//------------------------------// // It's coming // Story: Trapped. // by Thunder.S.Strike //------------------------------// Chapter 3: Sepperation Sweetie bell was still illuminating the room, But all the ponys were getting tired, especialy Sweetie bell. The ponies decided to rest for a while. Lavender lit a small candle and placed it in the center of the room. The cave was now tranquil and the ursa minor was no whare in sight. Everypony gathered together in the middle of the room, All in the candle light. Thay were silent, Listening for any sighn of the beast coming back. But thare was scilence, all through the cave, even the sound of dripping water had now stopped. The scilence were unnerving, You could see it in thare eyes. So to try and break the Ice, Lavender said "I hope the others are ok." No pony replyed, Thay just lay thare, in scilence ______________________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile, In another aria of the cave, The three ponys were walking down a tunnle, trying to get back to the rest of the group. Scooterloo and Thunder in front, Applejack limping behind them. "Are you sure You're ok to walk on that?" Said scooterloo. "Yeah, i'm fine, now comon ya'll, let's keep movin'" No, I think you should rest on that, it's clear it's painfull." Replyed Thunder "If yall insist" Replyed applejack, In a slightly patrenised voice. "This looks as good a place as any to set down." The ponys checked down the tunnle one last time, to check for thare friends. They then proceeded to lay down and sleep. All but one. Scootaloo was restless. She wanted to know what hapened to the others. She snuck off into the dark abyss that lied infront of her. ______________________________________________________________________________ Lavender, Applebloom, Rarity and sweetybelle All woke up to the earspliting sound of rocks falling from the cealing. The ursa minor was mad. Verry mad. Everypony in the cavern grabbed what little supplys they had, And cantered into the unforgiving depths of the cave. Rarity was now iluminating the path thay would take. The cave network was a maze of twists and turns, Confusion at every junction. The walls were barly big enough to fit three ponys side by side. The roof was only about 5 feet abouve the floor, meening the taller ponys had to hunker down to get through. And whare they stopped, was not Idial. A sheer, allmost verticle 20ft. drop staired them in the face, and the ursa minor was gaining ground, Destroying all thr harsh rocks in it's way. The ponys had no choice, but to jump. Thay did...