//------------------------------// // Cave diving // Story: Cave Diving // by Zubric //------------------------------// The glow of Rarity’s horn illuminated the large cavern her gem finding spell had led her too. The fashionista’s fine eye observed the chamber around her searching for the gems she seeked for her latest stream of orders. Spike, who was always up for more time to spend with her, stood at the ready to help remove any gemstones that were well embedded into their rocky homes.  The cave they were searching inside was deeper then they usually went, but Rarity was determined to get the right type of ruby she needed. Rarity swept the area with her magic trying to lock into where the gems were hiding humming as she did. “So Spike, how are your little guys nights doing?” “Oh they are going great, Big Mac got some super lucky rolls last time. Swept through a dungeon like it was apple bucking season.” Rarity chuckled, her horn intensifying for a moment causing her to take few steps further into the cavern. “Oh is that so? I hear you named some damsel after me.  A smarity I believe.” She watched as Spike’s cheeks turned cherry red. “W-what who told you that?” His claws fidget faster watching various spots light up along the floor. “Oh, Discord may have mentioned it. Don’t feel bad Spike, I find it quite cute.” She paused as her horn shined brighter as she found a particular gem vain. “Oh over there Spike, it just needs a little digging.” She pointed to a spot near the edge of one wall. “R-right on it, Rarity,” Spike set down the backpack they were using for storage and walked over Stretching out his limbs, he eagerly began to dig humming as he went. Unknownst to the adventurers, the cavern‘s odd soil flooring had been the result of frequent flooding during the spring months when the snow would melt. This had resulted in a floor with the consistency of loose clay. To top it off, said floor was a rather thin covering for a roof for another chamber below. The sudden excavation had sealed the floor’s fate as a loud crack echoed around the chamber as he pulled the gems out. The holes they had once sat in continued to crack and expand outwards in a spider web like pattern. The floor crumbled within moments leaving little time to react. Rarity didn’t even have time to warm him as the decay spread like a tidal wave collapsing under her in a matter of seconds. The duo plummet into the dimly lit cavern before falling into the pool of water that waited at the bottom. Rarity gasped for breath as she surfaced coughing before looking around for Spike. being relieved when Spike surfaced. “Spike!” Spike’s eyes went wide as he peered around at the steep walls. “I’m alright, how about you.”  He asked, trying to stay calm. “Other than soaking wet, I’m just fine.” Rarity whined her mane drooping over her muzzle. Her keen eyesight scanned the cavern quickly despite to find some dry land. Her eyes were slowly adjusting to dim light given off by the faint crystals that rested on the lake’s bottom. Her observation soon spotted a shallow trench near the edge of the lake and beyond that dry land as the slope ascended.  “Over there Spike” She frantically paddled to the shallows soon wadding out from the water and shivering. As her hooves touched dry land, she shook off as much water of herself as possible spraying the dragon companion with a slightly muddy shower. She fought back the surge to whine about the state of her coat as she stared back at Spike with a sheepish smile. “Oh sorry Spoke, it was just instinct. How unlady like of me.” The smell of her wet fur made her flinched muzzle scrunched up. Spike shrugged, wiping off clumps of muddy sand. “Yeah it’s cool Rarity.” The dragon stared upwards at the ceiling quickly determining that there was no way to climb out of the hole they’d fallen into . “Well, we sure aren’t getting out that way,” he mumbled, taking a moment to watch as Rarity glanced at the tunnel ahead of them.  As they moved along the rough terrain Spike couldn’t help look around more as well the atmosphere being far more creepy with only Rarity’s horn providing any sort of solid illumination. “Any idea which way is out?” “Let’s stay positive Spike. I know we haven’t gone far into the cave system so there has to be other paths,“ she said, staring at the fork in the path with two tunnels splitting off in either direction. She looked at both taking in any details that might help them. As if the world was coming to their aid, her fine ears picked up on the sounds of bats down the left tunnel. While the prospect of getting any of that nasty bat poop on her made her cringe it was their best hope. “ this way I believe.” Spike glanced around at the sharp stalactite hanging from the ceiling as the seconds ticked on. Rarity’s hooves echoed throughout the tight confines. He twiddled his claws staring at the occasional gemstone poking out from the rock. He thought of taking a few, but without his backpack, he would have nothing to hold them in.  Plucking one of the long green crystals off the wall as they pass, he bites down with a loud crunch making Rarity jump in surprise. The sounds of the bats grew louder once they reached another forked pathway. While the drake followed the unicorn down a new path he noticed faint claw marks on the floor. He gulped imagining all the unknown things that could live down here. Rarity’s horn dimmed as they entered the large chamber eyes scanning the large crystals that stuck out at odd angles. The bats she had been hearing were hanging from the ceiling near a large opening that let the afternoon to bleed in and shine around the mirror like chamber. “My this is lovely.” she said, momentarially forgetting her situation. Her gaze of wonder was abruptly interrupted when Spike’s foot kicked a rock down the small slope. The sudden noise sent the bats into a panic as they fluttered about the cavern most rushing down the other branches of the cavern. Once the abrupt panic had subsided, the fashionista checked herself over and sighed. “Well, this is a start.” Spike during the panic had descended the slope and was sampling the large crystals crunching down the glass like quartz. “Mmm, not bad,” he mumbled, watching as Rarity made her way down into the pit. Once more, he noticed the marks on the floor. This time they seemed more organized like a route well trodden. “Uh, Rarity?” He pointed to the marks hoping Rarity had an answer. Rarity peered down examining the scuffs on the ground. They didn’t seem to out of the ordinary. She’d occasionally seen how moles at Fluttershy’s cottage would leave trails with their claws but these were bigger. She stared up at the sunlight once more. “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about Spike, just rodents. They scutter away as soon as we got close.” she winced at the thought of all those little feet. “You sure? They look pretty big.” “Spike relax, we’ll find our way out. I say we follow the trail. It’s my best guess.” “Okay Rarity, if you say so.” Spike replied, nibbling on a chunk of quartz. “Spike you really shouldn't snack so much,” Rarity couldn’t help but scold him, trying to change the mood of their situation. “I can’t help it.” Spike retorted with a roll of his eyes. His glance peered down the tunnel watching the occasional crystal glow with a faint light as they made their trek along. “At least we got an adventure out of this.” Rarity moves some hair out of her eyes nodding. “Yes, well i suppose so. I just wish it hadn’t been so dirty.” “Yeah, well i do all the digging,” Spike joked, causing both to laugh releasing the tension in the air. For a few minutes the two walked in silence keeping an ear out for any sounds of flowing water or wind. Over time, Rarity noticed several small holes in the cavern walls as if something had be excavated. She stopped at one of them moving her hoof around the edges feeling how rough it was. There had definitely been gems here once but they had been dug out. Spike suddenly saw Rarity tense up her eyes going wide. “Rarity, what is it?” “I think I solved where those claw marks came from.” The drake comes closer quickly glancing around for any threats. “What are we in danger?” “Well, that depends if it the same pack I ran into or not. The only other creatures i know that like gems this far down are the Diamond Dogs.” “Well uh, we’ll show them not to mess with us if they show up. You dealt with them last time.” Rarity felt the hole again as she thought. “They were being brutes but if we do find them then at least they can help us find our way out of here.” The two continue the walk following the sounds of water unit they abruptly stopped at the edge of a rushing river that crossed through the large chamber. “Oh for Celestia sake,” Rarity whined looking for any way to cross the deep channel without having to backtrack through the twisting tunnels. As she searched, two familiar diamond dogs were making their way along the tunnels across the river. Their normal patrol was rather uneventful not that they minded the quiet as it gave them time to just think about things. Rover, the tall alpha wearing his singular red vest was deep in thought about one of the cute females in his pack. With a single word she’d be his, but he wanted to at least be civil about it. He just needed the right words. His thoughts were rudely interrupted when the rough gray dog next to him spoke. “Hey do you hear that?” He asked, pointing his paw down the tunnel. Rover groaned. “What there nothing,” he paused his ear angling to listen. It sounded like footsteps and upon sniffing smelt the scent of pony. “Come on,” he bolted off down the stretch slowing down once he reach the very same stream. He looked over at the two narrowing his eyes. “I remember you! What pony doing here?” Rarity huffed flicking her mane while staring back with a very annoyed expression. “That’s Rarity, and we were just gem hunting when we got lost.” Her eyes track hte rushing water that divided them gulping quietly. “If you be ever so kind as to help us find a way out of here we’d be most grateful.” Rover tapped the ground contemplating before he spoke. "Why is it my problem if you’re lost?” Spike’s eyebrow raised as he crossed his claws. “You can’t still be bitter over what happened years ago. Rarity outsmarted you fair an square.” “Spike manners,” Rarity scoffed, turning back to the dog. “If you could help us, i’d be happy to help find any gems you might have missed along the way.” She offered watching Rover and the other mutt think it over. While it wasn’t their only option of finding their way out of this maze, it certainly was the best she could think of. Rover watched the rushing water before examining the chamber closer. “Fine, but you better keep the deal.” “Of course I would, I am a lady not some brute.” Rarity huffed, watching the dog gesture with his paw. “What do you want us to do.” “Back up, need room to jump,” Rover replied, pedaling backward as he got on all fours stretching. The two explorers do as they are told watching as the dog made a running leap over the water landing on the other side. “Now I carry you over.” Rarity winced observing the dirt clinging to Rover’s coat. “But you’re so dirty.” Both Spike and Rover facepalm the dog groaning. “You're already dirty. Does pony want help or not!” He tossed his paws up. The fashion pony winced but nodded. “Very well, if you must.” Her response only received an eyeroll form the biped as he grabbed her barrel flexing before making a running leap yet again.  Rarity let out small yelp at the speed of it all but was very relieved when they landed on the other side. She wiped off her coat watching Rover jump back over and retrieved Spike as well. Rover set the drake down and adjust his vest. “You better find us nice gems.” he grumbled, leading the way through the entrance they had come in front and proceed down the tunnel. As they walk, Rarity scanned around with her magic picking up a few gems the dogs had missed. Spike followed behind Rarity twiddling his claws. “Sorry for losing our backpack Rarity, I know you really wanted those gems.” Rarity stared back at him with a smile. “It’s alright Spike, i’m sure I can find them elsewhere.” She pointed to a few spots watching the two dogs dug up the gems from said locations. During one of digs her eyes sparkle as he spotted the yellow sunstone gems that two dogs had just dug up. “OH that just what I need.” Rover glared. “No way, these are ours.” Neither Rarity nor Rover broke their glares for several seconds the unicorn standing her ground. Rover stern glance broke for a seocnd as Rarity leaned closer raising her eyebrow as a sort of silent challenge. “Honestly you have plenty of gems i have found for you. Giving up a few won’t do any harm will it? I’d hate to whine.” “NO!” Rover jumped and pawed over the gems over. Even years later, that whiny little voice Rarity had used rang in his ears. Not even a dog whistle had been so shrill. Spike smirked at Rarity’s sly tactics munching on one of the random gemstones in the wall. “So are we close to the exit then?” Rover packs more gem into his pockets staring back at the two while Rarity collects the gems she needed. “It’s up that tunnel and to your left.” “Well thank you for leading the way out.” Rarity smiled, at least being cival about it. She really had no idea why he was in a bad mood. Rover shook his head before turning down a separate tunnel leaving the two to head along on their own. Rarity kept scanning even as they walk along the nicely lit tunnel staring back at Spiek just as glorious sunlight shined upon them. “Well despite our setback i’d say that coud have gone worse.” Spike smiled crunching on another crystal he had snatced. “Yeah, but at least I got to try some new flavours.” Rarity laughed heading out into the quarry taking a breath of the frsh air. “Oh Spike.”