//------------------------------// // Chapter two // Story: Twinkling Dreams // by vicakukac200 //------------------------------// "Twinkleshine!" Talks a blue unicorn to Twinkleshine. "Twinkleshine!" She starts to be louder. "Equestria to Twinkleshine, Twinkleshine please answer!" She nearly shouts. It's enough to bring back the fluffy maned unicorn to the ground. They are sitting in a little cafe in Canterlot. All three of them levitates a cup full of coffee. "Uhm... Sorry Minuette... I'm a little bit distracted" Murmurs the ivory colored unicorn. "What happened?" Asks Lemon Hearts. "Nothing... I'm just a little tired. I went to bed late" She didn't expected this to come out so easily. "By the way, I looked into two books that you gave me Minuette, where did you get those?" Twinkleshine watcher her friend with curiosity. "I can't remember very well... What books?" asks the blue unicorn mare back. "A blue and a brown one with the same pattern" Answers Twinkleshine. "I didn't give you any book like that. I gave you green and red books. Without any pattern." Says the blue mare after a little time. "O-okay... I don't feel very well, I'll go home. Bye girls!" and the ivory mare trots off. She runs home. Levitates the talking book to her bed with a little more force than she should. "Auch! I have feeling too and I would like if you won't throw my everywhere!" Says the book. "Can't you remember who brought you into my house?" The pony stares at the book angrily. She somehow wants to find out who gave the books to her. "Calm down girl" Sighs the book. "I was asleep. I was on a bookshelf in Princess Celestia's private library and after that I woke up here" "You belong to Princess Celestia?!" Twinkleshine's face turns into pale white. "Don't worry, she would be happy to know that I'm with a pony who is that crazy to jump into dangerous dreams." Talks the deep voice scornfully. "Speaking of dangerous dreams... Will you teach me that spell?" The fluffy maned mare starts to be excited. "Just say kuldj at while you touch the book's open page with your horn." Says Guider while Twinkleshine levitates it to herself. She opens the other book on a blank page. "Kuldj at" Says the magic world and the brown book absorbs the other book and the mare once again. They land in another forest. Twinkleshine once again, on her face. The forest's greenery is more closed than the last one's, and the trees are lot smaller. There are way more paths. "Twelve paths..." Says the unicorn after standing up. "Let's go this way" and she starts going on the seventh one. The forest gets darker every step. They might take the wrong path, but Twinkleshine doesn't want to turn back. She really wants to help as much as she can. Strangely there aren't any sounds coming from the woods. Not even the wind running trough the leaves, but Twinkleshine feels a little breeze around her. They arrive to a huge, old mansion. It's made out of bricks, the wall is full of ivy, it has a dark grey tile roof. The sky is gray, like it doesn't have any life there left. "Is this an old mare's dream or something...? It's like nearly out of life..." Asks Twinkleshine hesitating if she needs to move closer. "Yes indeed, you always have little hints about the pony. And it is an old mare's dreamworld." Talks the book after a little time. "So I guess let's go inside!" The unicorn starts going towards the mansion's entrance. "The elders know what is possible and what isn't, right? So it can't be that bad..."She stares at the huge, dark wood door. With her electric blue magic she opens the heavy door that opens with a huge creak that runs over Twinkleshine's back."This is creepy for an old mare..." mumbles the pony stepping into the dark house. They find them self in a dark corridor with bunch of doors and stairs at the end of it. All of the doors has the same faded brown color, the wall is faded light blue with bunch of dirt and dust on it. Twinkleshine feels a breeze running trough the room. The unicorn makes a little light with her glowing horn. "This is creepy!" The mare can hear her echo. "I just realized..." Talks the book "That I could create a little dreamworld to you just to get used to these atmospheres..." Guider sighs at the end. "Well, right into the deep water, never mind." He tries to sound positive, but he knows what type of dream it is and he don't want to tell it yet. Twinkleshine heads towards the first door on her right. She opens it with her electric blue magic. The door falls out of it's place and nearly lands on Twinkleshine, but she was quick enough to avoid it. She looks into the room. It's a little kitchen. The pots and frying pans lay on the ground randomly, a table is flipped to it's side, like a robber were there. She looks into the kitchen cabinets, finding a bunch of broken plates and glasses. "Do we need to look every room?" Asks the pony looking worried towards the other doors. "You need to find one thing, that will summon the portal to your own world."Answers the book. After that a creepy laugh can be heard from upstairs. Twinkleshine looks towards the stairs worried. Her ears go down and she steps a half step back. She gulps, her ears go back up, strengthens the light of her horn and dashes upstairs. As soon as she takes the last step on the stairs something black jumps into her face. She shoots an electric blue beam at it and disappears. "What the hay are you doing!?" The blue book shouts at her, his echo is really loud "You said that completing these is a dangerous... So if I walk into the danger I'll be closer to the success!" The mare has now the disappointed tone in her voice. They are in another little corridor with dusty old wooden doors, but those are painted dark blue. She hears cracking sound from the last door on the left. She walks over there. She hears hoofsteps walking up and down in the room. "Do you really want to do this?" Whispers Guider. "I need to take the risk!" Whispers back and as fast as she can opens the door. In the torned bedroom a shadowy pony walks. She looks at the unicorn and jumps towards her screaming a really loud and shrill one. Twinkleshine manages to teleport out of it's way, dropping the book. She notices a light source in the room, coming from under the torn bed. Her eyes spark in excitement, she levitates the bed to the shadowy pony's face, pushing it to the wall and on't let it free. She looks what was under it and she finds half eaten breakfasts, bunch of dust and a glowing, dusty old book. "So is this the thing I need to find to get out of here?" Asks while she levitates the glowing and the talking book near her. "Uhm..." Guider became speechless "Y-yes" "Yay!" Twinkleshine jumps a little. "Wow... You are scary!" Says the blue book. "Oh my sweet Celestia... You just throw a whole bed to a creature that could easily kill you!" "I want to meet my friends once more you know..." Murmurs the mare. "And I want to make somepony's dream to come true!" smiles happily while the portal back appears in the room. "By the way you touched the ground so you can tell the wish, right?" Asks the pony while stepping to the portal. "Well... I think you really don't want to know that" Says Guider while he lands on the floor and the pony lands on the top of her wardrobe. "What was the dream?" She jumps down picking up the book with her blue magic. "It was.... Ugh..." the fluffy maned unicorn angrily stares at him. "You don't make this any easier!" Twinkleshine can hear a deep breath taking from the book. "It was to... Die..." Mumbles Guider. "Wh-What!? Can somepony dream about that!?" She shouts at the book."So that means I killed a pony with this!?" "Calm down, they will call the police if you shout things like that. And no. The dreams doesn't become true this fast. It needs a little time. But most likely it'll happen in a few days" "Well this was her dream..." Looks at her bed and jumps into it "Good night" And she puts down the book on the drawer.