Pinkie Pie's Special Friends

by smirker

Dyslexia and Dyscalculia

Pinkie Pie was working at Sugarcube Corner for the day and writing down the records of the customers and what they bought for the day, she keeps writing and finished after sometime. Derpy flew into the house shortly afterwards with a letter in her mouth, it was for Pinkie Pie, she takes it and Derpy left, Pinkie Pie opened the letter and read it,

Dear, Pinkamena Diane Pie,

This is Letter, I am also writing this on behalf of my brother, Number, we've wanted to thank you for your help from many years ago, we are now working together to further our education than ever before, and we all owe it to you. We wanted to let you know that we are coming to Ponyville in a few days from now, Princess Twilight Sparkle has received word about us and invited us to her home so she can help me read numbers while teach how Number to read letters, we will pay you a visit when we have the time.

Pinkie Pie gasped in excitement at the idea of them coming over,

"Letter and Number are coming over!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly,

"I remember when I first met them. *sigh*" Pinkie Pie said, and she looks back.

Pinkie Pie was walking around Equestria before she decided to settle in Ponyville and was helping whoever she came across, she came to a house in an open field and saw two unicorn fillies, they both had light blue manes and tails, white coats, and sky blue eyes, one unicorn had the letter A as a cutie mark, the other unicorn had the number 1 as a cutie mark, both of their cutie marks were black, the two were distraught, Pinkie Pie ran to them,

"What's wrong?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"We're failing school." the unicorn with the letter A as a cutie mark said, it was a female,

"Which subject?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Math." the female unicorn said, Pinkie Pie chuckled,

"Every subject except math." the unicorn with the number 1 as a cutie mark said, it was a male,

"You know, I failed math when I was in school, too." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Could you see the numbers fine?" the female unicorn asked,

"Of course." Pinkie Pie replied,

"You don't understand me then." the female unicorn said,

"You won't understand why I'm failing either." the male unicorn said,

"What is the problem, then?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I have dyslexia, I can't read letters." the male unicorn replied,

"I have dyscalculia, I can't read numbers." the female unicorn said, Pinkie Pie gasped,

"That means, you guys need each other." Pinkie Pie said happily,

"That's the thing, our school won't let us work together." the male unicorn replied,

"Do they know about your guys' disabilities?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, and they said they don't care." the female unicorn replied,

"What?! Don't care?! I won't stand for this! I'm going to be have a word with them!" Pinkie Pie said,

"Really? You will?" the female unicorn asked in surprise while smiling, Pinkie Pie nodded,

"Thank you, um?" the male unicorn said,

"Pinkamena Diane Pie, but you can call me Pinkie for short." Pinkie Pie said,

"I'm Letter." the female unicorn said,

"I'm Number." the male unicorn said, Pinkie Pie thought their names were rather fitting,

"Where are your parents?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"They're at work." Letter replied,

"Well, lead me to your school." Pinkie Pie said,

"Today's Sunday." Number replied,

"Oh." Pinkie Pie said,

"Well, you could stay with us, mom and dad have not been able to find babysitters for us." Letter said, Pinkie Pie became excited and went into their house with them.

Pinkie Pie walks around and sees many classic literature and math books, she remembered that her parents had a few of them back at home, Pinkie Pie helped Letter and Number with their studies and read the parts they could not read, Pinkie Pie observed them and noticed that Letter can read numbers in word form, while Number cannot read variables, and the only letters he can read were a lowercase x and a lowercase t, since they looked like plus signs and multiplication signs to him. Pinkie Pie was helping with Number and they see the formula y=mx+b,

"Uh, equal, times, plus, I can't read the rest." Number said,

"There's a y before the equal, after the equal is the letter m, that x you mistook for multiply is actually a variable, and after the plus is a b." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Oh, slope formula." Number said, Pinkie Pie nodded,

"I'm surprised they're already teaching you this, they usually don't teach things like this until middle school." Pinkie Pie said,

"Actually, our school doesn't teach this, this is self-study for us." Number replied, Pinkie Pie smiled,

"Is there anything you two need to work together on to get done?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Graphing." Letter replied,

"You two can't see shapes?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, we can, it's just we need to work together labeling it." Number replied,

"He writes down the numbers of graph, I write down what they represent, and we take turns drawing the graphs." Letter said, Pinkie Pie smiled, she decided to have the two do different types of graphs to see what they needed help on, it was just as she expected, Letter needed to write down the words, and Number needed to write down the numbers, the two were able to draw the graph just fine.

The door opens and they see two adult unicorns come in, they both looked like adult versions of Letter and Number, their manes, tails, eyes, and coats were all the same color and style, the female adult's cutie mark was the Roman alphabet of uppercase letters, and the male adult's cutie mark was an addition sign, a subtraction sign, a multiplication sign, and a division sign, both cutie marks were black, they were surprised to see Pinkie Pie,

"Letter, Number, who is this?" the female unicorn asked,

"Pinkie Pie, she's offering to help us with school." Letter replied,

"I'm also volunteering to be their babysitter, free of charge." Pinkie Pie said,

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot, my name's Numerical, and this is Alphabet, my wife." the male adult replied,

"Nice to meet you two." Pinkie Pie replied,

"You sure about this, darling, we are letting a stranger near our children." Alphabet said,

"Yes, I know, but it's worth a try, she's not charging us either." Numerical replied,

"I'm going to need a place to stay." Pinkie Pie said, Alphabet sighs,

"Fine, you can stay here." Alphabet replied,

"Really?! Thank you!" Pinkie Pie said loudly, which hurt the family's ears, she says "Sorry." while giggling nervously, and she went back to helping Letter and Number study, their parents keep an eye on her and see her do nothing suspicious, she had dinner with the family, but they did not say anything, and she tucked Letter and Number in bed and she slept on the floor since there was no spare bed, and the other bed was taken by the parents, so Pinkie Pie slept on the carpet, which was comfortable, and dreamed peacefully.

Pinkie Pie wakes up early the next morning and sees Letter and Number getting up,

"Good morning, Letter and Number." Pinkie Pie said,

"Morning, Pinkie." Letter replied tiredly,

"We have to get ready for school, Pinkie, our classes are separate, so you won't be able to be with us at more than one place." Number said,

"Don't worry, I have my ways." Pinkie Pie replied, and they all got ready for the day, Alphabet and Numerical were already gone,

"Letter, Number, what do your parents do?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"They're palaeographers, they study ancient texts." Number replied,

"What do you two want to do when you get older?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I want to be a writer." Letter replied,

"How about you, Number?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"A mathematician, as long as the formulas I work on doesn't involve variables or letters." Number replied, Pinkie Pie smiled, they finish breakfast, brush their teeth, and they head to school with Pinkie Pie following them.

Pinkie Pie arrives at the school and puts on a visitor tag, she wrote down her full name in red marker provided by the staff with her mane, she followed Letter to class first since her class was closer, while Number went to his class, Pinkie Pie watched Letter read a book and was fast, she did her assignment, which was write down the characters, setting, problems, conflicts, and solutions to solving problems on a paper, the class was quiet and Pinkie Pie left without making any noise, Letter looks and was surprised to see that Pinkie Pie was gone, so were the classmates and teacher, but they all ignore it for now and continue working.

Number was working in class and was startled when he saw Pinkie Pie behind him to his right, she did not make any noise when she entered the classroom, the others look and were surprised to see her, but they continued working, Pinkie Pie watched Number work on math, he was doing greater than, less than, or equal to problems, he finished them all easily, Number then comes to a word problem and he put his head down while clutching the sides of his head, Pinkie Pie leaned down and touched the back of his head with her front left hoof and Number looked at her,

"Lemon Juice had 30 lemons, and he wanted to make lemonade. If one cup of lemonade required 5 lemons, how many cups can he make?" Pinkie Pie whispered, Number became happy and wrote down 6, Pinkie Pie smiled.

Everypony passes their assignments up to the front and the teacher gives out their next assignment it was Equestrian history, Number was falling behind because there were no numbers, it was just letters, and he could not read a thing, Pinkie Pie notices he was struggling, she becomes worried and tries to read the words for him,

"Miss, this is an assignment that doesn't involve talking." Number's teacher said,

"But he can't letters." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I don't care." Number's teacher said,

"What?! But he's going to fail!" Pinkie Pie said with shock,

"Then let him fail." Number's teacher replied,

"You're his teacher! You're supposed to help him!" Pinkie Pie said angrily,

"Only those who are passing deserve my help. Failing ponies like him can fail because he's too lazy and doesn't try hard enough." the teacher replied calmly,

"But..." Pinkie Pie said,

"This discussion is over, ma'am, I'm not helping him unless he starts passing." Number's teacher replied, Pinkie Pie growled at the fact that the teacher will not help a failing student, she disappeared when the others were not looking, they were startled when they saw she was gone, but they continued working.

Letter was working on a math problem and was having trouble due to her having dyscalculia, she can only read the problems that had variables, Pinkie Pie was beside Letter to her right and it scared her, it scared the other students and teacher as well, she watches Letter and sees she was having trouble, Pinkie Pie tried to read the problem for Letter,

"Ma'am, no talking." Letter's teacher said,

"But she can't read numbers." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Not my problem." Letter's teacher said,

"What?! You're not going to help?!" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I am not wasting my time on students who cannot be independent." Letter's teacher replied,

"Isn't anypony going to help this girl?!" Pinkie Pie asked in an annoyed tone, nopony responded, Pinkie Pie was in utter disbelief, nopony was going to help the two failing siblings,

"Ma'am, if you continue to disturb this class, I will have you kicked out." Letter's teacher said, Pinkie Pie grumbles in anger over the fact that the students and teachers will not help them, she lets out a loud annoyed grunt and walks out of the classroom.

Pinkie Pie stomps in the hallway in rage, she refused to accept that nopony will help two failing students with learning disabilities, she lets out several grunts of anger and then screams in rage, she was then founded by several administrator staff members and kicked out of the school, she grunts when she lands on the ground, she grumbles even more, she got up and waited for Letter and Number to finish class.

Class ends and Pinkie Pie was walking back and forth impatiently, the two go to her,

"Pinkie?" Letter asked, Pinkie Pie shrieks and looks,

"You scared me." Pinkie Pie said,

"It's no use, Pinkie, we're going to have to repeat the grade." Number said, Pinkie Pie gasped,

"Re... re... repeat... the grade?!" Pinkie Pie asked in shock and anger, she says "No! I won't let that happen, I'm going to be your two's tutor, and I will make sure you two pass, no matter how long it takes!" Letter and Number were surprised,

"You would do that for us?" Letter asked, Pinkie Pie nodded,

"Thank you, but we still can't read letters and numbers." Number said,

"Do not worry, Pinkie will come up with something." Pinkie Pie replied, and they headed home.

Pinkie Pie started working on creating an alphabet and number chart for the two to read, she decided to do the alphabet first since it was bigger; a capital A was made with a fraction sign, another fraction sign that was backwards, and a subtraction sign between them; a capital B was made with the numbers 1 and 3; the letter C was made with the left parenthesis; a capital D was made with the number 1 and a right parenthesis; a capital E was made with the sigma symbol; a capital F was made with the number 1 and an equal sign; a lowercase G was made with the number 9; a lowercase H was made with the number 4 that was upside-down and backwards; a capital I was made with the number 1; a capital J was made with the square root symbol; the letter K was made with the number 1, a fraction sign, and a backwards fraction sign; a capital L was made with the number 7 upside-down and backwards; a capital M was made with two number ones, a fraction sign, and a backwards fraction sign; a capital N was made with two number 1s, and a backwards fraction sign; the letter O was made with the number 0; the letter P was made with the number 1 and a right parenthesis; a lowercase Q was made with the number 1 and a left parenthesis; a capital R was made with the number 1, a right parenthesis, and a backwards fraction sign; the letter S was made with parentheses; a lowercase T was made with the plus sign; a capital U was made with a parabola; the letter V was made with a fraction sign, and a backwards fraction sign; the letter W was made with two fraction signs, and two backwards fractions signs; the letter X was made with the multiplication sign; a capital Y was made with the number 1, a fraction sign, and a backwards fraction sign; the letter Z was made with the number 2,

"Phew." Pinkie Pie said as she wiped sweat off of her forehead with her front left hoof, she then went on to go make a number for chart for Letter to read,

the number 0 was made with the letter O, the number 1 was made with a capital I; the number 2 was made with the letter Z; the number 3 was made with a capital E backwards; the number 4 was made with a lowercase H that was upside-down and backwards; the number 5 was made with a capital L that was upside-down with the letter C under it and backwards; the number 6 was made with a lowercase G that was upside-down and backwards; the number 7 was made with a capital L that was upside-down and backwards; the number 8 was made with two Os; the number 9 was made with a lowercase G.

Pinkie Pie goes to Letter and Number, who were studying, and shows them what she has made and they try to read it, they realize that they can, they smile and nod. Pinkie Pie jumped up excitedly and confetti comes out of the floor, Letter and Number look at the floor and see there was nothing to make the confetti come out, confusing the two, but they continued studying with Pinkie Pie helping. Their parents come home after a while and see Letter and Number using the charts Pinkie Pie has made for them, the two smiled and went on to prepare dinner for them, they had dinner, studied more, and went to bed at the end of the day.

Pinkie Pie wakes up early in the morning and sees Letter and Number were already up and eating breakfast, and Alphabet and Numerical were already leaving, she hops to school with Letter and Number walking, Pinkie Pie decided to help Number first since he was failing more subjects than his sister, they were in class again and Number could not read the word problems, so Pinkie Pie reaches into her mane with her front hooves and takes out an exact replica of the assignment, written in the alphabet of math symbols she has made for him, Number smiles and works quickly.

Number's teacher walks to him and sees the paper with the letters written with math symbols, she uses telekinesis and rips it apart,

"Hey! He was doing good too!" Pinkie Pie said,

"Don't care, I am not reading and grading such garbage writing." Number's teacher replied,

"Garbage?! But it looks almost identical to actual letters!" Pinkie Pie said defensively,

"Letters or not, that is not real hoofwriting, I am not grading such things, if he turns in such garbage writing, he's getting a zero." Number's teacher replied, Pinkie Pie lets out several grunts of annoyance and shrieks in anger while jumping in midair, she pants heavily before disappearing when nopony was looking.

Letter was working on a math problem and was struggling, Pinkie Pie hands her the assignment with the numbers made from letters with her front left hoof, this startled Letter a bit but she took it and started improving dramatically. Letter's teacher comes over to look at the paper and sees what Pinkie Pie made, he glares at her, and then uses telekinesis to rip it apart,

"Mister..." Letter said sadly,

"Don't wanna hear it, Letter." Letter's teacher replied,

"What?! But she was starting to pass!" Pinkie Pie said,

"Reading and math need to stay separated, not together." Letter's teacher replied,

"But then how is she able to pass?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"She's just going to have to accept the fact that she's going to fail." Letter's teacher replied, Pinkie Pie was speechless and began growling at the fact that the teachers were making them fail,

"Where is the principal?!" Pinkie Pie asked,

"We don't have one." Letter's teacher replied,

"You and her brother's teachers should ashamed for yourselves, you two have failing students, and refuse to help, that is not what a teacher does!" Pinkie Pie said angrily, several students look at her and were a bit surprised,

"Hang on. Everypony, raise your hoof if you're failing at least one subject in this class." Pinkie Pie said, and every student rose their hoof,

"See? Everypony is failing something, your job is to teach them." Pinkie Pie said,

"That's what self-study is for." Letter's teacher replied,

"Letter does study at home, all day and all night." Pinkie Pie said, Letter smiled,

"Well, tell her to study more, her inability to do math is her problem, she has to overcome it on her own." Letter's teacher replied,

"But what about all these other failing ponies?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"They're improving, Letter's the only one not improving." Letter's teacher replied,

"That's why..." Pinkie Pie said,

"I'm not going to waste my time helping her, as long as I'm paid, I don't care who passes or fails my class." Letter's teacher replied, Pinkie Pie's jaw dropped,

"What?! You care more about money than teaching?!" Pinkie Pie asked angrily,

"Every teacher here does." Letter replied,

"Excuse me again, everypony, how many of you would care more about money than actually teaching your students?" Pinkie Pie asked, everypony except Letter raised their hoof, Pinkie Pie was completely shock, she was very angry and walked out of the room without saying anything.

Pinkie Pie arrives at Letter's and Number's home and sees Alphabet and Numerical were home early,

"Shouldn't you be with our children, Pinkie?" Numerical asked,

"This is very important, their teachers don't care about teaching your children, they only care about money." Pinkie Pie replied,

"We know that." Alphabet said,

"Then why don't you have your children transfer to a different school?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"There are no other schools around this area." Alphabet replied, Pinkie Pie slapped her front right hoof onto her forehead while groaning,

"You know what? I'm taking them to another school." Pinkie Pie said, the parents become shocked,

"But... the closest school besides the one they're attending is ten miles away." Numerical said,

"Then why don't you two teleport them there? You two are unicorns." Pinkie Pie replied,

"We don't know the spell." Alphabet said,

"Leave it to me then, I promise you I'll get them to school on time." Pinkie Pie replied, the parents were unsure,

"Alright, but if they don't make it, it's on you, we're leaving to do the paperwork." Alphabet said,

"Understood." Pinkie Pie replied, and the parents go to the school to fill out paperwork to transfer their kids to another school.

Letter and Number come home and do their homework, they had to switch around for the letter and number parts, Pinkie Pie helped them in case they got something wrong, she took the alphabet and number charts she made for them out of nowhere,

"How do you do that, Pinkie?" Letter asked,

"It's a family trait." Pinkie Pie replied, confusing the two, but they keep working and then begin studying, Alphabet and Numerical come home a few minutes later,

"Good news, Letter and Number, you two are going to a different school tomorrow." Numerical said, shocking the two kids,

"But the closest school is ten miles away!" Number replied,

"No worries, Pinkie Pie is going to take you two there." Alphabet said,

"Well, I guess, she does seem to have her ways of doing things." Letter replied, the parents smiled and left to get ready for work tomorrow, Letter and Number went to sleep and Pinkie Pie tucked them in before falling asleep herself.

Pinkie Pie wakes up early and wakes up Letter and Number by shaking them, they have breakfast and Alphabet and Numerical leave after kissing their children on their foreheads,

"Okay, Letter and Number, stand by me." Pinkie Pie said, and they do,

"Close your eyes." and they do, they hear walking and open their eyes, they were shocked to see they were in the new school, and on time,

"What did you do, Pinkie?" Letter asked,

"Pinkie magic." Pinkie Pie replied, the two were surprised, and Pinkie Pie walked them to their classes, the classmates greeted them all kindly, the teachers read about their conditions and had the two sit beside each other, Pinkie Pie still gave them the alphabet and number chart for them to use, the students and teachers were very impressed, they agreed to use it for them while the students also helped them translate words and numbers they could not read.

A few days pass and Letter and Number improve greatly, Alphabet and Numerical could not believe how much better they were doing, Pinkie Pie took them to class again by teleporting while the two had their eyes closed, they go to class again, the teacher walks to them,

"Pinkie, I think these two can handle learning here on their own from now on." Letter's and Number's new teacher said,

"But they can't get here without me." Pinkie Pie replied,

"What do you mean?" Letter's and Number's new teacher asked,

"Our house is ten miles away from here." Letter replied, the classmates become surprised,

"That can be fixed easily, show me where your home is after school." Letter's and Number's new teacher said, and they do after class, they arrived home after dark, their parents were there, the new teacher takes out a book from his saddlebag,

"This one, practice this spell." Letter's and Number's new teacher said, and they do, they could not get it right, they do after a few days and were able to teleport from school to home now, the two became happy, Alphabet and Numerical learned it as well so they can teleport to work.

Pinkie Pie's last day with the family was a day of joy, it was the day after the four learned the teleporting spell, she was standing outside with the four looking at her with tears of joy,

"Thank you, Pinkie, you have really helped us out a lot." Alphabet said,

"Don't mention it, bringing spirits up is my lifetime's job." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Our children couldn't have improved their education without your help, we are eternally grateful." Numerical said,

"Aw, stop it, you're embarrassing me." Pinkie Pie replied while blushing,

"Can you please stay with us?" Letter and Number asked together,

"Sorry, but there are other ponies out there are still down and sad, I have to bring up their spirits, maybe we'll see each other again one day, I hope we do." Pinkie Pie replied,

"We hope so, too." Number said,

"Well, I have to go, bye now." Pinkie Pie said, and she hopped away while the family waves bye at her with tears in their eyes',

"What a good pony." Pinkie Pie overheard Numerical say,

"Yes, I didn't trust her at first, but she truly is a blessing to have around." Alphabet replied, and Pinkie Pie hopped away and could not hear them anymore.

Pinkie Pie finishes looking back and sees shop was about to close, Mr. and Mrs. Cake have already left, she checks on Gummy and sees he was fine, she goes to her bed and sleeps in it while having dreams about Letter and Number, she was very excited to meet them again.

Two days pass and Pinkie Pie was leaving to teach at the School of Friendship, knocking is heard at the door and she hops to it, she opens it and gasps in excitement, it was Letter and Number, now fully grown adults, they looked just like Alphabet and Numerical,

"Letter and Number!" Pinkie Pie said happily as she hugged them, she lets go and sees Twilight Sparkle standing there with them,

"They wouldn't stop asking me to see you, so I took them here, they've told me all about you helping them with their education when they were fillies, I'm really proud of you, Pinkie, and I'm now going to have them attend the School of Friendship today, since today is your day to teach." Twilight Sparkle said, Letter and Number become surprised,

"You're a teacher, Pinkie?!" Letter and Number asked together,

"Uh-huh, come on, this way." Pinkie Pie replied as she hopped to class, the two follow her and they enter her class, Sandbar, Gallus, Ocellus, Yona, Smolder, and Silverstream were present as well,

"Good morning, everycreature, I have two special friends of mine today, Letter and Number, now make sure you all respect them and help them, they have had a very hard time studying, you guys see, Letter can't read numbers, and Number can't read letters, so if they struggle, please help them." Pinkie Pie said, and they do.

Free time comes and Pinkie Pie talks about when she first met Letter and Number when they were kids and how she helped them with their education in their early years, the students clapped and smiled when Pinkie Pie finished,

"It's true, if it wasn't for her, we wouldn't be at where we are at now." Letter said,

"That is why we're forever indebted to her, our education is on par with even the highest educated creatures, and we wouldn't have made it without Pinkie's help." Number said, the students clap more and the two sit, several days go by and Pinkie Pie helped them again a little and they left after a few days to continue their education elsewhere, forever grateful of Pinkie Pie's help.