//------------------------------// // The Princess Confesses // Story: Cronus is King // by fanficlover 1 //------------------------------// Ch 21 (Celestia POV) I could tell, as soon as Luna entered the Day Court chambers, that she was angry. It wasn’t the sparks of energy that that seemed to spark from her horn that told me her emotions were currently heightened, it wasn’t the fact that she forced all the nobles and guards to leave the with only a simple levitation spell, and it wasn’t the clear as day face of intense focus that warned me that something was wrong what gave it away was the fact that I had heard her coming, barging past any pony who had stood in her way, whether by accident or on purpose to talk with her. Now alone, besides myself still sitting on the throne, Luna closed the large double doors with a mighty thud. With no one else present, and her pony of desire found, Luna seemed to calm down on the surface but her crackling horn said otherwise. Afraid that her magic might go off at any second, I tried to begin a calm conversation. Key word being, tried. “Luna, What is wrong?” Luna took a deep breathe. “Celestia, do you know what I had the displeasure of reading?” It seemed like my idea for calm was going out the window so the next step was to figure out was wrong and try to fix it before it got worse. “No Luna, I do not. Would you please tell me?” My calm and motherly (as some ponies liked to say) seemed to only enrage her more making her sparks of magic to become more frequent. Another deep breath. “I had the displeasure of reading a specific entry in your library of catalogued displaced, and what I found when I did so has left me sincerely miffed as to what its contents entailed.” My eyes went wide, I could already tell what she meant and it was not good. I thought I had hidden my evidence of destroying the page. Did she see me do it and recreate it? No, don’t get ahead of myself, she could simply be mad at some other displaced. If I had fingers, I would be crossing them. “This specific displaced seemed to hold a very unusual ability. One that allows those that touches its sweat to immediately lose control of themselves by releasing their inner most inhibitions. The displaced in question seemed to go by a very fitting name considering his powers, The Corruptor.” I had been right about it then, not that it makes it any better in fact it only makes the situation worse now. “I see, I am guessing you wish to discuss the reason for my half truths then?” She shook her head. “No I will not be discussing any half truths with you dear sister, rather I will be forcing you to explain to me why you lied this whole time since I came back from the moon!” A bolt of violet magic lightning burst from her horn before quickly impacting the walls to her right. I need to calm her down, now before she accidently destroyed the tower in her rage. “I see, then simply ask and I will tell you the truth. There is no possible benefit of doing otherwise now.” The magic sparks lessened somewhat and Luna seemed slightly more relaxed. Good, that meant I was going in the right direction and if the truth was where I had to go then I guess I had no other choice. “Why did you lie to me about The Corruptor’s power?” A simple question, thank goodness. “Because I did not want you to blame yourself when you had finally come back. You, who had been traped so long in a dark and solitary place away from home, away from family, all because of some wretched making darkness I never knew you had inside you come to bear against me. I did not want to lose my sister again.” No change in attitude, “Why did you blame it on all of the displaced then and not just the one who did it to me?” darn, a not so simple question. If I didn’t say it the right way then Luna could get angrier. “You must understand Luna, It was a dark time for both of us. Centuries of peace, and all of it was taken away when a single displaced got the bright idea that he could blame everything on us. That every single soul taken from their home could be due to the work of both of us. Gathering forces slowly because of his lies. The best answer I could give you is that I let my emotions get the better of me for too long and by the time I was calm enough to see what I had done, it was too late to turn back.” The sparks came back again in full force. What had I said to upset her? “Too late to turn back? What of releasing all those that you falsely imprisoned because of you letting your emotions get the better of you? You could have easily made peace with the future generations of displaced and explained the truth to those who would listen.” “What would I do then when another one him comes around? Only to target me all by myself with only a kingdom of subjects who barely know what war is.” Even after all this time, I couldn’t get over the fear of the displaced who had cost me almost everything. Not even enough to say his name in private to my sister. “If another one did come around, I know you could him of dealt with him in other ways besides fighting. Now though, you’ve trapped all of them which has simply breed more hate and contempt from the displaced after all this time. All those friends you could of made, to keep you from worrying about what happened to me and you simply locked them away because you were afraid and mad?” “No Luna.” Luna’s tirade stopped at that. “I was mad at first, yes, livid even but those emotions barely stayed with me after the first week of you being gone, before I had caught even a tenth of the still at large displaced. All that I carried with me when I captured all those innocent displaced was fear.” The sparks disappeared now, and I only looked to my own hooves in shame for admitting my weakness. It wasn’t something I wanted to do, never in all of eternity, but I would rather admit my shame and weakness to the one I cared most rather than fight them. I didn’t look up at the sound of hooves clopping against the floor, no doubt signaling Luna leaving as she was too embarrassed and disgusted by my own admittance for what I did and why. I became shocked though at the feeling of arms wrapping around me in a hug. Looking up, I saw that Luna now sat next to me giving me a hug while looking at her own hooves with what seemed like a look of remorse. I simply had a look of confusion to her actions. Whether noticing this or not, Luna did not give me any indication as she began speaking. “When I came in here, I thought myself justified. That you had simply done everything you did for some selfish greed you had somehow gained in my absence. That I was, in all regards, in the right to confront you in such a way. I was wrong though. I can see that you are not lying when you say that you feared for the worst and I suppose I cannot blame you for that. Still though, I can not forgive you for what you did.” Luna’s face gained a piercing look in her eyes, as though staring straight into my soul for what she said but it lessened as she continued. “But I can forgive you for what you can do to make this right. To right the wrong you think is unchangeable.” I looked eagerly into her eyes, waiting for her to continue. “You must forgive those who did no wrong yourself, starting with Ed and Cronus, as the others called.” I didn’t know what to say so I simply nodded my head before twisting my body just enough to wrap my sister in a hug of my own. For a good long while we simply stayed like that, uncaring of the world around us. A loud series of knocks broke that and I remembered what I had just been doing before Luna came barging in. In embarrassment,  we both let go while I opened the doors with my magic to let those who had been forced to leave earlier back inside. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Cronus POV) After a good number of apologies, and arms that had been removed from around my neck while I tried to do so. Myself, Ed and the rest of girls had gathered to to purchase tickets for the second train to Canterlot (Spike seemed very excited to stay behind so no one really forced him to come along). At first I had been mad that I had missed the one train that could take me to Canterlot and finally end this whole mess and now I had to wait another full day to do so but apparently there were more than one trains on the single tracks that went past the Ponyville station. In fact, as everyone else told me, there were actually three trains. One happened to be one we had been riding just a few hours ago which made cross country trips from the pony capital of Canterlot all the way to the border town of Griffonstone before turning around and going back the way it came. Other trains though simply stayed in smaller areas of the kingdoms going back and forth across all the towns and cities that had built a settlement next to the tricks. The train that stopped in Ponyville before heading back to Canterlot was due any minute now so we simply needed to wait long enough with our tickets ready. ‘Seems easy enough. Just have to make sure nothing else bad happen-’ “Woops!” I barely caught myself from face planting on the dirt road. Looking down to see what could of caused it, I became confused to see a pile of black goostuck to the bottom of my foot. Figuring it to simply be a remnant of my battle with Nightmare Moon, I scrapped the offending gunk on a nearby rock large enough to cover the width of my shoe before scrapping the gunk off and following after everyone else who had stopped to make sure I was alright.