Fluttershy's Critter Capers

by CapNTilfy

Shynal Chapter (The Day After)

Fluttershy woke up feeling refreshed as she slowly opened her eyes to the morning's sunlight. As she got out of bed, she stretched and yawned. I'm surprised I didn't have a nightmare...that sad story from last night really got to me! She opened her window shutters, letting the sunlight stream in. Her phone buzzed, nearly startling her out of a second yawn.

Hey girls! Guess who's back to 100%?- Sent by Sunset Shimmer

Awesome!- Sent by Rainbow Dash

"Finally!" said Fluttershy.

Yay!- Sent by Fluttershy

Fluttershy went into her closet and changed into her day clothes. She checked her phone again, which was buzzing while she was dressing.

This calls for a party! Wait, haven't we said all these things before?- Sent by Pinkie Pie

Wonderful to hear, darling!- Sent by Rarity

Glad to hear, sugarcube!- Sent by Applejack

All right!- Sent by Twilight Sparkle

Something amazing happened! I have so much to tell you all, and something to show you! Meet me at the mall in a few hours.- Sent by Sunset Shimmer

Oooh, sounds exciting! thought Fluttershy. Now to pass some time. She went downstairs and turned on the television to the Nature Channel. Playing on the channel was a documentary she was all too familiar with, and could practically recite it word for word on command. She watched it regardless.


After the documentary had ended, Fluttershy checked her phone and decided to go to the mall early. She got into her car and turned the radio on with the car windows down. To the average person it might seem that Fluttershy was lip-syncing, but those who know her well enough would realize she's singing her heart out.


Fluttershy entered the mall and decided to walk around looking for something to do before her friends arrived. She went to the animal shelter first. The animal shelter was noisy as always, the sounds of various animals echoing around the inside. "Doctor Fauna!" Fluttershy greeted her good friend.

Doctor Fauna gave Fluttershy a big smile and hugged her. "Fluttershy! So nice to see you! What brings you here on a day off?"

Fluttershy smiled and returned the hug. "Oh, just here to see my six friends. One of them was sick yesterday. She sent us all a text saying she had a lot to tell us and something to show us."

The hug broke. "Sounds exciting!" said Doctor Fauna. "Well, I don't want to keep you from your friends!"

"Oh, I'm here early. We're not supposed to meet for about a couple of hours. I just wanted to say hi to all the animals."

"Things are pretty busy around here. I should get back to it. See you later!"

"Goodbye, Doctor Fauna!" said Fluttershy as she made her way to the animals.

"Hello, everyone!" said Fluttershy to all the animals, who each greeted her in return. "I apologize in advance, but I don't have enough time to talk to you all. I have an hour or two at most."


After she finished at the animal shelter, Fluttershy walked over to the bookstore. She went over to the self-help section and looked for books about finding confidence in oneself. No. That's the old me. I've come too far to fall back. She left the aisle and went to the animal section. She stayed in the animal section for quite some time, re-reading books she borrowed from the Canterlot Library only recently. Starting to get bored, she left the bookstore and checked her phone. Hmm. Maybe I should head over to our favorite table now. She found her way to their table and saw Applejack, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie waiting at the table. As she got closer, she heard them talk about the Dance Magic music video they made a while back.

"Yeah. It was pretty surreal seeing us in a video playing throughout the entire mall. Even more so when the Daring Do movie came out." said Twilight.

"But it was a whole bushel of fun doin' both of those things." said Applejack, just slightly behind Twilight.

Now within earshot, Fluttershy added "But I'm glad I didn't get mobbed by strangers like I was afraid I would." They all continued their conversation until Sunset Shimmer arrived and told them everything.


After watching Sunset go through the portal to Equestria, everyone went their separate ways. Not wanting to look back, Fluttershy wiped another tear off her face. That was almost overwhelming. I know we saw both Twilights after the Friendship Games, but to see what she called our "Equestrian counterparts" was something else entirely. Not to mention the outpouring of emotion before we left the mall. I was worried we'd attract the attention of mall security with the way we were carrying on. She sighed. I wonder how Princess Twilight's doing? It'd be nice to see her again.

She took another look at Sunset's drawing. Sunset really has a talent for this sort of thing. It's amazing what pieces of art can do to a person. It stirs up emotions, inspires people to do great things... Fluttershy sighed. I wonder if the songs I've written have had any similar impact on people? Fluttershy shook her head to snap herself out of her reverie. Enough about that, though. I don't want to waste my time worrying about things like that. I already have enough to worry about as it is!

Fluttershy got in her car and started the engine. Again, she recited the Driving Safety Rhyme out of habit and drove her way home, listening to the radio all the way.


Fluttershy parked in the garage and walked out. She closed the garage door and entered the main living area. She turned on the television, which was left on the Nature Channel. She sighed. They're still playing that documentary? They really need to find some new programs to air, it's going to affect their ratings!

Just then, Fluttershy heard a noise. It sounded as if someone or something was scratching the front door. Afraid, Fluttershy slowly walked over to the window to see who or what was making that noise. Once she saw the creature, her eyes lit up. She never thought she'd see a creature like this before! She eagerly opened the door to a creature with a lion's head, dragon wings and a scorpion's tail. "Oh my goodness...are you...a Manticore?"

End of Book 6 of Not Just Any Old Day