//------------------------------// // Season 1 Episode 1 (The 'Race') // Story: A Discordant Reality // by The-Third //------------------------------// Hello, everypony!" Discord said gleefully. "Welcome to the best, and only, TV show in all of Equestria called-" he paused for Pinkie to get ready. "A Discordant Reality!" they announced in sync. "Today, we will get the competition started and, sadly, one of our contestants will have to go home." Discord stated. This was how reality TV worked: someone was booted out of the show at the end of each episode. "Aww, already? They just got here!" Pinkie complained. Discord couldn't tell if she was a really great actress or was serious about the whole thing. "Well Pinkie, before any of them leave, we need to meet them as well as our mystery guest." Discord snapped his fingers, making him and Pinkie appear in the copy of Canterlot castle. Surrounded by the number of stained glass windows put inside, the two creatures waited as all the contestants would be meeting. "Come on in, guys!" he called as ten different ponies, most of which Pinkie recognized, flooded into the building. "Alright, for anyone that doesn't know each other, as well as the viewers at home, we're going to quickly go over the cards that we gave all of you earlier that you filled out.” Discord said as he walked up his first contestant "First up is Twilight Sparkle. It says, under best memory, that you hatched Spike here who is another contestant. So, do we have a mother and son relationship here?" Discord asked. 'Oh no, Discord. I don't really think of him as my son; more of a brother, if anything." Twilight explained, slightly embarrassed. "Next up is Rarity. It says, under favorite pony, Sweetie Belle- how sweet." Discord paused to see if anyone would laugh at his pun,but Pinkie simply coughed. "Come on! That was witty." "Not really." Rarity flatly said as she rolled her eyes. "Yes, it was." Discord mumbled under his breath. "Continuing on we have Rainbow Dash. Under greatest accomplishment you put becoming a Wonderbolt and being the most awesomest- are you sure about that?" "Are you kidding me? Rainbow yelled, surprising everyone. "One hundred percent hooves down. Yes!" "Rainbow is followed by the last Element of Harmony here today: Applejack. So Applejack, you said your most prized possession was your farm." "Yessiree, mah' farm is the most important thing I can think of besides my family and friends." she said. "Following Applejack is Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Under greatest accomplishment you all put being part of the CMC, what is that exactly?" Discord didn’t care, but viewers might, so he tried his best to act interested. All three of the fillies got excited; hey had planned to all answer the question the same, so their little club could get better publicity. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders!" they exclaimed in sync. “You see, you can join the CMC and work with other members to get yer’ cutie marks. The CMC is full of fun and you can join fer-” Apple Bloom was interrupted by Scootaloo. “Free!” she chimed excitedly. At the same time, Sweetie Belle shot a party cannon, having grabbed Pinkie’s during the exposition. "Wow, did you practice that?" Pinkie asked with a big smile on her face, impressed by their planning as well as their extreme cuteness. "Sure did!!" Apple Bloom said with a large grin on her face, as she was very happy with herself as well as her other members. If only Babs was here, too. "While that was really cute, I want to get done with the introductions and start doing the challenges, so let's move on." Discord said, starting to get irritated by the three hyperactive fillies. "We have Spike here, as well: earlier, Twilight put her best moment in life as when she hatched you, and you put yours as when you first saw Rarity. Why?" Spike and Rarity both blushed when Discord mentioned Spike’s not so secret crush. "Well, she's a really good friend to me." Spike said nervously, his legs shaking in slight fear from the embarrassment. "Are you sure you are just friends?" Discord ashed, a slight smirk on his face. He liked playing around with the little dragons emotions: he knew it wasn't the kindest thing, but he needed drama if this show to be a success. Spike gulped and was starting to sweat as he struggled to answer "Y-y-yep-p!" He was starting to shake now, and it wouldn't have been such a big deal normally, but he was on live TV with thousands of ponies watching. "Alright, next up is Trixie. Under greatest accomplishment you put defeating an Ursa Major - did you actually do that?" Discord inquired. He already knew the answer, but he despised the ‘magic’ unicorn and wanted to expose her lies. Twilight rolled her eyes as she answered Discord’s question "Of course she di-" "The Great and Powerful Trixie can do anything, defeating an Ursa Major was a cinch!" Trixie quickly interrupted, not wanting Twilight to reveal the truth as she made a good earning in her tours and that was a story she told at every single one. "Let's say I believe you: how?" Discord asked, wondering how Trixie was going to get out of this one. 'Umm, well the Great and Powerful Trixie does not remember much of the details!" Trixie stated nervously. "You should, it is your greatest accomplishment." Twilight smugly teased. She was getting annoyed with the unicorn’s bragging. She still didn’tt understand how, after being beaten twice, Trixie could be so confident. In a weird way, Twilight admired it but was more annoyed than anything. "You be quiet, Twilight!" Trixie began. "That's Princess Twilight Sparkle, The Weak and Idiotic Trixie." Twilight retorted, she was still mad about at her, even though she hadn’t seen her in months and Twilight believed that Trixie had no way to redeem herself, nor would she ever. "You take that back!" Trixie cried, interrupting Twilight’s thoughts. "Well, while those two keep bickering like foals, it's time to meet our mystery contestant for season one of our little show here: Alex." "So, Alex, you are very interesting; I picked you up from another reality correct?" Discord asked, with the only reason being to give exposition to the viewer. "Yes, Discord why exactly do I have to do this?" The grey human turned alicorn asked. Although he didn’t know this Discord, the other one trapped him in stone for who knows how long and he hasn’t had the best experiences with him outside of it, in addition to the fact that this new one just ripped him straight from his reality all added up to make Alex very irritable. "So you can win this place." Discord stated. That, of course, wasn’t the reason: the true reason was because Celestia declined his offer at the last second and he promised the producers he would get two alicorns. "And why would I want that?" Alex replied. The fact that Discord was trying to reason with him angered him even more. "Aren't you getting married soon?" Discord asked, continuing to try and reason with the pony. "Yeah, so?" Alex retorted. "This could be your honeymoon spot!" Discord was beginning to become annoyed at Alex. "Fine, but once this is over, you're sending me straight back to my version of Equestria; I have a certain bed with a cyan colored pegasus in it with my name written all over it." "Please don't share your personal life on Live TV." Discord stated flatly. This was supposed to be PG, and what he had to ask him in a second was already enough innuendo for this episode. "I will do whatever I want Discord!" "I'm your only way home, remember? I disabled your chaos magic.” It was quite a difficult task actually, the pony’s chaos abilities were almost as strong as his, but he surprised him. Alex stopped arguing but still appeared visually agitated and, in spite of this, Discord continued. “Alex, I found this very amusing: under greatest accomplishment you put, and I quote: 'banging a changeling'. Why the heck did you write that down?" Unlike the other questions he asked during this pilot, Disord was actually curious about his answer "Sorry, that may have been Dax." Alex blushed, slightly flustered. "He's my chaotic side, literally made from chaos magic." "Then what is your greatest accomplishment?" Discord asked. Alex thought for a moment, thinking back to his memory of that time. "Banging the queen of the changelings and the element of loyalty." Rainbow Dash turned from a cyan color to a bright red in a mix of embarrassment and enragement, while Discord rolled his eyes and motioned to address the entire group. "Alright, one last thing: you all are living in this castle, and I want the playing field to be as flat as possible. Having all of you be earth ponies would be boring, so. . ." Discord snapped his fingers as horns and wings appeared on everyone who found themselves lacking either.Spike however, had the biggest change: a large white light surrounded him filling up the entire room, and out stepped a small purple pony with spiky green hair and a small scroll as a cutie mark. Alex noticed that it looked similar to how Spike looked in his world. "Now that everyone is an alicorn, I think we have an even playing field." Discord smiled at his work. "So, one last thing before we start the next challenge: you will be put into pairs for roommates. We have Rarity and Applejack, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, Rainbow and Scootaloo, Alex and Spike, and Twilight and Trixie." he smirked at the last one, knowing it would cause trouble and earn him the ratings he oh-so-desired. “Now go unpack your stuff, everypony; we’ll meet up in thirty minutes!” As the ten contestants returned to the main foyer, most were happy with their pairings and got along quite well. Spike, for example, was surprised at how well he got along with Alex. Not everyone was happy, however, as Trixie and Twilight were once again having a ‘friendly discussion’ as Discord began to explain the competition. "Our first challenge is a flying challenge, a simple race." Discord said to the contestants. The fact of the matter was that it wasn't really just a race, it was more so a timed maze whose walls would come up about ten seconds after they went off, but why tell them now? "If everyone could line up at the start, we will begin in-" Pinkie began to count down "3. . . 2. . . 1. . . CUPCAKES!" Everyone dashed off to the goal in the distance, with Rainbow Dash already almost there while Twilight scurried behind her by a long shot, followed by Applejack, Rarity, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Alex, Trixie, and Sweetie Belle and Spike in last place. "You know you were supposed to say ‘go’ right?" Discord asked, annoyed, as they practiced multiple times and she still hadn’t gotten it right. "Yeah, but cupcakes is just way more exciting than go - go is so boring!" Pinkie continued to complain about the word ‘go’ to Discord as he silently counted down to himself. As his mental clock struck zero, a large rumble resonated as the large stone walls came up to be topped with a ceiling to make sure nopony flew over to cheat. "Whoopsie daisy, I forgot to uninstall my magic maze creator. It's triggered by the word ‘cupcake’." He spoke into a intercom so that the ponies in the maze could hear him. "I told her she should of just said ‘go’. Anyways, I guess that means this turned into a maze; get to the end by any means necessary." A collected groan came from the contestants as he teleported to the finish line. Both Discord and Pinkie appeared at the end of the maze in a flash, only to see Twilight and Alex already waiting for them. "How did you two get here so fast?" he asked, as he was sure that Rainbow Dash would come in first. "You said any means necessary, magic is a mean right? I just teleported here." Twilight informed, clearly happy with herself for thinking of such a maneuver. "What about you?" he asked Alex. "Same thing." he said. Discord raised his eyebrows. Is that cheating? He thought. Followed by Twilight and Alex was Applejack, who somehow broke the outside wall by bucking it as hard as she could. After Applejack was Rainbow Dash, who seemingly traversed it with her speed alone. Rarity came in fifth. Finally came the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who worked as a team after they found each other, with their reasoning being of course that they could get their cutie marks, which only left Spike and Trixie to tie for last.. "Spike, Trixie, you were the last two to get to the end of the maze, so you’re in the danger zone." Discord snapped his fingers and dramatic music played - who needed special effects when you had chaos magic? "Viewers at home, vote by leaving your character's name in the comments! Until next time, this has been Discord and Pinkie in “A Discordant Reality”! Tune in in about two weeks where we will see who is safe and who will be kissing this castle goodbye!” And that's a wrap.