//------------------------------// // Secret to Shock // Story: Secret to Shock // by CAPTAIN YOSHI HD //------------------------------// The room of the Cutie Map was just as quiet as a mouse. That is what Twilight Sparkle was wanting after a big day of being jealous of Discord have a wonderful time with her friends. She never knew about it when she was on her book sorting vacation, which was so relaxing. She was told about it by Rainbow Dash and Discord when they nearly crashed onto them. They were telling her about the snake situation that happened at Sweet Apple Acres, it was so hilarious. Discord was just telling random jokes that Twilight's friends thought were so funny, but she didn't. She tried to make her friends believe that they were under Discord's tricky spell to them think the jokes were funny. But, they didn't believe her. The draconequus took the jokes thing way too far and it got Twilight so upset that she had to lash out at her friends, including him. She's also been trying to tell her friends that she, the Princess of Friendship, doesn't get jealous, but she's wrong, she can. Her friends apologized for making her feel left out. She was pretty happy that her friends apologized, but she thought an apology from her friends isn't enough. She also needs one from Discord, because he started it all. Her ears perk up at the sound of the door being opened. She turned and saw Discord entering the room. "Hi, Discord.", she greeted. "Did you need something?" Discord closed the door behind him and took a deep breath before speaking up. "Yes, Princess.", he said. "I just needed to do something." "And that is...", Twilight said, waiting for some specific information. Discord cleared his throat. "I owe you an apology for not inviting you to spend time with me and your friends.", he said. Twilight sighed in relief, that was what she wanted to hear from Discord ever since this whole situation started. "Thank you, Discord.", she said, as she took a seat on the map. "I'm glad you're doing that. Let me hear it." "Well, I guess I can get this over with.", Discord said, popping his knuckles and straightening his back. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, I am-" "Discord, you don't have to say my title.", Twilight interrupted. "Call me by my first name, will you?" "Alright then.", Discord grumbled. "Twilight, I'm really and extremely sorry for not thinking of your feelings when you wanted to spend some time with us. I was cruel and careless, and I should've invited." "That was what I wanted to hear, Discord.", Twilight said. "And I guess I owe you an apology too." Discord widened his eyes in confusion. "For what?", he asked. "For lashing out at you.", Twilight admitted. "I let my jealousies get the best of me and-" "Twilight, you got nothing to apologize for.", Discord interrupted. "I'm the one who started this mess. It was my fault I made you feel left out, you really wanted to join us in our fun." "That's true, I did.", Twilight said. "Then, why didn't you find us and join us?", Discord asked. "I didn't even know you and my friends were having fun, until you and Rainbow Dash told me about it.", Twilight said. "I was too busy having a relaxing time on my book sorting vacation." "Well, you could've just delayed it and wondered where we were and come find us.", Discord said. "That's what I would do if I wondered what Fluttershy was doing on her day. What I'm trying to tell is that you're still a great pony and we love hanging out with you." He put his lion paw on Twilight's shoulder. "And hey, it's ok to tell us that you're jealous. I'm just letting you know." "Thank you, Discord.", Twilight said. "No, thank you.", Discord said. "Well, I guess I better be on my way." "Wait, another thing I need to ask.", Twilight protested. "What?", Discord asked, facing Twilight once more. "How were you able to make my horn bend?", Twilight asked. "What are you- Oh, right.", Discord said. He used his pointer finger to touch the tip of Twilight's horn, bending it downwards, and releasing it to make it wobble. "I have no idea, chaotic powers in my fingertips, I guess." He turned back around for the door, but was stopped by the alicorn princess once again. "Wait, one more thing.", Twilight protested. "Now what?", Discord grumbled. Twilight fidgeted with her hooves. "Can I just say something?", she asked. Discord sighed. "What is it?", he asked. Twilight inhaled air and let her words out. "I actually do find your jokes funny.", she blurted out. Discord was surprised. "Huh? I thought you said my jokes weren't funny.", he said in confusion. "Yes, but I do find them funny in the inside.", Twilight said. "It's your laugh I find attractive." "Oh, really, so you like my- Wait. What?", he asked, widening his eyes. "What are you talking about?" "When you laugh, you look so handsome.", Twilight admitted. "And when you look so handsome, that I can kiss you." "WHAAAAAAAAAT?", Discord shrieked. His eyes were completely widened and his face went to bright shade of red. "That's right, Discord.", Twilight cooed softly. "You are one handsome creature when you laugh at your funny jokes." "Twilight, I... I actually... find that as a compliment.", Discord said, calmly. Twilight giggled. "I'm glad you think so.", she said. "So, if I kiss you now, does that mean we fall in love?" "I wouldn't say it doesn't, but lets do it and see what happens.", Discord said, leaning close to Twilight's face, putting his claw and paw on her sides, and puckering his lips. As Twilight closed her eyes, she puckered hers and connected them to Discord's. Taking his neck, she pulled him closer and pressed hard, hoping that her tongue could taste his lips. Their lips disconnected. Twilight swooned back on the map, keeping her eyes closed. Discord glanced in slight confusion. "Twilight?", he asked. "Twilight, are you alright?" He leaned over Twilight. "Princess, hello?" He tapped her forehead. Twilight made a calm sigh. "Enchanted.", she cooed to herself, before drifting into a peaceful sleep and starting to snore. "Man, I guess the kiss put Twilight to sleep.", Discord said. He smiled at Twilight's adorable display. He picked up her body. "Well, I guess it's this princess's nap time." He brought her to her bedroom. He laid her down on the mattress and pulled the blankets up to her chest. He finally left the room without making a sound to wake the princess.