The Great and Destructive Hearths Warming Eve!

by PonyPlays2014

Plans put into Action

'Ding Dong! Ding Dong!'

“Who could it be?”, Rarity asks but nopony seem to have an idea.

“Everypony is here... right?”, Fluttershy adds and receives nods as answers and Rainbow Dash also tells her idea.

“Maybe Cadance and Shining Armor decided to skip the party and visit you today!”

But Twilight doesn't think so, still she decides to open the door.

“I will teleport there and then come right to the dining hall. You can go ahead everypony”, she explains and watches her friends walking away before she uses her magic to answer the door... again. As she opens the door... no pony is there! The pale purple Alicorn steps outside a few steps to see if somepony hides somewhere but she is, indeed, all alone.

“What is going on here? And... what is that?”

A light blue box! It looks like a present but... who placed it here? Twilight slowly comes closer but she isn't sure if it is safe. After all there are many ponies and other creatures who wants to hurt her... Maybe it is a changeling send by Queen Crysalis! She levitates the box, trying her best to be careful with it, and opens it. A cake lies in it just waiting to be eaten and enjoyed by somepony.

“A cake? Who would give me a cake?”, the talented Alicorn asks but there is something else inside, a piece of paper.

She puts the box on the cold ground again and now concentrates her magic on the piece, raising it into the air and moving it in front of her face after she turned away from the box.

Dear Twilight”, she reads, “This is a cake I made for you because you are my favorite, and only, sister-in-law! I can't wait to see you again but until then, enjoy this cake with your friends. Your sister-in-law and good friend, Princess Cadance...”

Twilight lowers the paper and carefully throws it back into the box before she closes it again and levitates it to go back into the castle. "Let's get you to the livinfg room", she talks to the box soaring in front of her. But before that she has to close the door. She puts down the box again but only for a few seconds, then she raises it into the air one more time and teleports into the living room to place the box there. The Alicorn opens the light blue object again and gets the cake to bring it into the dining hall to share it with her friends. She uses her magic again and disappears but hardly does she know what she just did.

After Twilight left the entrance area the shadow of a certain pony can be seen in the hallway, heading towards the living room. It is a brilliant-azure Unicorn Mare with a very pale blue mane and tail decorated with white-silver highlights. She wears a purple hat and cape, covered with blue and yellow stars. After taking a few wrong turns and ending up back at the entrance she finally reaches her destination. She enters the room and starts to search for something.

“Where is it... Where is it! It can't be too hard to find...”, the unknown pony mumbles as she lifts boxes, figurs and even a few pieces of tinsel on the ground.

Finally she uses her magic, causing her horn to glow pale pink underneath her magic hat, and raises a single strand of dark blue hair.

“Finally... Finally I can ruin their life! The Revenge will be Mine!”, the Mare whispers as she pulls out a small test tube underneath her cape and places the hair in it.

“Finally I have them all...”, she continuous as five more tubes appear, each one of them filled with a different strand of hair: A pale pink one, a pink one, a dark purple one, a blonde one and a green one with a small, blue part.

“They will regret that they defeated me and forced me to leave Ponyville... Tonight is the night I will get my revenge Twilight Sparkle... The Great and Powerful Trixie will get her revenge!”

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy reaches the dinning hall while Twilight investigated the box outside of the castle. The light is dimmed and the table is beautifully decorated with candles, a red cover, white table napkins and a lot of tasty food!

“Wow! That looks amazing!”, the rainbow-haired Pegasus applauds Spike's hard work and Pinkie Pie's decorated table.

The pink pony already sits on her chair while Spike controls the bread in the stove.

“Thankily-Dankily”, Pinkie answers with a big smile on her face, “I found these things in the storage room next to some delicious pieces of Gingerbread! Sooo tasty-delicious!”

While the Super-duper-party-pony explains how she managed to create such a festive atmosphere the other four Mares take their seat and listen to her words.

“Where is my little Spikey-Wikey?”, Rarity suddenly asks and, as if he really heard her, he runs into the room, almost knocks Fluttershy out of her seat and stops right next to the white Unicorn, who giggles and smiles at the baby Dragon.

“Good evening Rarity”, the little male greets his crush, who greets him back and gives him a hug.

“What do you think of my outfit?”, the professional designer asks the little reptile, who stares at it with big eyes and an open mouth before he answers with a joyful voice.

“It is, without any doubt, gorgeous. Especially when you wear it, Rarity.”

“Aww... You are a real sweetheart Spikey-Wikey! I-”, Rarity answers but she stops and sniffs the air as a strange aroma covers her nose and gets her attention.

The other also smell this strange sensation and even holds their noses.

“Spike...”, Fluttershy decides to say something about the smell, “I think somethings burning... inside the kitchen... maybe.”

These words actually wakes the Dragon from his trance and he realizes that he still has the bread in the oven.

“Oh no! My delicious Carrot-Apple-Banana-Bread! Noooo!”, Spike screams as he runs out of the hall and into the kitchen, trying his best to save his bread.

It may looks a bit darker but it is still eatable.

“Saved it!”, he shouts and gains a few giggles as reactions.

Suddenly a louder Poof and a bright flash appears out of nowhere, revealing Twilight, who carries a delicious looking cake in her hand.

“Look everypony! Cadance send this cake to me so we can eat it tonight. Isn't that great?”, the Alicorn explains while she walks towards her own seat.

The table is round and there are seven chairs spread around it. The Cutie Mark of each pony can be seen on the back of their chair and Spike's chair shows a green flame. The order is (clockwise): Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike.

“That is very kind of her to give it to us. It looks very delicious”, the yellow Pegasus says while smiling at her friend with the horn and the pair of wings.

Pinkie Pie also loves the fact that Cadance was so nice but one thing she really wants to know. “Is the cake homemade or did she bought it?”

Twilight remembers the piece of paper and what it said.

“She wrote that she made the cake herself. I didn't knew she could bake but it looks very good. Say...”, she stops and looks around to see if Spike is already here but, much to her disappointment, he isn't, “Is Spike not here yet? If we don't start soon my plan will be a total disaster!”

Applejack, who notices how stressed her Alicorn-friend seems to be, tries to calm her down by explaining that Spike is in the kitchen taking care of the bread.

“He should be here any second, don't worry.”

And, just as she ended her sentence, the little guy enters the dining hall with his self-made bread in his claws. He walks towards the dining table, places the bread next to a bowl of applesauce made out of apples from Sweet Apple Acres. On the way to his seat he excuses himself and finally jumps on his chair right next to his best friend.

“Okay, now that everypony and Dragon is here I can tell you what we will do tonight”, the Princess announces and uses her magic to make a role of paper appear out of nowhere, “We will start with the dinner and then sing a few songs in the living room until 9 pm. After that we will all go to our main hall and open the presents each of us selected for the others. After that we will go outside and watch the traditional Hearths Warming Eve firework. The last event for tonight is a photo we will make so we will always remember this day. And, if we aren't tired then, we can play a few games like ''Truth or Dare'' or ''Pin the tail on the Pony''. So... What do you say?”

The other Mares and the little Dragon stare at her impressed and a little bit confused. I guess explaining the plan that fast was too much for them to remember.

“It sounds like a lot of fun”, the Unicorn replies but stops before she continues her sentence, “I can't wait to... watch the firework after dinner?”

“No no no”, Applejack interrupts her”, after the dinner we will play party games and after that we will watch the firework... right?”

Fluttershy tries her best to help out but she and Pinkie Pie are also confused and can't really put the events in the right order.

“I think we give the presents first and then watch the firework. After that we will sing songs and play games”, the Pegasus tries her best but sadly she can't do it either.

And Pinkie, who even creates totally new events, isn't up to the task too. Maybe Rainbow Dash!

“I think”, she starts but, instead of saying her own ideas, she agrees with Applejack.

Twilight sighs but she can understand that it could have been a bit much to understand and remember so she decides to take charge of everything.

“Don't worry. I'll tell you what will happen next so just enjoy it. And now I can already tell you that we will... eat!”

With those words said, Twilight and Rarity use their magic to give their friends and themselves some tasty treats and with a loud “Bon appetite” they start eating.