[EaW] Harmony's War

by Flying Dutchpony

Chapter 3: Homebound


The shockwave of the explosion on the square, just in front of city hall, shattered the windows of the mayor’s office, shards of glass flying around the room. Screams and panic surrounded Librus Harmony, the deep purple stallion who ran much of Vanhoover’s administration.

“Get to the basement! Quick, run for shelter!” His normally calm voice rose the volume of that of a ship captain and the ponies inside the office followed his command. Librus blocked out the sounds of more bombs and the screams outside as he helped everyone leave the office, adrenaline kicking in to make him act primarily on instinct. Some of his co-workers were paralysed from shock and he had to slap the mayor back to reality. Something the stallion would have laughed about if the situation wasn't so dire.

When the room was finally empty, Librus prepared to run away himself, but his ears perked up when he heard the ringing of a phone over the bombs outside. It was the mayor’s. Turning around, he speeded towards it and picked up the red horn from its holder, almost shouting through the line.

“Mayor’s office, is this important?’’

The voice on the other end was that of a mare, she spoke quickly, panic dripping from her voice. “This is Major Amber Night, 2nd division. We’ve trying to reach Marshall Luna, is she there?”

Librus looked around the once tidy room, now sprinkled with glass, as if the princess would magically appear. “Negative major, but I will get your message through to her.’’ Librus got a pen and paper from the desk, being careful as to not cut himself on the glass. He could hear shouting and faint gunfire from the other side of the phone, although he could barely distinguish it from the noise outside.

“Alright, I’m ready,’’ Librus prepared to diligently note a summary of the Major’s frantic words:

“Changelings have overrun Acornage.
In full retreat, most of the border is line is lost.
General Whiplash wounded.
Casualties in the thousands.
Need reinforcements.’’

The stallion looked at the words he scribbled down, his pupils expanding as he read the unreal report. Taking a deep breath, he responded. “I will make sure the news reaches the field marshall, good luck out there major.’’

“Thank you, we will need it,’’ were her final words before she hung up on Librus, leaving him and the scrap of paper alone in the room.

A mixture of fear and curiosity made his legs move towards the shattered windows. Diamond and Rasp were there. Librus had to know.

“No…” Was all he could stammer as his eyes scanned the once proud central plaza of Vanhoover. Craters had deformed it into a moonscape. Bodies were thrown around laying on the stones like ragdolls carelessly tossed aside. Several dead soldiers surrounded the wrecked remains of one of the anti-aircraft guns. One of them was still moving in a pool of his own blood. Black clouds of smoke were spiralling up from buildings further away, the fires no doubt caused by the bomb raid. Librus gasped for air, his stomach turning from the horrible sights below him. He had to focus and look up to the sky to not throw up on the spot. They’re not there, they have escaped. They’re alive.

While he was looking up, Librus saw someone flying towards city hall. After his eyes brought the moving dark spot into focus, he recognised it as Princess Luna herself. What is she doing out there? Nevermind, at least she seems unharmed. Librus waved his hoof at the royal to try and grab her attention. She had to know about the developments at the front as soon as possible, the army was counting on her. Luckily she did notice him and started to descent towards Librus, landing on the office floor, the once stately windows no longer an obstacle.

Something was off, the Princess still had tears on her face and she was shaking, although the alicorn tried to compose herself when she saw Librus was looking at her. What happened? Seeing what happened to her, the Princess that had stood so confidently with him less than an hour ago, made Librus swallow uncomfortably. Something has to be done. She can’t win alone. “Princess Luna? Did you get hurt, your highness?’’

Luna took a deep breath, still regaining her composure, she then nodded softly. “I am fine, thank you, mister?’’

“Harmony, Librus Harmony, Princess. I was with you when I arrived?” Librus felt like the mare before him wasn’t telling the truth, but was he to push that to the alicorn that controlled the moon.

Luna nodded and her eyes showed a hint of recognition. “Why are you not hiding?” She asked, genuine concern in her voice.

The stallion held out the piece of paper towards Luna. “The phone rang, your highness, you have to read this.’’

Something he said made the Princess chuckle, which caused Librus to shuffle around on his hooves awkwardly. But Luna did take the note from him, reading it. The words seemed to hit her like the blow of a sledgehammer. “So soon…’’ She uttered, shaking her head softly as her eyes looked back to Librus. “Is this true?”

“I got it from Major Night herself.’’ Librus answered dutifully, “Your staff should be here soon with the equipment for your headquarters, Princess. Maybe you should think of a response to the changeling advance?”

“What response?’’ Luna said, almost growled, back at Librus. “We have almost no soldiers, our industry is producing toasters instead of guns and none of you know how to fight!’’ The Princess instantly regretted her outburst and looked down at her hoofs. “Forgive me, it’s been a tiresome day.’’

Librus didn’t know what to answer to that, he knew that the situation wasn’t rosy. That the changelings had experience from fighting Olenia and that they had prepared for this war. That Equestria had refused to raise the defence budget in line with those threats, with Celestia hoping to find a peaceful solution until the last minute. But this breakthrough meant that Vanhoover, home, was in danger. “We can still win, we have to, there is simply no other choice, your highness.’’ Librus tried to sound confident, but truthfully, he was as doubtful as the Princess.

“Perhaps… Now please let’s go to these offices you had prepared for me, I will need time to think.’’

Librus escorted Luna to the empty offices he had prepared for her, before checking up on his coworkers. After accounting for everyone, the mayor decided to let everyone who had a family go, so they could check up on them. So Librus left as well, crossing the rubble on the square and through the streets of Vanhoover, where some of the houses had turned to piles of rubble. The war had reached the city, but it had only gotten its first taste. Walking through the city was a surreal experience and even though only some of the buildings had changed, the whole atmosphere had changed and Librus found himself quickening his step, wanting to get home.

Diamond Harmony had taken her daughter to safety through the panicked masses, in what felt like a nightmare. Death was raining from above and the soldiers who tried to protect them seemed as panicked as the civilians were. Amidst the terrible screams of pain, the ear shattering sounds of explosions and the constant anti-aircraft fire, Diamond had to focus on getting Rasp to safety. Away, back to her house. While the sounds slowly died down, the both of them didn’t stop until they were in the basement, Diamond hugging Rasp protectively as her heart slowly calmed down from fearing for their very lives. She could feel her daughter’s body hanging against her, shuddering. Her sobbing gave diamond heartache, but she felt extreme relief that both of them made it out.

They must have been in the basement quite a while when the mare finally felt safe enough to let go of Rasp, who had stopped crying now. The two hadn’t said a word to each other and Diamond had no idea how to explain what just happened, she had no idea what happened herself. She just got Rasp to follow her up. Diamond made some tea, silent as she tried to come up with what to say. The sound of a key turning made the mare’s head perk up. The front door opening made her freeze completely, only to melt seconds later when she saw the familiar face of her husband.

“Dad!” Rasp shouted happily as she galloped towards Librus, embracing him with renewed power. The stallion only managed to give an awkward smile, patting the filly on the flank. Diamond decided to join the hug, herself overjoyed that the other third of her family was also safe.

Soon the three were sitting at the kitchen table, each with a mug of hot tea, still shaken from the day’s events. “You got to home?” Diamond asked to break the silence, a bit unsure of what to say.

“Yes, the mayor let everyone who had to look after someone go, because of, you know.’’ Librus replied, hesitant to mention what happened.

“Mom? Dad? Why did the changeling people attack us, we weren’t fighting.’’ Rasp asked while tilting her head slightly. It was a very childish thing to worry about. Luckily for Diamond, Librus took it on himself to explain.

“Well dear, the changelings probably think that if they hurt enough ponies, Celestia and Luna will give up.’’ He put his hoof on the table to touch Rasp’s.

“But the princesses never give up right, not when Discord attacked and not even when evil King Sombra tried to conquer everyone?” Rasp seemed genuinely confused by the notion that the changelings could win.

“Of course not dear, a real princess never gives up.’’ Diamond told her daughter. She thought about that sentence, which she had never doubted before. The Princesses had defeated such terrible monsters, even when the rest of the world was sure they’d lose. Was it different this time? Maybe it was? The changelings weren’t all monsters, were they? Perhaps that was the difference. Celestia and Luna could defeat one big evil, but an entire people, wasn’t that out of the league of any single person?

Librus seemed to have less doubts on what to do. “Listen carefully, both of you. The changelings will be coming, they broke through the border and Rasp isn’t staying around for when they get here.’’

The filly frowned. “But I want to stay… besides, I have school.’’ She said, a smug smile covering her face as she challenged her father.

“You’re going to your aunt in Tall Tales, I’m sure a lot of families will be sending their children away too, so it will be fun there.’’ Librus now managed to actually smile, trying to reassure little Rasp.

“Okay, okay, in a few days, alright?” Rasp had given up some ground, intend to buy time.

Librus nodded, which made Diamond sigh of relief. Maybe it was selfish, but she really didn’t want Rasp to go. With the war raging full force and the changelings actually getting closer, having her sweetheart around would make it all so much more bearable. But of course Librus was right, today proved that.

“Of course, I don’t think your mother would let you escape that soon.’’ Diamond found it incredible how Librus managed to talk like that, after what happened. The exchange between him and Rasp seemed almost normal. She took a sip of her tea, watching the two talk, the subject quickly changing to Rasp’s school day. Soon enough the two of them seemed to have forgotten all about the war. Or were they just pretending? Either way, Diamond played along.