Rainbow Dashes' Odd Day

by Polaris Solarmoon

Chapter 1

(Chapter 1)

It was a beautiful spring day in Ponyville. The birds were singing their songs as they flew about in the sky, it was on this day that Rainbow Dash decided to go see her friend Fluttershy and ask if she wants to hang out today.

However something was off about the shy pegasus's home,their wasn't a single animal within range of the cottage.

"Whoa that's weird." Rainbow says to herself as she flew down to investigate.

She goes to knock on her friends door and was met with a somewhat rude, "What do you want?" response from the other side.

The pony who said that then opens the door and says,"This better be important. "

"Fluttershy?!" Rainbow says after looking at her friend's new look.

Fluttershy was definitely different than normal, her mane was cut short, some of it covering her left eye, she also had an impatient scowl on her face,like if she'd rather not deal with anypony at her door, her mane was also a bit darker than Rainbow remembered and to put the icing on the cake, her cutie mark even changed it was now a single reddish pink eagle with blue eyes instead of the three pink butterflies that she normally had.

"My name's Whisper Wing, Got it!?" Fluttershy or rather Whisper Wing said.

"Whisper Wing?" Rainbow said unsure of what was going on with her friend.

"Finally, sheesh and I thought you were smart, egghead. " Whisper Wing said.

"Egghead!? If anypony's an egghead it's Twilight not me. " Rainbow said.

"Hah, Twilight? No offence and all but she can't even count to three. " Whisper Wing said.

"What do you mean by that? " Rainbow said .

"Come on,I'll show ya!" Whisper Wing says before flying off.

Rainbow Dash knew that Fluttershy was quick when she wanted to be, but never has she been faster than Rainbow until now.

Rainbow was actually struggling to keep up with her suddenly much faster friend.

The two eventually make to Twilight's castle within a few minutes, both pegasi landing on the balcony.

"Looks like I win again egghead, but hey you gave me one heck of a race back there. " Whisper Wing says before entering the castle.

Rainbow Dash decided to follow her and hope that Twilight had the answers she seeked.

However when she did go inside she was met with a shocking sight, Twilight's room was incredibly messy! Even worse the mare herself seemed to have changed as well, her mane and tail looked as if she never brushed at all and her eyes looked in two different directions, the mare was currently watching the television,the screen was fuzzy at the moment and Twilight was just sitting there giggling to herself.

"Hey Twi! It's me Whisper Wing ya got a moment? " Whisper Wing says to the apparently absent minded pony.

Twi looked at them for a moment and then said, "Hi Whisper, Hi Prisma! Look,look T.V. no working can you help?"

"What happened to Spike? Doesn't he help you with these things?" Whisper Wing said.

"He go super far away, I here by self. " Twi said.

"Ugh, figured." Whisper Wing said in frustration.

"Whoa hold on, since when was Twilight well,not an egghead? What's going on!?" Rainbow Dash said aloud.

The simple minded alicorn giggled at the word egghead as Whisper Wing facehoofed herself.

Rainbow couldn't help but stare at the odd pony, she looked almost like Twilight but her mane was messy and her cutie mark was missing, what was really odd was that she wasn't smart at all.

"Why is Twilight acting like Derpy all of a sudden? " Rainbow said.

"She's always been like that, not sure why though." Whisper Wing said.

"Okay this is just way too weird, first your acting all tough and all that and second Twilight's acting like Derpy, just what in the world is going on here!?" Rainbow said.

"Ugh, Prisma use your head mare!" Whisper Wing said.

" What do you mean?" Rainbow said.

"*sighs* Never mind, let's go get some grub, I'm hungry. " Whisper Wing says before she leaves the castle with Rainbow Dash following behind

The two mares eventually make it to the Sugarcube Corner and go right inside.

When they do, the two end up meeting with the rather miffed pink earth pony.

"What are you two doing here!?" The pony said.

"Cool it "Pinks", We just came to get some grub." Whisper Wing says as she walks up to the counter.

"Ugh, fine. I was getting bored anyway." "Pinks" said.

"(Oh no! Not Pinkie!)" Rainbow thought in her mind when she saw Pinkie.

Pinkie was definitely different than normal, her mane and were flat as well as her voice, she seemed really bored.

"So what do you two want?" "Pinks" said.

" Meh,the usual. What about you Prisma?" Whisper Wing said.

"Prisma? My name's Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow said, "And I'll just have a muffin."

"Whatever mare." Whisper Wing said.

"*sigh* I'll be right back. " "Pinks" says as she heads into the kitchen to make the orders.

"(What in the hay is going on here? )" Rainbow thought to herself.

About thirty minutes later "Pinks" reruns with the things that the two pegasi ordered.

"Thanks "Pinks", C'mon Rainy let's dig in!" Whisper Wing says before she starts eating her meal.

" Okay..." Rainbow Dash said.

" You alright there Rainy?" Whisper Wing said.

Rainbow Dash said nothing, she was still taken aback that her friends were all acting strange.

"I'm going to "Rare's" place after this wanna come Rainy?" Whisper Wing says after finishing her meal.

"Yeah, I'll go." Rainbow Dash said.

Pinks than came up to the table they were sitting at and then started to clean it.

"Come on Rainy, let's go before "Pinks" kicks us out." Whisper Wing says as she leaves the bakery.

Rainbow Dash tagged along curious about how Rarity or "Rares" was going to be like.

As they walked through the town many ponies gave Rainbow odd looks as if she were somepony else .

Whisper told them off and the two pegasi were able to get to Rare's place in one piece.

" Rare's Sports Gallery?" Rainbow said to herself as she read the sign on the ball shaped building.

"Yeah, this place is so awesome, it's every athlete's favorite hangout spot ! Even the Wonderbolts show up here. " Whisper Wing says as she goes to knock on the door.

What came out from the other side nearly gave Rainbow Dash a heart attack.

The unicorn had the same colors as Rarity but that was were the similarities ended, the mane was cut short and it was very messy, she wore a couple of earrings on one of her ears and had a leather jacket on, even her tail was cut short as well.

"Oh my Celestia! If it isn't my main mare Whisper Wing!" "Rares" said.

"Hey "Rares", what's up?" Whisper Wing said.

" Nuthin' much, why's Prisma here? I thought she hated us "Ruffians"." "Rares" said.

"This ain't Prisma "Rares", Her name's Rainbow Dash." Whisper Wing said.

"Rainbow Dash,huh? Cool name. So come to mingle? " Rares asks Rainbow Dash.

"Uh... I guess? " Rainbow Dash says unsure about what "Rares" ment by the word mingle.

"Awesome, oh and Whisper? Applejill is here too. " "Rares" said.

"Aww, man not her. Oh well, come on Rainy, let's go inside! " Whisper Wing says as she flies right inside the store, Rainbow and "Rares" following right behind.

When they went inside, Rainbow noticed a pony who looked like a mix between Applejack and Twilight sitting in a corner reading a book by herself.

"(Okay now I've seen everything)" Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she walked over to the mare.

"Uh, hey there, what are ya reading?" Rainbow Dash asked her.

" How to Cope with the Common Pony by Prisma Rainbow Wing, it's by far one of my favorite books. " Applejill said while still reading her book.

"Prisma? Wait a sec. I've been called all day! Who the hay is Prisma anyway?" Rainbow Dash said.

"She's a world famous author who wrote many books since that incident in flight school, for some reason today of all days she goes missing and in her place we get a ruffian by the name of Rainbow Dash,*sighs* What was that Solarmoon thinking when he made this... " Applejill says after closing her book.

"Wait what?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Yo Rainy, try not ta question her alright, she's umm special." Whisper Wing said.

"Oh quiet you!" Applejill said.

Rainbow Dash simply watched as the two mares quarreled with one another, all Rainbow Dash was thinking was,("Please for the love of Celestia let this all be just a prank...")

Unfortunately for her it wasn't.

(The end)