//------------------------------// // Flutters and Grif // Story: From Ooo to Equestria // by B_Bubble132 //------------------------------// “Here’s Fluttershy’s cottage! That forest is the Everfree Forest. It’s CRAZY spooky in there. Clouds move on their own, plants grow on their own, and animals take care of themselves!” Pinkie said to me. “What’s so weird ‘bout that? That’s normal where I come from.” I said back to her. “Then that means you must come from where Boosey comes from!” “Well, no. I come from a different universe than him. I came from Ooo, and he came from Blood Gulch.” “Oh. Well, anyways, let’s say hi to Flutters!” “And Grif.” Caboose said to Pinkie. “Oh, right, and Grif!” we walked up to the cottage, and Pinkie knocked on the door…with her forehead. “Doesn’t that hurt?” I asked her. “A little, but not a lot” she replied. No wonder she’s crazy. “H-hello?” a quiet voice said from inside. I assumed that was Fluttershy. “Hi Flutters! It’s Pinkie and Caboose! And we brought a new friend!” she said. “A new pony? Oh, I’ll be right there.” She opened the door a few seconds later. “Oh, where’s the new pony?” she asked. She seemed pretty timid. “Oh, she’s right here!” Pinkie said, and I stepped in front of her. “Oh my. She’s an alicorn!” she said it like she was excited, but she said it quietly, too. Yep, she’s timid alright. “Yep, I’m an alicorn.” I said. Seriously, they have 3 alicorn princesses, and they’re surprised to see a fourth non-royalty alicorn? I seriously don’t get these ponies. I like ‘em, just don’t understand ‘em. “Are you a princess?” Fluttershy asked me. “Um…yes, I am. Bow before me! Pfft…Blbbffft…BAHAHAHA! Bahahaha! Oh, oh you shoulda seen your face! BAHAHA! Priceless, just priceless! Oh, my ribs!” really, you shoulda seen her face! She was like “O_O” and all wide eyed, it was priceless! I’m sounding like Discord now, aren’t I? Where was I? Oh yeah, laughing hysterically. “I’m sorry, I just…couldn’t…help myself! I just felt…the need to…do that!” I said in between laughs. By the way, if you hadn’t already guessed, I was rolling on the ground, a huge smile on my face, laughing, and I was clutching my ribs with both forelegs, anyways, I was able to stand after another 10 minutes or so of giggling, snickering, and just plain laughing my head off. “Okay…okay…I’m done!” I said when I could finally stand up. “So anyways, where’s Grif? They’re” I paused, and gestured with a wing to Pinkie and Caboose, “making me meet all of their friends. So I gotta meet Grif, or Caboose’ll probably pout the rest of the day because I didn’t meet him.” “Oh, I’m sorry, he’s-“ “Napping?” “Yes, he is. How did you guess?” “Oh, just a hunch.” “I wonder how she knows that” I could hear her think. Yes, you heard right, I heard her thoughts. I forgot to mention, another one of my powers is to be able to read people’s, and pony’s, minds. I try not to that often, but sometimes it just slips through to ma brain. “Well, alright. I’ll go tell him that Caboose, Pinkie, and a new pony are here to see him.” “m’kay, I’ll be here.” “Grif, wake up. We have guests.” I could barely hear her when she went to wake him up, but I could still make it out. Barely, but still. “5 more minutes, mom.” I heard a voice mumble. Then I could hear Fluttershy giggle. “Grif, come on.” She said gently. ‘She seems nice’, I thought to myself. “Ugh, fine.” I could hear, who I could only guess was Grif, say from inside. “Who are these ‘guests’ you speak of?” he sounded groggy. Guess it was a good nap. I’m always groggy after a good, long nap. “It’s Caboose, Pinkie, and someone else. I can’t tell you who till you get to the door.” Said Flutters. “If it’s Tex, I’m gonna kill Caboose for bringing her here.” ‘He really seems to hate this Tex chic’ I thought. “It’s not this ‘Tex’ of whom you speak of” I said from the door. “Hmm…nope, it’s not her. I know because she can disguise her voice about as well as I can run a marathon.” So he finally came to the door. “Wellp, where is she?” “Right here” and I turned visible. Another one of my powers is turning visible and invisible. “Wow. That’s cool” he said to me. “Thanks” and my coat turned hot pink. That means flattered. LIGHT pink means love. “WHOA! How do you do that?” he asked as my coat changed colors. “Oh, well, my emotions control my coat color. Love is light pink, flattered is hot pink, light blue is sad, green is envy, yellow is excited, red means happy, dark red means angry, etc.” I explained. “Okay, but HOW do you do it?” “I dunno. It just happens, I don’t control it. Might have something to do with me being half vampire, half fox spirit, but I’m not sure.” “Wait, back up. Say that last part again?” “I’m not sure?” “No, before that.” “Might have something to do with me being half vampire, half fox spirit?” “Yeah, that.” “Oh, that. Yeah, that’s why my coat has some white spots on it. When it’s red, and I get nervous, back home, when I was in human form (no I can’t shapeshift, it’s just what happens when you go to Equestria, you turn into a pony), I sucked the red out of my fox tail. Vampires can survive on the color red, as well as blood. I may like the metally taste of blood, but the texture is just BLEGH! So I just drink the color instead. I don’t have any red in my old house, so my tail works.” I explained to him. “FOX tail?!” “Yeah, hence the ‘fox spirit’ bit.” “Well, now that THAT’S sorted out, nice to meet you miss..?” “Sama. It’s Sama.” “Sama. Nice name. You Japanese or something?” “Well, fox spirits originated from either China or Japan, I can never remember which, but yes, I guess you could say that.” I noticed he had a red bathrobe on. I licked my lips. “Uh…Sama? Yoo hoo!” I snapped out of my trance and saw an orange hoof waving in front of my face. “Sorry, I just haven’t eaten in a while, red bathrobe, I think you can piece it together.” “Oh, you’re hungry? Sorry, didn’t know.” He said apologetically. “Well, before this turns into a biting match, we should head to Rarity’s, she probably has some extra red fabric you can suck the red out of!” Pinkie said cheerily. Finally, I was starving! “Okay, let’s get going, or I might have to suck the red out of some flowers!” I said. “Alright, then OFF TO RARITY’S!” Pinkie said. She somehow pulled a cannon out of her hair, and forced me, Caboose, and her into it. “3…2…1…KA-POW!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, and then pulled a rope which shot us across the sky. This is gonna be one daring entrance.