’s a little hungry, you’ll know what to give her. And one last thing, don’t forget to read her a story when she’ll be in her bed, okay?” “Got it.” Shining answered with a smile “Well, goodbye, we’ll come back late so don’t wait us, Shining.” Night Light said “Goodbye!” Twilight shouted from the couch. “Goodbye sweetie! And don’t disobey to Shining Armor!” Velvet said as she exited with Night, Shining Armor closed the door. “Well, we’re alone, what do you want to do Twily?” Shining Armor asked her, Twilight stopped reading her book and smiled, lost in her thoughts. “Well… we could play at the superheroes!” Twilight exclaimed happily “Oh, I guess you are a superhero and I am your sidekick.” Shining said while smiling, he loved playing games with his sister, it was always so enjoyable, this is the first time she wants to play superheroes though. “No! I am the superhero: Princess Celestia, and my sidekick is Smarty Pants, or should I say Lady Smarty Pants!” Well this didn’t surprise Shining Armor at all, Twilight loved playing with Smarty Pants, he smiled seeing how adorable this was, Twilight took Smarty Pants with her magic and placed her beside her, as it was standing on its own. “With my power to control the sun and with my sidekick who knows every martial art in the world, we make justice prevail! It’s time to fight our deadliest enemy: Professor Shadow!” Twilight shouted while pointing at Shining Armor. Shining Armor began laughing, guess he’ll play along! He was about to say something when he suddenly received Smarty pants on the face. “Lady Smarty Pants, attack!” Twilight shouted. *** The night was dark and the streets too, in the center of the city, skyscrapers were high and shiny, there was light and many ponies were passing by, however they were surrounded by small buildings where there were only darkness, where many were sleeping, and where many crooks took that darkness to their advantage, the streets were not safe anymore, ponies were afraid, no, terrified, criminals were enjoying this, they had everything they wanted, well, not for too long, for two heroes came, they came to bring justice and erase darkness, they came to protect the innocents! In a small alley, two earth ponies wearing black hoods surrounded an old lady, she had jewelry it seemed, and the crooks couldn’t stop their thirst for gold. “You’ll give us everything you have, or else.” One of the crook said to the lady while holding a knife, he didn’t pay attention to his friend, who was looking at the end of the alley. It was so dark he couldn’t see a thing, but he was sure he heard some noise here, he looked at his comrade who was menacing the old lady, well not need to disturb him, he slowly approached the darkness when, all of sudden a ball of light appeared, he gasped, the ball revealed a tall alicorn, she had a lavender coat, purple flowing mane, she was wearing awhite hero costume with a big “C” wrote on it, she was also wearing a red cape and a mask hiding her eyes. “You! You are Princess Celestia! Lonnie! We have a pro…” The crook shouted, but when he turned around, he saw that the granny ran away and that he’s friend was unconscious on the ground with a grey mare sitting on him, she was only wearing a blue mask and pants. “And you… you are Lady Smarty Pants!” “Your friend won’t be much help to you now.” Lady Smarty Pants said walking to him, the crook stepped back but was stopped by Celestia’s body. “Do not move any further, you’ll tell us what we want to know, and maybe the police will be merciful on the sentence they’ll give you.” Princess Celestia said menacingly. “I… I don’t know anything! I swear!” He shouted, scared as hell. “You don’t know? Well, I know something that will help you to know then.” Princess Celestia responded. She used her magic on the crook to levitate him, then she spread her wings and fly as high as possible and as fast as she could. The crook howled in horror when he looked at the bottom. They were even higher than the skyscrapers. Suddenly Princess Celestia stopped. “Will you talk now?” “N… never!” “Then I guess I’ll let you fall here.” Princess Celestia said, the crook gasped, she wouldn’t? Would she? Suddenly, the crook wasn’t surrounded by purple magic anymore and began falling to his death, he howled, terrified by seeing the ground coming closer. This was horrible! “Okay! Okay! I’ll talk but please don’t let me die!” He cried, the tears filling his eyes. Sometime later, the crook was glued to the wall with purple rings made of magic. “Now, speak.” Lady Smarty Pants said with a threatening look. “It’s Professor Shadow, he’s back in business! He hired us and many others for something big, I don’t know what his plans are, I swear! But I can tell you who knows.” The crook said worriedly, Princess Celestia and Lady Smarty Pants looked at each other and nodded. “Who?” Smarty asked “It’s Octomare, she allied herself with Professor Shadow, she’s in an abandoned warehouse at the port.” The crook said while Princess Celestia and Lady Smarty Pants nodded. “Well, now we know where to go. You! You stay here until the police arrive.” Lady Smarty Pants said to the crook, then she jumped on Princess Celestia’s back, they flew away leaving he crook attached to the wall. “It’s not like I can move anyway.” Princess Celestia and Smarty Pants flew for only five minutes and saw the abandoned warehouse the crook was talking about. They safely landed in front of the door. Princess Celestia approached slowly and used her x-ray vision, there were a dozen of ponies, but more importantly, there was Octomare, a unicorn, she had a red coat and mane and six long metal tentacles coming out of her back, Celestia narrowed her eyes as she was charging a spell, Smarty Pants stepped back as the princess shot a beam of magic, destroying the door, Celestia and her sidekick rushed inside. “It’s… It’s Princess Celestia and Lady Smarty Pants! Kill them!” Octomare shouted when she saw them enter. The lackeys rushed to the two heroes, Princess Celestia attacked the pegasus with her magic and sometimes with her hooves while Lady Smarty Pants was standing on her hindlegs, every time a lackey was near, she was hitting him with either her forelegs or her hindlegs. They’ve beaten the small fries in no time. “Surrender Octomare and tell us where Professor Shadow is.” Princess Celestia said threateningly. However, Octomare wasn’t afraid, no, she was laughing. “You think you can beat me? What a joke!” She exclaimed as her tentacles hit the ground raising herself above Celestia. Celestia and Smarty ran to her but Octomare was prepared, one of her tentacles tried to hit Smarty Pants who quickly dodged. Celestia Charged up her magic and shot a beam straight on Octomare, however a tentacle blocked it without any difficulty, there wasn’t even an explosion. “Did you forget that my tentacles are magic proof Celestia?” Octomare asked while laughing hysterically. Celestia gritted her teeth, at the same moments Lady Smarty Pants jumped in Octomare’s direction and was ready to hit her, however a tentacle caught her in air and began squeezing her, Smarty yelled in pain. “I will crush you!” Octomare shouted with a devilish smile. “Release her!” Celestia yelled as she flew to Smarty Pants. Octomare tried to stop her with her tentacles but noticed that two of them were attached on the ground by iron bars, Celestia used her magic! However, she still had other tentacles, but again, she failed, Princess Celestia dodged them and caught the tentacle who was holding Smarty Pants. Celestia put her hooves on the tentacle and used all the strength she had to release the grip. Finally, she did it, Smarty Pants fell on her hooves and seemed fine. “You saved me Princess Celestia, thank you, now it’s time to beat that criminal.” Lady Smarty Pants said with a smile, Celestia nodded, they both looked at Octomare. She finally broke through the iron and released her tentacles, she looked back at the two heroes, gritting her teeth and with a threatening look on the face. The tentacles flew to Celestia who dodged them again while Smarty Pants jumped on them running on it. Celestia shot a magic beam that was blocked by a tentacle, another one hit Celestia in the chest but she seemed fine, Octomare turned her head to see Smarty running on one of her tentacles, she used the rest of them to try to take out Smarty Pants, but she dodged them all except for one that came at her blind spot. She was sent flying right on the wall, she cried in pain as she collided with it and fell on the ground. Princess Celestia gasped by seeing this, Octomare took the opportunity to catch Celestia. By using her tentacles, she caught Celestia’s legs. “I got you now! Don’t worry, I’ll kill you as slow as I can, and I see no better way than dismembering you!” Octomare shouted in joy. She began pulling Celestia’s legs with her tentacles. While the hero was yelling in pain, she tried to use her magic, her horn was glowing purple, and she was trying to get off these tentacles by using her magic. “It’s no use! You know that my tentacles are made of antimatium, the hardest metal in he world, and a metal that can absorb magic! But if you’re worrying about your little friend over there, then you don’t have to, soon she will join you in hell!” Octomare shouted while laughing. She used one tentacle to hold Smarty Pants on the ground and began crushing her. These words and actions angered Celestia. “Nopony… Hurt… my… FRIENDS!” She shouted using her magic as much as she could. Octomare gasped by seeing her tentacles moving. “No… that’s impossible! She’s using too much magic for my tentacles to absorb it!” She shouted in fear, Celestia shouted again as the tentacles restraining her exploded. Celestia fell on her hooves and flew as fast she could on Octomare, she punched her right in the face, sending her on the ground, then she quickly used her magic to attach her with her own tentacles in a noose. “It seems… we did it.” Lady Smarty Pants said, panting, she saw that Octomare was still conscious. “Now, tell us where Professor Shadow is!” She yelled, however the villain laughed. “It’s too late, the whole city already knows where he is, turn on the TV over there and you’ll know.” She said while chuckling and pointing with her chin a TV not far from her. Celestia and Smarty looked at each other and turned on the TV. A journalist appeared and behind him was policemen surrounding a tall building, it was the building of Trixie Labs, a big scientist company! “As I am talking, the police surrounded the building, but they can’t enter, there are many criminals protecting it, every time somepony gets closer they shoot, some pegasus tried to fly at the top but were shot down, they unfortunately didn’t survive, we believe the one who took the building is Professor Shadow for unknown reasons, I’ll let you know if something new happens.” “Thanks Jim and now…” Celestia turned off the TV. “We must hurry! Who knows what Professor Shadow will do in those labs! Lady Smarty Pants call the police here!” Princess Celestia said “Already did, I’m ready to go!” It took them only a few minutes to arrive at Trixie Labs and it seemed that the situation didn’t change much, they landed in front of the commissioner, a white stallion. “Princess Celestia! Lady Smarty Pants, thank goodness you’re here!” He exclaimed reassured. “What is the situation here?” Celestia asked while looking at the building. “We surrounded the building, but we are unable to enter, the unicorns are too far to use their magic on those criminals and the pegasus no fast enough to dodge the bullets! We believe that Professor Shadow is at the highest floor, where all the most important machinery is!” The commissioner explained, Celestia nodded. “Smarty, you take care of the small fries here at the bottom, while I’ll go fight Professor Shadow myself, you are faster and stronger than a normal pony, I believe you can do this.” Celestia said, Smarty Pants nodded and ran to the building. Celestia took off and flew at the top, avoiding all the bullets with ease, when she was at the highest floor, she broke through the window and landed safely. “So, you are finally here.” A mysterious voice said, Celestia looked in front of her and saw him. Professor shadow was a white unicorn and a male, he was wearing a black leather costume and a blue mask covered his eyes. “Professor Shadow, what are you trying to do? What are your plans?!” Celestia asked with a threatening look. The professor laughed. “Well, I think I can tell you since you’ll die here, with my magic and the items here I’ll build a machine that will create magic black smoke, the smoke will cover the skies and will prevent the sunlight from coming through plunging the world in shadows and darkness, the effects will be irreversible as long I’ll live.” Professor Shadow explained with a smile. “You’ll never succeed, I can stop you whenever I want!” “That’s true, you can, but you won’t.” Professor Shadow responded, Celestia gave him a confused look while he used his magic to take off the black curtain behind him, revealing a big tub containing a green bubbling liquid and above that was a lion dressed in a blue shirt, attached to a girder. Celestia gasped. “It’s Smarty Shirt! Lady Smarty Pants’ brother!” Celestia shouted. “Yes, what will you do now?” Professor Shadow asked with a laugh. Celestia closed her eyes, concentrating her magic, Professor Shadow was confused, what was she doing? Then, all of a sudden, she opened them, they were glowing and were emitting light, much light, she used a spell similar to a flash bomb! “My eyes!” Shadow shouted in pain, he closed them and was rubbing them when he suddenly felt something on him, pushing him on the ground. He opened the eyes in pain and saw Celestia above him. “You shouldn’t have done that!” He yelled and tried to use his magic, but nothing happened. “W… What? I can’t use my magic!” He looked at his horn and saw a metal ring attached to it. Celestia smiled triumphally. “It’s something I borrowed to Octomare, antimatium, you like it?” She asked while smiling in joy. Shadow laughed in joy too. “Okay, you got me Twilight, you won, you really are the smartest!” He exclaimed *** Back in Twilight’s house, Shining Armor got up and head pated Twilight. “You have so much imagination Twilight.” Shining said while looking at her, at her doll Smarty Pants and at the other dolls. “Maybe you could be a hero in real life too.” Twilight laughed. “Me? I don’t think so, I’m only good at reading books and at magic. I don’t see myself being a hero.” She said in a sad tone. “Well, I can’t agree with that, you are the best Twilight, aren’t you Princess Celestia’s student? One day, you’ll be so good at magic that you’ll be nearly unstoppable, and you’ll be a hero if you want, of course, I’ll be here to protect you, always, no matter what.” Shining said, Twilight smiled and hugged him. “You’re the best Shining, my BBBFF! Even if I love Smarty Pants, she couldn’t replace you!” Twilight said before looking at her doll. “Don’t take it bad though, you’re my second-best friend Smarty Pants!” She added as she hugged her doll too. “We still have time before you go to sleep, do you want to play another game?” Shining Armor asked his little sister, she nodded ecstatically. “Yes! Can you build me a pillow castle?! Twilight asked while smiling “Of course, I think we have enough pillows for that.” It took ten minutes to Shining Armor to do that be he did it! He built a big pillow castle! “Don’t worry, you can step on it, I’m holding everything together with my magic.” Shining Armor said while Twilight ran on the castle with Smarty Pants on her back. She was now at the edge of the castle. And Shining was with an army of toys behind him. “Now, Smarty Pants, tell our army…” *** “To charge!” Princess Twilight Sparkle shouted while looking at the big army approaching the doors of her city, and most of all, her castle. Smarty Pants nodded. “This will be done, your highness.” She said as she went to talk to their army who was preparing herself for the fight. “The castle of the princess is in front of us, then, CHARGE! And destroy everything!” The commander Shining Armor shouted to his army who ran to the castle, however, they were stopped in their track by Twilight’s army. “Do not stop! Fight!” The commander shouted. *** One hour later “It seems I defeated you commander Shining!” Twilight said while grinning as she was standing on top of Shining Armor, who was laying on the ground. “You won Twilight, I’m exhausted and I think it’s time for you to go to bed.” He said while standing up. “Ooooh, But I’m not sleepy at al.” Twilight said before yawning. “Okay, maybe a little, come Smarty Pants, we must go to sleep!” She exclaimed as she ran to her room, Shining Armor followed her. Twilight jumped on her bed and covered herself in her blanket with Smarty Pants on a pillow beside her. “Can you tell me a story Shining Armor?” Twilight asked innocently. “Of course!” He responded as he sat on a chair beside Twilight’s bed. “Once upon a time…” “Shining?” “Yes?” “I love you” “I love you too, sis.” Shining said as he smiled, he closed his eyes and tell her the story of a young little filly who had many dreams.