//------------------------------// // unexpected developments // Story: A New Perspective // by kharne34231 //------------------------------// Chapter 4 unexpected developments “Of all the things I had to break my wings! Why cant ponies have elevators, it would make life so much easier!” I mumbled as I walked down the stairs to the ground floor. I found as I went down the stairs the apparent ‘sleep’ I had last night wasn’t very good and I was becoming drowsy, and a little irritable to boot. At one point I had passed a few ponies talking while I was having my rant. They were looking at me like I was crazy or something. If I were them I would think I was crazy too. As I continued my fast paced walk, I suppose you could classify it as a canter. As I began to approach the bottom I began to hear talking coming from bellow. It wasn’t normal talking though it had a certain, negative ring to it. I was afraid someone had gotten in trouble with the law but then I faintly heard my name. “We're looking for a Pegasus named Hardwood maam. We have reason to believe he is with two unicorns do you have any information?” the pony asking the question was a white stallion clad in amour. He was one of the princess’s royal guards, and he wasn’t alone. From my vantage point on top of the stairs I could see at least two more with him possibly more. “As a matter of fact a group matching your description did rent rooms here for the night. The unicorns are gone but I didn’t see this Hardwood leave.” The counter maid responded. “Which room is he in?” he asked “On the top floor room 104. May I ask, what did he do?” the maid inquired politely. “The princess wants to talk to him personally on an important matter. I myself do not know what the exact circumstances of her reasons are.” He said Ya right, why do you need three armed guards to escort a guest. Obviously something was up and I wasn’t about to get myself involved intentionally. The guards turned to go up the stairs. I swear their leader saw me. Quickly I ducked into one of the rooms adjacent to me so as to avoid detection. It was a broom closet of sorts. The guards passed me by without a second thought. It was a good choice for me to hide as I had only seen three of them at least six must have passed me by. Why does Celestia want me that badly? Cautiously I left the safety of the closet and went down the stairs. The counter maid turned to look at me, her smile slowly turned to a frown. I continued walking trying not to notice her. To my discontent though she began to move slowly towards the stairs I had left behind. I was about halfway through the room when I heard her calm walk turn into a fast paced gallop. Immediately I too broke out into a sprint. “Guards! Turn around he’s back here!” I could hear her yell. The sound of galloping increased considerably as I noticed the guards were only a floor above me and had turned around and began to gallop towards my position. By now I was clear out the door, instead of being safe the streets were flooded with guards. I was scared out of my mind, were they all looking for me? I dint care; I broke out into a gallop trying to make a break for the market where I hoped to loose them. Before I knew it the sounds of running filled my ears. I turned around for a split second to see the guards who were in the hotel burst out. They yelled something at the others and then suddenly it was me against Canterlot. I had made it about 40 yards before I noticed the guards were not tiring like me and they were faster. In panic I immediately turned a right and jumped into the crowd in an attempt to loose their trail. Unfortunately the crowd was onto me and moved to make a whole for the guards. They were almost at me now. Then I noticed that they didn’t have wings! If I could just get in the air then maybe I could escape. They were mere feet from me now I had to do it. U gave an enormous flap of my wings and I shot into the air. At the same time it felt as if I was hit by a sledgehammer on my side. I couldn’t keep it up so instead of trying to keep going I landed on a roof and fell over in pain. From below I could hear them yelling my name trying to get me to come down. Yes, I’m going to come down and get caught. As long as I was up here I was safe. Then something I didn’t at all se coming happened. A burst of energy not three feet from me blinded and deafened my ears. It only took whoever it was to quickly get a hold of me and pin me to the roof. Then I was swallowed by the same light, next thing I knew I was on the ground again surrounded by the guards. “Nice try, whatever you did the princess knows. You have a special meeting to attend with Celestia herself.” He said in a halfway threatening manner. “Hmm, alright then lead on.” I gestured and the group of guards walked off with me in the center. I was captured and now I was going to see the princess for who know what reason. I could only guess it wasn’t a good one. Under other circumstances I would have enjoyed a visit to the Canterlot castle but his was not a good time. Me and the group of guards stopped at the entrance. They moved out of the way and their leader pointed to the door. “She is expecting you.” He stepped out of the way and opened the doors. Slowly I stepped into the large room. As soon as I was in they slammed the door behind me, I was stuck. At the other end was what I could only assume to be the princesses throne. Large marble pillars rose up around me as I progressed down the velvet carpet towards it. As far as I could tell though the princess wasn’t in the room. I was alone at the moment, me and the pillars. I walked around for a moment gathering in what I could for this, possibly last, moment. Then from behind me I could hear a door open and the sound of hoof steps coming from it. I turned to see princess Celestia herself approaching me. She seemed radiated a veil of happiness around her and as she approached I began to feel more relaxed. More being relative though, as I was still scared out of my mind as to what was going on. Then she stopped in my general area and waited. Smiling she said “I bet your wondering what the guards were for.” I didn’t know how to react, I had been arrested right then. Was this some kind of interrogation? She shook her head. “There is no need to worry, the guards were meant as a precaution. I don’t intend to hurt you or arrest you. After all Cameron you didn’t do anything.” My jaw dropped. “How do you know my name?” I asked flabbergasted. “There are a lot of things I know, but a lot that I don’t. After all I find it very interesting how a human got to equestrian.” I didn’t know how to respond. “You know about humans, wait first off how do you know my name?” “Don’t think that your appearance in equestrian was quiet. There were a lot of signs before you came here.” She stated with interest. “What kind of signs are you talking about?” I asked. “Nothing a regular pony would have seen, in fact I doubt you were able to recognize them when you were a human.” She stopped expecting a response but I didn’t reply so she just continued. “The clouds over the Everfree forest had been acting strangely for quite a while before your arrival. They had been swirling around in the same place for nearly a week, granted it was discreet but some noticed it. Also were the stars, they themselves had moved out of their normal pattern centering on the forest.” Clouds and stars? What did that have to do with me coming here? And more importantly how did Celestia know who I was, or what humans were for that matter. I didn’t know and frankly I didn’t know if I wanted to. “So how do you know who I am, and how do you know about humans?” “Well, humans know about us don’t they.” She said with a smile. I couldn’t argue that. “Anyway as it turns out while these events were going on I began to have dreams. Very real dreams. I saw your world and what has happed in it and truthfully I thought many times I was loosing my mind. Never has any pony ever even thought of such acts.” “So you saw, everything.” She nodded. I could only imagine what that had done to her. If she saw what I think she was implying then she not only viewed our present, but also our past. That includes the bad parts. “I’m… sorry you saw that. Not all humans are like that though. Most of us are…” Celestia interrupted me. “Decent, yes I know it is the acts of the few in your world that change it for the worst.” The room grew quiet for a moment until I broke it. “Then how do you know my name? Was that in your dream too?” I asked reluctantly. “You were in the dream too. I followed you a lot; you were a beacon of hope in that world. A true friend, perhaps that is what, drew my mind to you.” She explained. “Fair enough but I still have one more question for you, how did I get here?” this subject was apparently very tender. I could tell because of how Celestia had to gather her thoughts before it. “That is a good question.” She turned and looked away for a moment and took in a breath. “I brought you here.” “wh…why! Why would you take me here! You abducted me!” I was in a rage. Celestia didn’t try to calm me. She only said three words, for they were all that needed to be said. “Cameron, you died.”