//------------------------------// // The King Collects // Story: Cronus is King // by fanficlover 1 //------------------------------// Ch 15 “Twilight.” “Yes Cronus?” “Could you please let go of my leg?” “Not until you promise to not go into the Everfree Forest.” I sighed and looked down towards my legs seeing the violet unicorn holding onto them with all her fingerless might. The reason for it is due to the fact that I want to test out my new form in the nearby forest but she thinks its too dangerous without giving any reason why. Reaching down, I tried once again to remove her hooves but to no avail. “I said, not until you promise.” “Why are you acting like this. It’s just a forest. The only dangerous thing that could be in their is one of those Ursa Majors, and i’m pretty sure i’ll see it coming more than a mile away.” “There’s not just Ursa though.” I stopped struggling at that, curious now. “There are things besides Ursa in the forest.” “No, in the Everfree. A forest is filled with little woodland creatures that Fluttershy would bring back home with her. The Everfree is filled with dangerous monsters and plants that would rend you skin from your bones, turn you to stone, then finally ground you into dust if you aren’t careful.” “That does sound dangerous. I guess i’ll have to be careful then.” If possible, Twilight’s grip became tighter before staring at me with a look of desperate anger to not let me go. “Oh come on Twilight. The next train to Canterlot doesn’t get here until noon, I have plenty of time of testing a few things out then coming right back. And besides, even if I do run into to something dangerous, i’ll just deal with them like I did the bugster.” Her glare lessened but her grip did not. I was almost tempted to transform and see if a time stop could fix this little problem but a weight crashing into my back stopped me from moving. “Yeah, pony pile party!” “Woah! Pinkie Pie? This isn’t a party, Twilight just wont let me go.” The pink mare looked down to the pony holding onto my feet in confusion before looking at me directly in the eyes. “What are you trying to do?” “Nothing much. Just heading to the forest. Don’t know what’ll do though, maybe hit some trees.” At that, Pinkie Pie’s eyes started to sparkle. “You’re gonna hit trees? Rainbow Dash loves to do that, especially when she crashes! Maybe she can give you some pointers. Be right back.” Pinkie the disappeared in a puff of pink smoke in the shape of her body. Swiping it away, I saw that she was already running at a full gallop down the road to get Rainbow Dash like she said she would. Alone again with Twilight, I then realized that everything that had just happened had been out in the open for everyone to see. Covering my eyes at my lack of obliviousness with one hand, I peeked through to see that ponies of the town were still doing their business for the day but with smiles on their muzzles ‘At least they aren’t pointing and laughing.’ “Ah ha ha ha! Oh man that is to funny!” The pony who had just doing what I didn’t want was none other than rainbow dash only a few feet in the air, pointing and laughing at my current predicament. Pinkie Pie had returned as well before hoping back back onto her earlier position. This act of hers only made Rainbow laugh even harder. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up Mrs.Crash-a-lot.” She stopped at that with tinges of red on her cheeks. “I don’t crash that much. Only when I get tired.” The last part was a mumble but since I had heard it, I was tempted to make another joke at her expense. I was stopped though by an excited Pinkie Pie rocking on my back like an excited little girl. “So will you help him hit trees Dashie?” The red was still there but she seemed to huf and held her head high like she wasn’t still embarrassed. “Sure I’ll help him. But just to show that I don’t crash that’s all!” “What no! Rainbow Dash, he plans on heading into the Everfree. We have to stop him before he gets himself hurt.” “Pff, the Everfree? I go in their all the time and I come out right as rain. You just gotta know when to bail or you’ll get stuck in their.” “I said no Rainbow Das-” Twilight was silenced by Pinkie landing on top of her and wrestling her grip off of my legs finally. When the fighting ceased, Twilight was wrapped up like a hog tied Christmas pressent with a bow holding her legs together and a sender sticker covering her mouth. “Don’t worry Twilight, you can come with us to make sure nothing bad happens since you’re so smart and all.” Pinkie then picked up the tied unicorn before putting her on her back. All the while, Twilight was struggling to remove her bonds. I even saw her use her horn at one point but the knot seemed to tight around her hooves. “Well since you all seem dead set on coming, who am I to deny you. Maybe I can ask Rarity and Fluttershy to come along as well.” “Really?” Pinkie ran off again in excitement. “Wait Pinkie Pie, I was being sarcastic!” I began running after the fast devil while Rainbow Dash simply followed above. (20 Minutes later) I had been able to catch up to the pink pony rather quickly after running after her and was able to explain that I had been joking when I said I wanted to bring the others. She simply laughed it off like it was no big deal and made a quick joke about what we were doing almost being wrapped up which caused Twilight to groan since it was at her expense. After that, and watching her struggle so much, I finally helped her get free but quickly stopped her attempt to latch back onto my legs again. “No matter what you do Twilight, I’m heading to that forest now to train whether you like it or not. I need to be ready in case another bugster virus shows up again.” I wasn’t planning on giving out any more energy items so it shouldn’t be an issue but it was still a valid point nonetheless as she seemed to relent finally. “Fine, but i’m coming with you then, just to make sure nothing bad happens when you eventually run into something dangerous, like a hydra or a manticore.” “Alright then.” She still seemed antsy though and I couldn’t help feeling a little guilty. “I could stay near the edge if that helps.” she nodded before leading the way to the Everfree.