Cronus is King

by fanficlover 1

The King celebrates

Ch 12

I had been sitting on the cold concrete of my new cell for who knows how long now, next to a bound and gagged Ed, and with griffin guards surrounding us with their weapons drawn. The reason for such ‘improvements’ is due to the fact that my new and improved driver was no longer able to be removed but I could still turn off my transformation (Small tid bit but I now had clothes. They apparently were created when I was fueled with the power of friendship and harmony). Still waiting, I looked over to Ed to check how he was doing but he still looked like a rabid dog ready to bite someone’s head off.

“You do know that looking like that won’t make them take the gag out of your mouth any sooner right?” The look Ed gave me would have burnt its way through steel had the king not suddenly arrived with Aires at his side. Upon seeing him, all the guards stood at attention and waited for orders. None came as the king made his way up straight to me.

“Stand up.” Doing at I was told, the king stared me directly in the eyes. “Do you know what time it is, human?” I shook my head no. “ It is currently 11 a.m.” I simply looked at the griffin, hoping he would explain more. “ As per custom of those who lose a duel by trial, at the stroke of 11 you would be paraded through the skies of our city to commemorate your loss to the people and remind them that the government is who is in charge before arriving at the chopping block at the stroke of noon to receive your punishment. Do you wish to guess why this has not happened yet?” I shook my head in confirmation. “Well the reason for your current lack of being paraded is due to two reasons really. Not only are the citizens hailing you as a hero for saving them from a monster that none of my best guards could defeat, but the Equestrian dignitaries are petitioning for your release and quickly gaining ground. Do you see where i’m going with this.” Another nod. “Good, because when you are out of these cells and my kingdom, I do not wish for you to ever come back. Your actions here have caused enough problems to last me a lifetime as it is and I do not wish for anymore problems.” The king said nothing else as he left the cell, leaving Aires behind with the guards.

“Leave us.” And now it was just Aires as the guards filed out as quickly and efficiently as possible. “You can already tell that the king is not happy with you, I also feel the same but I also owe you a debt of gratitude. I like to consider myself a griffin of honor and because of this I concede that the king spoke true of your involvement in the dealing of the monster. So while I do owe you a debt, do not expect me to pay it any time soon. With that out of the way, you can follow me and I will lead you to the dignitaries.”

“What about Ed.” Aires looked at the still fuming Ed before turning away.

“While he did not climb the mountain like you did, he still entered our city without any form of permit or inspection and is under arrest until the end of the day. After that, he is free to go.” If, Ed’s mouth had been uncovered, I was sure the the erratic and furious mumbling would have been a slew of curses towards the griffin.

Following, we soon left the dungeon and exited out into the surprisingly quiet main hall. Taking a quick right turn, he headed straight for the main door at the end of the hall ( these doors were easily taller than a small house), where I could hear the sound of voices coming from as we came closer and closer. When reaching it, Aires flew upwards towards some kind of hatch that he could look through before beginning to speak, though I couldn’t hear what exactly. When he landed, he took two steps back. Unsure, I copied him and became surprised as the doors moved outwards. Just barely missing us, I saw that two griffin guards panting as they had just exerted themselves opening the large door. Entering quickly, I watched the griffins close the doors behind us as they seemed to be using all the strength they had in their wings.

We were both now in a new set of hallways, ones of which I had not walked through before. Further and further we walked and the voices continued to become louder and louder as we did so until finally we came upon a large open doorway that lead into a large atrium like room. Inside, it looked as though almost everyone in the city had arrived, or at least enough to sound like their were as many as upon seeing me the entire room burst into cheers. The sound was deafening and I was forced to cover my ears lest I go deaf but Aires seemed unaffected and simply made his way forward. Not one to be left behind, I followed after and found myself to be standing in the center of the atrium. Standing there, I finally noticed something that should have been quite obvious but I had missed due to the surprise of everyone there and it was the king sitting on his throne looking down on me with barely concealed dislike.

When the cheers had finished and things began to get quiet (as quiet as a room filled with hundreds of griffins can be), the king’s disposition took a full 180 as he was no looking down on me with pride and admiration. The king slowly stood from his throne and made his way down towards myself and Aires which made said griffin kneel to his king. Following his lead, I did so as well. Step after step the king took, the clacks of his talons seemed to grow louder with each step before finally stopping in front of the two of us.

“Captain Aires, my most loyal and trusted advisor; I thank you for your service to your kingdom in response to your clear headedness and and bravery when fighting the monster.” The king spoke in a loud reverberating voice voice that echoed throughout the room’s large size and silencing any who were left speaking. “Because of your past deeds and actions, there is little else I can award you except my praise. Do you accept it.”

“I do my lord.” That was all Aires said before the king turned his attention on me.

“Cronus, even though you were given the chance to escape the execution that you had earned through your misjudgements of our people, you stood firm beside my people and defended them from harm. Because of this, I hereby give you the honorary title of knight for my court and ask if you would continue to aid us should we require it.”

“Of course sire.”

“I speak on behalf of all my people when I say: thank you. If there is anything you may need, do not hesitate to ask as you are always welcome back here.”

“Thank you sire.” The king stepped back and raised a single talon to the air. Confused on what the action meant, I became surprised to see a griffin soldier land next to the king and hand him a sword.”

“In the name of my father, and his father before him, I knight you sir Cronus.” Just like in the movies, the sword was laid on my soldiers but with the added feeling of the swords blade being extremely close to my neck as it laid on my shoulders, as though it were some kind of warning if I were not to follow words from before. “Now rise, sir Cronus, and stand before your people.”

I did so and the crowd went nuts with applause that was even more freverent than when I arrived. Aires did so next and and stood at attention letting everyone’s praise was over him like it was simply water. What followed next was unbelievable as Pinkie Pie, the crazy pinkett she was, appeared as if out of nowhere right next to me with an oversized cannon.

“Let’s party everyone!” Pulling the cord to the large weapon, no large sphere of metal exited it but instead a large ball of confetti  that exploded outwards causing the room to somehow be decorated in the process. Before I could truly question it though, the crazy pony took me by the hand and started slinging me around the room like a ragdoll while she danced to the music that began to play. Thankfully I had not eaten breakfast yet as I was sure I would have hurled it after the second sling, how long that would last before my gruelish dinner decided to appear was up for debate though.

As I flew through the air, I couldn’t help smiling as I saw everyone dancing and smiling (I even saw Feathers who was nodding along to the beat off in one of the corners just staring at my predicament in amusement). Hours seemed to go by before the party started to wind down and it was getting close to late in the evening by then. I had stopped being Pinkie Pie’s doll a while ago but I had been approached by multiple griffin women for a quick dance  until I couldn’t any longer and simply sat next to Feathers. We had talked during that time with me apologizing for turning him into the monster but Feathers didn’t seem to care. Instead of simply yelling and screaming for almost dying, he simply laughed and told me he had threw his ‘gift’ into the nearest fireplace he could so it didn’t happen again.

Most every griffin had left now with only guards, the occasional noble still staying to enjoy the last few bits of the party, and the ponies who just stood off to the side talking with each other. GIving a quick goodbye to Feathers and promising to somehow see him again (outside of court that is). I made my way over to the group, ready to leave and try to change the Princesses mind about me.