Nature's Tears

by Sympio

1 - A Childish Pony

It was a really hot day. It was 2 PM, and Fluttershy was feeding her dear bunny Angel.  The birds were singing, and the flowers were blooming.

Fluttershy sighed after Angel rejected the carrot for the fifth time. ''How ironic. You're a bunny, but you don't like carrots. Please take five bites?'' She asked politely.

Angel shook his head violently. Fluttershy frowned. She walked back inside and took a candy out of the jar. She then walked back. ''You'll get this candy if you eat the carrot!''

Angel quickly snatched the candy out of 'Shy's hoove and eats it.

'Shy frowns. ''B-But it's for after!'' The pink-haired pony kind of shouted.

Angel stuck his tongue out and hopped away.

Fluttershy sighs and looks at the sky. It was a beautiful blue color, without clouds. She saw that Dash was removing the clouds from the sky. She suddenly glared at the blue pony and huffed, then went inside.

She was still mad at Dash. But everyone from the mane six hated each other. It was six weeks ago, when they got into a fight.

Twilight was annoyed by Pinkie's.... Personality. AJ then came to Pinkie's defence and said that Twilight was acting weird. Fluttershy wanted them to stop fighting, but everyone said she had to keep out of it. Even if she wanted to stop the fight, she was too shy. The yellow-colored pony was really hurt by that.

Then there was Rainbow. She said that everyone was acting weird, and then started talking about her own skills, saying how 'she could lead the team'. But everyone got annoyed by that.

Rarity said she was annoying, talking about herself like that. She called Dash a narcist. Fluttershy then backed away and ran. Ran as fast as she could to her house. She heard her ex-friends call her lame, that she'd ran away from the fight.

She didn't know why they were arguing, but that's how it all started.

She was really mad at her friends. She used to think of the fight when she always was going to sleep. She cried herself to sleep, wishing that she could prevent it from happening.

But she didn't think of all the hurtful things they'd say to her. Once she did that, she didn't think about it anymore.

She had made a new friend. Her name was Twinkleshine. She was very kind. She had pink hair in the same color as hers, but a beige skin. Her cutie mark are three blue stars.

She is really nice, but she lives all the way in Canterlot. Fluttershy barely sees her. But always when she goes to Canterlot, she makes sure to visit her friend.

It's been two days since she last saw Twinkleshine. She thought It'd be nice to visit her tomorrow again.

- Rainbow's POV -

The rainbow-haired pony wiped all the clouds from the sky, much to her satisfaction. ''How'd you like that, Spitfire?'' The pony shouted.

''Good work, for a beginner...'' Spitfire said, but whispered the last part, but just that loud that Dash still heard her.

''Tch. And how long are you planning on calling me a beginner? I've done this for like, what, 4 months now?!'' Dash shouted.

''Yeah, so what? Just to remember you, you did it for 2-and-a-half-months, but then there was something the mane six had to do! And now, six weeks ago, you came back all beaten up. Speaking about that, you'd tell the reason why later, yet you still didn't. And just so you know, we're doing this almost our whole lives!'' Spitfire spat back.

Dash rolled her eyes. ''Whatevs, do I get the day off now?'' Dash asked.

''You can go home, but then you have to start early this whole week!'' The pony said.

''Sure, it's not like I have anything to do tomorrow!'' Dash shouted, and left the pony by herself.

Rainbow flew over Ponyville. She was going to the Crystal Empire, she bought a house there. On her way there, she saw Pinkie Pie skipping on the street, Maud Pie next to her. Dash closed her eyes and slowly looked forward again.

''Stupid ponies...'' She muttered to herself.

''LOOK OUUUUT!!'' A voice yelled.

Dash had panick written all over her face. A pegasus was going to crash into her! She had no time to react, so she crashed into Dash, and they both fell.

''I'm sorry! I'm so clumsy!'' The pony said and closed her eyes while holding onto Rainbow.

''Let go of me! I can't fly like this! You can fly as well!'' Dash commented.

''Oh, right... Sorry, I kinda forgot...'' The pony said, and let go of Dash, who spread her wings. However, it looked like the pony forgot how to fly, and so she crashed onto the ground. Rainbow scratched her ear and went to check on the pony.

She landed on the ground and inspected the pony. She had a mint green skin, and salmon-colored hair, with a giant red bow in her hair. Her cutie mark was a blue rose, and her eyes were sea blue.

''Are you alright?'' Dash asked the pony, who frowned.

She burst out in tears. ''Noooo, it hurts!!'' She cried out, and showed her wing. It looked broken.

''We should get you to a hospital, that needs to be checked. Say, what's your name?'' Rainbow asked the child-like pony and helped her up.

''My name's Shell! And I don't want to go to a hospital, I don't like those... I don't need to go to a hospital anyway, I always wait until my wounds are healed. So, what's your name?''

''I'm Rainbow Dash! And, are you sure? Bones don't fix themself...'' Dash muttered.

''Yes I'm sure. Are you okay with me calling you Dashie?'' Shell asked happily.

''Y-'' Dash was about to answer, but just then he remembered Pinkie and AJ saying hateful things to her and beating her up.


Shell's eyes suddenly got smaller and she suddenly looked terrified. Dash was questioning herself why, but then she noticed herself. Her wings were out, as showing Shell she was very powerful. She was staring down at Shell.

Rainbow looked guilty, and helped Shell up. ''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..'' Rainbow said.

''I-It's fine, hey, where do you live? Here in Ponyville?'' Shell asked out of curiosity.

''No, in the Crystal Empire! Why'd you ask?'' Rainbow asked.

''Crystal Empire?! Wow! I live there as well! Shall we go together? And I just wanted to know, teehee. Anyway, wanna be friends?'' The salmon-haired pony asked.

''Yeah sure!'' Rainbow answered on both questions.

- The Next Morning -

Rainbow stood up at 6 AM, since she had to be early today. It was almost dawn, so she had to hurry up. It had to be sunny today in Ponyville, rainy in Apple Acress, and cloudy in Canterlot.

She stood up, made herself ready, ate some breakfast and headed out to the Wonderbolts.

She flew past Shell's house, and stopped. ''Maybe I should take her with me...'' Dash thought to herself for another two minutes before knocking on the door. It then creaked open.

''H-Hello? Anypony home?'' Dash asked, and peeked inside, only to be greeted by a white pony with black hair and gray eyes.

''Yeah, I'm home... What is it you need? And what is the reason you need to break into MY house?!'' The pony shouted.

''I-I'm sorry! Hey, is Shell home?'' Dash asked, changing the subject.

''Shell? No, she went to go to Ponyville, to go to the Sugarcube corner to get a cake or something, I didn't quite get it. Anyway, what is your business with my sister?'' The pony asked.

''You're her brother?! Ahum- I thought I'd ask her to come with me to the Wonderbolts, but guess not. See ya, uhmm...'' She said, hinting for him to say his name.

''It's Travis. Could you knock, next time please?'' The pony asked.

''I did, but the door just opened! Ugh, whatever! I can't be late today! See ya!'' Dash said, and didn't wait for a reply.

- Fluttershy -

It was another beautiful morning, only this time Fluttershy awakened because of a knocking on her door. ''Who could it be, around this time?'' Fluttershy questioned, as she got out of her bed and walked to the door.

She looked through the window of the door before unlocking it and opening the door, only to be greeted by her good friend.


Fluttershy yawned. ''Discord? What are you doing here, around this time?'' Fluttershy asked softly, careful not to wake any of her animals.

''Around this time? But it's already 6:02 AM! I thought this was the perfect time to come over, actually,'' Discord answered and just walked into the room.

''Yeah, every minute of the day is perfect for you. You're chaotic, after all...'' 'Shy muttered and closed the door.

''So, what brings you here?'' Fluttershy asked her friend.

''Well, Shutterfly, I came to ask if you wanted to hang out today?'' Discord asked.

''It's Fluttershy. And yes, of course! What did you have in mind?'' 'Shy asked, while walking to the kitchen.

''Maybe go to the Everfree Forest or something?'' The spirit of chaos suggested while shrugging.

''Yeah, a perfect idea. I'll go and make myself ready after I made breakfast, give me a second, alright?'' It was more of a statement then a question, so Discord decided not to answer it.

Discord walked over to a table in the far corner of Fluttershy's cottage and looked at a certain picture. It was the mane six, before they were fighting. They all looked really happy on the picture.

Twilight was smiling brightly with a book in her hoove that she wanted to hide, but failed. Applejack was grinning at the camera, while Rarity was leaning against the orange-colored pony. Then there were Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Dash hugged Fluttershy, while the pink-haired pony just blushed at the contact. And Pinkie Pie, had her eyes closed while hugging all of her friends at once.

Discord sighed, when he saw that the picture had a giant cross through it. Luckily, the picture was framed, so the cross was actually on the glass, not on the picture itself.

The spirit knew this picture meant a lot to Fluttershy, she just wouldn't admit it. 'Shy isn't lazy, so if she really hated the mane six, she'd get the picture out of the frame, then put a cross on it, and throw it into the trashcan. But she didn't do that.

''Still fighting with the mane six?'' Discord asked, and Fluttershy nodded sadly.

- Twilight -

''TWILIGHT! WAKE UP! I GOT A MESSAGE FROM PRINCESS LUNA!'' Spike yelled at her purple pony friend.

''Shut up, Spike... It's like, 4 in the morning uuuuughhh...'' Twilight said, and turned away from Spike, who rolled his eyes.

''You had a meeting today with the princesses, right?'' Spike said, coming up with a new plan to fully awake the friendship princess.

''Huh, I don't know.. Have I?'' Twilight asked and yawned.

''Yes you have, around... 9 AM. And guess how late it is? It's 8:58 AM. You only have 2 minutes before the meeting starts,'' Spike said while smirking.

Twilight shot up and hurried out of bed. ''OH NO OH NO OH NO! I'M GONNA BE LATE!'' Twilight yelled and tried to find her crown.

''SPIKE, PREPARE BREAKFAST!'' Twilight said, throwing away some books to find the crown. The books landed behind her, and Spike had to do his best to dodge all of the books.

''Twilight I-'' Spike began, but the princess cut him off.

''Just go and do it, NOW!'' The pony commanded, and Spike nodded while sneaking out of the room, for no reason.

''I was just kidding...'' Spike muttered, and started to chuckle. He then walked downstairs and prepared some breakfast, just taking his time. He then started to whistle.

Not even 10 seconds later, Twilight ran downstairs and ran into the kitchen, Spike never stopping with whistling.

''HURRY, SPIKE! I'M ALREADY A MINUTE LATE!'' Twilight said, and then snatched the bread off of the plate, shoving it into her mouth and running out of the door.

''Uh-oh. I'm so in trouble...'' Spike muttered and then laughed.
