//------------------------------// // VI - Conversations With a 200 Year-old Raisin // Story: The Michael Rosen Pony Adventure // by Alfoals Trottenbauer //------------------------------// "Where'd michael go?" Brian asked. "The Lollipop Lady took him far away." Harrybo answered. "How do you know that?" "I dunno!" The four walked through the corridor and came across a raisin floating in the air. "I am the Two hundred year-old Raisin. I am the oldest raisin in the world." "Do you want a raisin?" Older Rosen asked. "I am a raisin, you fool!" "I know where the Lollipop lady is hiding Michael." The old Raisin stated. "Where?" Ace asked. "He is in the classroom on the left, along the passage behind me." Older Rosen picked up the 200 year-old Raisin. "What are you doing!?" "No Eating the Raisin!" Brian said as he took the Raisin and put him down. They went down the corridor and into the classroom. Michael was sitting in a chair. He was holding his breath, his cheeks were puffed up and his face was blue. He looked at the four. "Am I glad to see you guys." He said. "No breathing!" Lollipop Lady shouted. "Shut up, stinks! You can't rule my life!" Michael Retorted. Harrybo ran up to Lollipop Lady and hit her with a rolled up comic. "Pew!" "Ah!" She fell over. "Hard luck, Lollipop Lady, always knew you were a bit weak." Michael taunted. They left the room. There was a light on the end of the hall. The went toward it and they exited the temple. The went to a green hill with city walls. But green hills don't have city walls!