Take Me Home

by Zap-The-Pegasus

The Beginning

"I don't understand! Why do you insist on seeking revenge on the Princess for something that happened 300 years ago!" A navy blue alicorn yelled across the room to the unicorn stood on the other side.

"You really are stupid, I never did anything wrong, Celestia had no right to exile me!" The unicorn replied, his voice was bitter and full of spite towards his brother.

"Yes she did, you did something that no pony should do, the worst of crimes the worst thing anypony could dream of doing! You ruined my life and I've never received a sorry! You boss me around like a slave and I hate it!" The alicorn yelled. Ever since the two where exiled from Eqestria there arguments had become more and more violent. But one thing the younger of the two never understood, was why they didn't get along, when as colts they where as close as two brothers could be. The unicorns horn started to glow brightly. The alicorn took a step backwards, his magic was no longer strong enough to compete with his brothers. His abilities having deteriorated, simply though lack of use, the horn on his head meant very little to him anymore.

"Come with me." The unicorn smiled slyly. "Lets put this plan into action."

"Wait what--" The alicorn tried to reply but his brother used the teleportation spell before he had a chance to finish his sentence, this would be the first time in many years that he had set hoof in Eqestria.

In Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle was cleaning up the library, a black unicorn sat on the upper floor reading though a book on magic, he could hear the unicorn mare contestantly telling him to help, but he didn't listen.
Just as she finished cleaning up, there was a knock at the door.

"Coming!" She said cheerfully as she trotted over to the door, as she opened it, she was shocked at who was stood there.

"P-Princess Luna..What are you doing here?" She asked, rather confused.

"Don't you know Twilight Sparkle, my sister said she was going to inform you of my visit to Ponyville." Luna said.

"Did she...I don't remember receiving a letter from Princess Celestia about you coming to visit, maybe she forgot." Twilight smiled as Luna stepped forward into the house.

"My sister does not simply forget Twilight." Luna said, rather surprised that Twilight would suggest such a thing.

"Well..urr..." Twilight stuttered, not sure on how to reply.

"Where is your spouse Twilight?" Luna asked.

"Princess..He's not my spouse, we're just friends, but he's upstairs if you wish to talk to him." Twilight smiled, blushing slightly at Luna's statement. Luna walked upstairs and towards the unicorn stallion who was still sat on the bed reading his book. She peered over his shoulder to see what he was reading.

"You know its not very polite to read over other ponies shoulders." He said, his deep voice showing no emotion, he clearly hadn't noticed who was stood behind him.

"That is no way to talk to your princess." Luna snapped. The unicorn turned his head and nearly dropped his book as he saw the princess standing behind him. He jumped to his feet and smiled.

"Sorry Princess I didn't notice that it was you." He said smiling.

"Very well." Luna said.

"Why are you here anyway Princess?" He asked.

"I came to see how the two of you are doing with your studies." Luna smiled.

"Oh, well, every things going great." He smiled as he jumped of the bed. "Twilight's been studying some spell, not sure what
it does, she won't tell me."

"You'll find out." Twilight smiled as she walked into the room. "You haven't told me much about what you've been doing recently either."


"You two are so cute together." Luna smiled. Both unicorns starting blushing at what she had said.

"Princess, I already told you, we're not dating, where just friends." Twilight said.

"Who said we're not dating." The stallion smiled as he trotted past her and down the stairs. Twilight just sighed.

"I think you two would make a cute couple." Luna whispered in Twilight's ear, making her blush even more.

"Princess..." Twilight muttered, she was annoyed but yet she knew that Luna was only teasing.

In Canterlot, two of the Royal Guards where heading towards the thrown room where Princess Celestia was. As they walking in, the Princess looked at them, rather confused.

"Why are you two here, is there a problem?" She asked.

"Yes your highness." The Pegasus guard said. "Two stallions who where exiled from Eqestria many years ago have been seen near Ponyville."

"Who are these ponies?" Celestia asked as she approached the two guards.

"We do not know there names as of yet but one of them is dark blue Alicorn, the other is a dark red Unicorn, from what data we can find they where exiled at least three hundred years ago, we also know that the Alicorn was once a high ranking member of the Royal Guard." The unicorn guard said.

"Could it be.." Celestia muttered.

"Is there a problem princess?" The Pegasus asked.

"I think I know who these ponies are, but I fear they may be attempting something dangerous, if you do manage to capture them, do not bring the Alicorn to harm, I know who he is, I will talk with him myself if needed." She said calmly.

"Very well Princess." Both guards said at the same time as they turned and left the room. When they where gone, Celestia looked out of the window, and thought.

Could it be who I think it is, could he have returned, but how, they where exiled so many years ago there's no way they could both have survived so long...

**Some 300 years ago**

"Captain!" Shouted a unicorn guard as he ran over to the dark blue alicorn who was dressed in a navy blue and black guard uniform.

"What is it?" The alicorn asked.

"The riots have become uncontrollable, almost every guard has become injured from trying to fight them away from the castle." The guard panted as he caught his breath.

"I see." The alicorn said, trying to remain calm. For the past week, ponies across Eqestria had started forming riots though all the major towns and cities. No pony really knew why, and the mass of ponies around the castle where becoming to great to fight back.

"Only your magic can fend them off now Captain." The unicorn said. The alicorn simply nodded, he unfolded his wings, and with one flap, he was high into the air and flying towards the crowd of ponies, as he started to near the riots, his horn started to glow brightly, he landed in the middle of the crowd, as a group of angry ponies started to charge towards him, a flash of bright white light came from his horn, surrounding the whole crowd When the light cleared, all the ponies who had been rioting where laying on the ground, as they opened there eyes and looked around, many questioned why they where there. The alicorn looked around and smiled. One young colt walked over to him and asked what had happened.

"I was simply doing my job." The alicorn smiled before flying off.
This was to be the last time he would serve the Princess at such a critical time.

About a month later, the young Alicorn was reading the local newspaper when he saw a familiar face on the front page, he read though the article, and was shocked at what it said. Before he could say anything or get his head round it, he was called into the throne room. He put the paper down and walked threw the corridor, trying not to show any feelings about what he had just read.

"You called for me Princess." he said calmly as he walked into the room.

"Yes, as you've probably read Captain, your brother has been arrested for performing an act that I will not mention, I'm afraid the only punishment is exile." Celestia said calmly. The alicorn closed his eyes and thought for a moment before replying.

"Very well Princess. I too believe that is the only punishment, but where will he be sent?" the alicorn asked.

"I do not wish to send him to the moon, so he will be sent many many miles from Eqestria." She said. The Captain nodded in agreement, but before he could turn to leave, the Princess spoke once more. "And I'm also afraid to say that you will be going with him, as some of the ponies in Canterlot have said that they do not trust a pony who's brother is a criminal, to be the captain of the Royal Guard."

"But Princess I would never do anything to harm anypony unless it was completely necessary. I stopped the riots last month and I've done so much before and since." the Alicorn said frantically, suddenly rather frightened. "Surely you could just strip me of my title. Please Princess I beg of you, me and my brother haven't got along very well since I became Captain, he probably only did what he did out of jealousy, I just can't spend the rest of my immortal life with him." he said as he fell to his knees, his voice becoming wobbly. Celestia was aware of what had happened in his past, he knew what he meant when he said his 'immortal life', she thought for a moment before speaking again.

"I'm sorry Captain but these are my decision." She said calmly, her voice showing no emotion, her horn started to glow faintly and a small flash of light appeared on the young stallions flank, when it cleared, his Cutie mark was gone. He looked at his flank and tears started to form in his eyes, the mark he had worked so hard for, was gone..forever. He slowly stood, and bowed his head to the Princess. "Collect your things and then return here in no more than six hours, you and your brother will be dealt with then." Celestia said as the alicorn turned and walked out the room.

As he walked out the door, a tear fell from his eye and landed on the floor below him, as he walked towards his room, the guards who knew what had happened felt sympathy towards him, telling him that everything was going to be ok, but yet he couldn't cheer up. He held his wings tightly against his flank, as to cover it, he was still finding it hard to realise that this was going to be his last day in Eqestria, ever..