//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Lost // Story: (Not very) Happy Camper // by PhysicsGamer //------------------------------// How long have I been wandering this hellish forest? Time always seems to warp when you're alone. I then hear a snap from behind me, I look just in time to see something leap out of the bushes and charge full tilt at me. I guess I should back up a bit, and explain how I got into this situation. It started yesterday evening, I set up my camp about a mile into the wilderness in my hometown, put the supplies I brought with me in the tent, and, after seeing the sun sink slowly below the horizon, I decided to go to sleep. Things started to get weird that night, I had difficulty getting to sleep, because I had the feeling that something wasn't right, but I couldn't put my finger on what was off. When I did get some sleep, though, I dreamed of running from an unseen being. When the being caught me, I immediately woke up. It was morning when I poked my head out of the tent. However, when  I stepped outside the tent to prepare breakfast, I realized that I was not in the same place I was when I set up camp. I was starting to get very confused because of this. First of all, the fire pit I set up the previous day was nowhere to be seen. Second, the forest around me was completely different from when I went to sleep. The tree's leaves were lower to the ground, and were completely foreign to me, I didn't recognize any of the trees around me. The bark on the trees was black, and they were shaped as if they were reaching down to grab unsuspecting victims as they passed by. Instead of focusing on the creepy trees around me I decided to take inventory of everything I had, since I am somewhere I didn't, and still don't for that matter, know where I am. The list is the following: Survival blanket(1) Poncho(1) Fire striker(1) "Metal Match"(1) Waterproof Matches(10) Bandages(3 rolls) Emergency Sleeping Bag(1) Gauze pads(10) Adhesive tape(2 rolls) Gauze tape(2 rolls) Disinfectant pads(15) Antibiotic Cream(1 tube) Burn Cream(1 tube) Rubbing alcohol(1 bottle) Aspirin(1 container) Water Canteen(1 full) Water purification tablets(40) MRE(9) Canned Food(12 cans) Flare(9) Pencil(2) Paper(20 sheets) Compass(1) Swiss Army Knife(1) P-38 Can opener(1) Hatchet(1) "Now, then," I think to myself," How am I going to play this? I have enough MREs and canned food for me to eat well for one week. I can double that If I ration, So I've got two options, I can be well fed for a week, or I can go malnourished for longer." I decided to stay well fed for a week, and, with that, I began to break camp. When everything was in place in my backpack, I began to head east. I had to struggle past foliage half the time, and the other half I was stumbling over rocks and such. That about brings us up to speed, let’s carry on from where we left off. The creature charging at me is a wolf. What is rather odd since it’s alone, it seems to be charging at me from the other side of the clearing I’m in. I draw my hatchet, and when it jumps at me, I swing. The hatchet hits the wolf directly in the head with the blade. The wolf flies to the side as it bleeds from the wound. When it lands, it doesn't move. I decide to start cleaning the kill. The sun is starting to get close to the horizon, and it looks like there is enough meat for a meal, and all of tomorrow’s meals. I finish cleaning the kill and start looking for things I can use for a fire. I manage to find grass that is perfect for tinder. I grab enough to use for a few nights, and I head to camp. I set up the tent and put my bag in the tent. As I start to set up cooking stuff, I hear movement, and when I look in the direction I see a very peculiar creature. It appears to be a rabbit, but it has deer antlers. After a few seconds of staring at it, I realize that it’s a jackalope, a mythical creature. I just look at it, stunned, as it hops away. "What?" I ask myself, as the realization of what I just saw hits me. "That creature shouldn't exist, they don't exist, and yet it was just right there in front of me." I didn't have much time to ponder why a mythical creature had just hopped by, because I heard the sounds of a large creature moving to my left. It sounded bigger than the rather small wolf, but still smaller than me. I decided to hide in a tree so I could identify it without it seeing me.  It sounded like it was moving at a slow pace. I looked around for a good tree to hide in, after I found one I climbed into it. I expected to see something I had at least seen or heard of before. Instead I see something ridiculous. I see a purple pony with a horn and wings.