//------------------------------// // Part 2 // Story: My Daughter Twilight // by Hourglass //------------------------------// The next day I decided to introduce Twilight to my family. They were all quite surprised when they saw her for the first time. "Who is this girl?" My Father asked. "Where did she come from?" My Mother asked. "What is she like?" My Brother asked. I introduced them to her. "Everyone, I would like you all to meet my Daughter, and best friend. Twilight Sparkle. Made her myself, she's an artificial human that I built from both a metal skeleton and human organs. She is a sweet person and a nice one too, I hope you will all welcome her in as one of us." Twilight was sort of perturbed by finding out that she was an artificial human. My family talked for a little bit, but finally my Father spoke. "We have decided that you can keep and take care of her my Son. But you have to promise that you will never treat her badly, that you will never put her in a bad situation, and above all always remember to love her and accept her just as much as we've loved you." Me and my Father shook hands to seal the deal and that was the start of it all. "Come here to papa Twilight." I said with my arms open. Twilight came and hugged me tightly. "I love you Dad, I love you Dad, I love you Dad." She blubbered quickly as she hugged me. The next day I decided to take Twilight to the local science museum so she could see all of the amazing exhibits inside. I knew full well that she was an intelligent and smart person from what I had seen in the show. She loved a lot of the exhibits inside, including the marble run, the music exhibits, the suspended bike ride (in which you would ride a bike on a tight rope over an exhibit hall which had safety harnesses and a cable attached to the front handlebars), and she really loved the giant elevator which looked more like a living room rather than an elevator. "This place is so cool Dad, i love it!" I heard her shout as she played around with big bubbles at the water exhibits. "I hoped you would Twilight." I said. At home I decided to give her a room of her own, since she had been sleeping on the couch in the second floor loft all this time. There was a room down on the first floor that had been used as a storage room, and so one night I got my family together and said. "I want to clean out that room so she can have a place of her own rather than sleeping on the couch in the loft." They agreed to do it since they were trying to find a good time to clean it out. We worked for a long time moving boxes, books, and old snowboarding and golfing equipment out of the room. Then we moved in a new bed, a wardrobe, and a nightstand by the bed. The big bookshelves with books that had been used before was kept in there since Twilight loved reading. I surprised her with it one night, she was exhilarated beyond measure. "Haaaa!!! LOOK AT ALL THOSE BOOKS! I'VE GOT MY OWN BED! AND I'VE GOT A WARDROBE FOR CLOTHES NOW!!! THANK YOU DAD!!!" She was overwhelmingly happy. We went to go and get new clothes for her that weekend at Wal-Mart. Twilight told us (my Father and I) what she wanted. "Grandpa?" She called up my father. "Yes?" He answered. Twilight started talking. "I would like to tell you and Dad what I would like to get in clothes terms. Let's see, I would really like to find an outfit with a dark pink over vest with a purple belt, with a light pale blue polo shirt with a red bow tie and a purple skirt with knee high socks and black buckle shoes." She was describing the outfit that she had during the Equestria Girls Specials. "I would also like to get a light blue shirt with short sleeves and purple shorts with a purple belt." She described what she wore during Legend Of Everfree. "I would also like a light blue shirt with dark blue stripes and poofy shoulder cuffs, and yet another purple skirt, along with ankle high socks and purple shoes." She described what she was now wearing in the Equestria Girls Digital Series (I.E. Overpowered, The Finals Countdown and The Last Day of School). We were able to find what she wanted. Even if it took a long time to find them. After a whole month, one of the saddest things happened. I was watching a copy of Movie Magic that I had rented from the library near my school, and Twilight came in to see it. She watched and saw herself as a cartoon animated character. "That's me? Why am I in a cartoon with my friends?" She kept watching when I told her to go back to her room and was saddened by what she saw. I came down to meet her and she shouted at me in a sad way. "Why didn't you tell me? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?!" I told her about the show and why I liked it so much and that it was the way I came to love her like I did. I also explained her role in the series a s best I could. Twilight was still made sad. "YOU DON'T LOVE ME THEN SINCE I AM JUST A RECREATION OF AN ANIMATED CHARACTER BROUGHT TO LIFE!!!" She started sobbing some more. I knew how she was feeling right now. I brought her close and stroked her shoulder. "Of course I love you Twilight, I know that you were originally an animated character. But if it wasn't for that, then I wouldn't have gotten the idea to make you into who you are now. I love you Twilight, I don't think less of you, I really love you." She hugged me again in tears and held me tightly. "I am so glad that is the case Father, even if I am just a recreation. It's good to know that your love for me is genuine." Then the worst part of my time with Twilight began on the last few weeks of school. My father and I decided that Twilight wasn't seeing enough of the world outside of home and so we decided to take her into school with us that morning, she would stay in my father's office or in the administrative office while I went to my daily classes. Everyone was quite surprised to see my Father and I come in with a girl with purple hair and lavender skin who looked like she had a few stitches around her neck and her hands as well as down the back of her legs. "This is my Son's daughter everyone, her name is Twilight Sparkle. Don't think that she is weird or unusual because she can be a bit sensitive, treat her like you would anyone else." My Father spoke to the staff and other Principals as soon as we entered. After I finished the announcements over the speaker system I went to speak with Twilight. "Now Twilight, I want to have your word that you will not leave the office and that you will stay with my father at all times. Do you understand?" Twilight looked to me and shook my hand. "Of course Father, I won't go out unless you or Grandpa are with me." "Good." I said and headed of for my morning classes. Up until now Twilight had only seen my family, and me and my family lived very good, respectful, clean, and blessed lives outside of school. But she had not been exposed to the horrors of children who may act well around their parents, but who go completely down hill just to 'be cool' around their peers. Then the unthinkable happened during lunch. My Father needed to watch over the lunch period in the Main Concourse of the school just to make sure that nothing would go bad. Twilight had gone with him which I told her she could do, but the bad part was that even though she stayed as close to my Father as possible, the immature students (namely Freshmen and other boneheads) still bothered her. "You look ugly." One boy said. "You shouldn't be here! You son of a motherless goat!" One stuck up girl retorted. "You old Bolshevik." Another said. "You are filled with turd, ya know that." Another said. But this was by far the worst one. "You are a shucky darn, nerts, Fahrvergnügen, cotton pickin, heavens to Betsy, son of a biscuit eater. You should go and suck eggs." That was the one that ticked Twilight off Big time. "YOU THINK SO HUH!?! YOU REALLY THINK SO?" and when they nodded Twilight did this. "Well how about getting a taste of your own pain!" Twilight seriously became more than a girl at that point, she became a monster. She grabbed the nearest trash can she could find and threw it at a big group of the insulters. "You think that hurt!" She yelled derisively. "How about this!" She suddenly grabbed a cleaning brush from a passing custodian and chased after a lot of them smacking them hard on the head every time that she got near them. Everyone was scared now and ran from the Main Concourse to their classrooms, anyone who tried to get it on their phones would end up getting hit by Twilight as well. The whole problem finally ended when the campus security guards came and hit her hard in the belly and linked her arms with their's and took her away to the security office. I was called in after school by my Father who did not look happy at all. "Twilight is waiting in the security office Son!" He grunted in an angry tone. When I got into the security office I found to officers standing over Twilight in one corner while in the other was another security guard who was drumming his fingers waiting for me. Twilight looked very scared and sad, like she had just been taken into prison for a crime that she didn't commit. The officer spoke to me for awhile and asked me why she behaved like that. When I had finished I was able to take Twilight home with me, but we were told that we could never bring her back again for as long as she lived. That event made Twilight feel very bad for herself and myself...so bad that she did something equally unthinkable. It happened on one night in which I was sleeping. But a sound jerked me to wake up, it was the sound of the front door opened and closed again. I went to check Twilight's room and found that she wasn't there. I was emotionally in jeopardy and I was now crying uncontrollably. My Mother and Father came into the room and wondered what was going on with me. Then they found the reason. "Twilight's gone, why?" My Mother asked. "It's because she thinks that she is now no longer worthy to be my Daughter now that she has done something horribly bad, and now she's run away from home!" I cried loudly. I was extremely sad now. My Father decided to take charge. "You and me should go and find her Son. We have to search very hard to find her, but hopefully she hasn't gone very far." I sure hoped that my Father was right. I just hoped that Twilight had not decided to sit on the train tracks outside our property. My Father and I got in the truck and went out to search for her, we looked for a long time. For a moment we didn't see her and my heart began to sink like the Titanic, but suddenly I saw a girl with purple hair and a colorful outfit crouched down and crying on the side of the road. I told Dad to stop the truck so I could go out and meet her. I neared very slowly and found her. "Twilight? Is that you." I whispered Twilight looked at me. She was not at her best; her hair was now out of a ponytail and was now very askew, her glasses had fallen off and her eyes were now filled with tears, she was very sad and tears were soaking her outfit and her face, and she looked very emotionally disturbed. I was just about as sad as she was right now. "Dad, I am not worthy of being your daughter anymore." She started. "I have caused great destruction and have tortured a lot of people, I have become a monster in my own right. I was a monster before and much more terrible, and now I have become one again within this artificially mortal body. I don't want to be called your Daughter anymore after what I have done, I don't deserve it. I don't even belong here in this world, you brought me here basically as a naive robot who knew nothing of this world. I don't want to be here, I don't deserve to be your Daught-." I stopped her right there. "That's not true Twilight. You may have done something extremely bad yesterday, but listen." I took a breath and a sob just before I continued. "I know you are feeling hopeless, and I’m sorry that you feel sad right now. There are many bad things in this world that can make us feel angry, sad, or worthless. But remember this over all that is the most important thing." "What is it?" Twilight asked. I put my hands on both her shoulders. "You are loved Twilight. My life is exceedingly greater and better with you in it, I created you not to be insulted or to be put down by the world, I created you because I love you very much and I adore you more than your animated counterpart. I don't care what anyone says to you or how bad they treat you. I love you and care for you with all my heart. I’m grateful you’re in my life, I enjoy your company, You’ve made me think of things in a completely new way, I’m excited to see what you do, and above all...I love you." Twilight and I both entered into a family hug, the both of us were in tears of joy now. We hugged each other for a long five minutes, I could hear her crying and I could feel her chest heaving with every sob. It was a very moving moment for me. "It's O.K. Twilight, cry all you want. I'm here for you." I whispered to her. Twilight looked at me and spoke in a sweet voice. "Thanks Dad, I love you to." It was a very emotional moment for myself and Twilight. But from this point onward I knew this simple fact. She would always be...My Daughter Twilight...