The Amazing Adventures of Butter Knife! (& Friends!)

by TheMajorTechie

The advent of YouTwitFace

There was once a great prophecy, one that foretold the coming of the ultimate social network... one that would tie together the fates of not one, not two, but three sites.

These sites, being Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook, each merged with each other in that exact order. Eventually, they would come together to form the juggernaut that was now known as YouTwitFace. Alternatively, dropping the odd capitalization, they were also known as You-twit-face. Or Youtwitface. Or xXx-Y0utw1tf4c3-xXx. Either way, they were an odd conglomerate.

Taking this into account... well...

"WOULD YOU THREE STOP BUGGING ME?!" Butter Knife screeched, holding off Ego Boost by the face with one hoof as she stood on a hind leg, LawnPo the Fearsome God of Thunder circling underneath as the mare teetered on a stool.

Oh? Who's the third one?


Aw, you don't have to call me out like that, Flex.

"Who are you calling Flex?"



Don't mind me while I post a pic of you three playing to my YouTwitFace page.