Cosmos' Answer

by desertbat

My Answer

I wandered the wasteland in an aimless direction. For centuries, I tried to do what I could to save Equestria and undo the evil that this vile magical chimera, Discord, had plagued upon this land, along with my sisters. My reward for giving it my all and helping: torn wings and a broken horn.

You could not begin to know how much I hated Discord. How much I hated everything he did to my home, my kingdom, my kind regal sisters. What I think I hated the most though, was knowing that I was powerless to stop him. Even now, I can still hear the eternity of laughter he gave me for my failures.

There were days I wondered why I even bothered to keep living. In my mind, I wondered if, perhaps, it would be better to just end it all and hope my sisters were waiting for me on the other side. Perhaps if I simply killed myself, I would be in an Equestria I remembered and loved. But I knew I could never do that. Deep down I knew I had to find a way to save this land. I needed an answer.

A loud tremor broke me from my thoughts. I observed my surroundings and saw, far off in the distance, Discord fighting a creature I remembered meeting with my sisters in a day when peace was more than a fantasy; Lord Tirek. This demonic monkey-centaur was massive in both size and muscle. I could recall how he could only obtain power by absorbing magic from others; if I wasn't careful, there would be a chance he would drain my magic. Rushing behind a large rock protruding from the ground to conceal myself, I observed this fight of colossal evil and wondered what events transpired to make this happen. How did Tirek escape Tartarus, and why did Discord care if he was free or not?

"It's over, Tirek," I could hear Discord shout as if he was trying to sound heroic, "Equestria has suffered enough from creatures like us. We've been fighting for days now. Open your eyes and face the truth. You can't beat me."

I could hear Tirek laughing manically. It was the same laugh I heard when he murdered his kinder brother; right before we could send Tirek to Tartarus. "Spare me this...'hero speech'. You have already ruined Equestria and are hated by everyone. No matter what kind of revelation you have obtained, you will never be Equestria's savior.

I have already absorbed Tantabus and part of the pony of shadows' power. We both know I won't stop until I claim yours as well. Though, I am feeling generous. After I take your power I'll help purge this decaying land you decided to start loving. Genocide will certainly lighten my mood from all the imprisonment I had received." That blood-thirsty beast began laughing once more and I saw Discord charge towards him.

It was a real spectacle to watch these two demons engage in combat: while Tirek charged and threw punches, Discord dodged them and slashed with his talon and lion paw. With all the lacerations on Tirek, I thought Discord was winning, but as I saw Tirek’s wounds healing before my very eyes, I understood now how they had been fighting for days. This healing power did seem to take a while though, so I could only assume this trick was at its limit.

Before I knew it, Tirek had managed to charge Discord and they flew far off to a distant plateau. I debated on whether I should stay and hide, or take this time to flee them. I doubted that even if one of them succeed in killing the other off that I (a broken shell of a pony) would be capable of providing a challenge for them.

Suddenly, I saw Tirek fling towards me. His landing was not graceful and from the lacerations all over him I felt my theory was true, Discord knew Tirek was at his limit and was giving him an alternative; an alternative he refused.

For minutes that felt longer than the centuries I have lived, I waited behind that rock, waiting for Discord to show up, but he didn't show. I began to wonder if my wish was finally granted and Discord was no more. It was then that I

It expelled itself from Tirek's mouth and began to take form. This thing resembled a pony with wings as black as shadows, its body was an aura of constellations, on its head were two mismatched horns, and around it was a distorted feeling. Within seconds, the creature gazed at my directions. "Approach me, pony," it spoke in a divine way, and with what sounded like two voices; the voice of a mare, and the voice of a stallion.

Curiously, I approached. I won't lie and say it didn't frighten me, but I could tell I wasn't going to be able to escape if I attempted. "Who...who are you?" As it looked at me with a confused look, I noticed that it had two different shining eyes; one yellow and the other white.

"I..." it began, "I don't have a name. All I know is this world needs to be saved, and I have the power to do it." It noticed my doubting expression and shined a light on me. When the light dissipated, I found that my horn was repaired, along with my wings. "I hope that helps with your doubts, young prince."

Before I could ask how it knew of my hierarchy, I noticed this entity fading away. "What's happening to you?"

The being collapsed and was weakening fast. "It appears I might need a host to live on and to accomplish my goal." It looked at me in desperation. " I know we just met, but please let me share your body? I feel what your goals are, and together, I know we can save Equestria."

This being...the being that just restored my horn and wings didn't really give me any more doubts. I embraced the energy and could feel its power flow through me. This...this feels amazing. I thought to myself.

Indeed it does. I heard from inside my thoughts, which startled me for a little bit. Do not panic. We are one mind now. It will take some time for me to heal, but I feel that together, we will be able to figure out how to work these powers of our's out.

I couldn't help but smile from my new friend's comment. I didn't know how long it would take, but with its help, I knew I had found my answer. I was going to help send this world to the proper path and become the ruler it deserved.