//------------------------------// // Meet Crystal Rivot // Story: Crystal Amiss // by TassieDevil //------------------------------// I was running through a huge forest where the trees towered over you and the roots threatened to trip you at every turn I looked back and a bolt of fear went through me for I saw a dark shadow right behind me and it looked as if it was trying to grasp me with its huge, black claws. Fear made me run faster than ever before and I thought I could ,make it when my hoof got trapped in a root and I fell over trying to free myself but no matter how hard I tried it wouldn't come free. I looked up and the dark shadow was getting ready to strike and it jumped towards me and everything turned black. I awoke shivering in a cold sweat but I wasn't shivering because of the cold. I heard a terrible sound that sounded so lost, so alone and so frightened but then I realised that it was coming from me. All of a sudden someone burst into the room teriffiying me even more but I saw it was just my father coming to calm me like he always did. But no amount of hugs or calming words quelled my sobs and eventually we both just laid there waiting for the tears to run its course. I usually never got nightmares but ever since mother had been taken I got them nearly every night, of course thinking of my mum brought a new round of sobs that racked my body. "sh everything will be okay" dad whispered "NO!" I screamed "NOTHING WILL BE OKAY EVER AGAIN!" then I ran outside of my bedroom then went through the front door and bolted down the cold, dark street. I ran faster than ever before I weaved through streets and ran down alley ways, maybe if I ran fast enough I could leave behind all the grief, all the fear. I felt guilty about running away from my father but I just couldn’t stay there, there were too many memories and whenever I looked him in the eye all I could see was my pain reflected in his eyes which did not help. I sat down on a bench just to catch my breath and all of a sudden I realised I was in Canterlot gardens. I had always liked this place it was always so peaceful and the plants really were beautiful and the animals were amazing but a new wave of tears swept over me when I remembered the day my parents took me here and me and my mum found the phoenix. “What is wrong child” a deep and mysterious voice asked “what?” I looked up and standing there in front of me was Princess Luna herself. I gasped in shock and fear and I started to cower away, either the princess did not see my fear or chose to ignore it for she just went ahead and sat right next to my shaking body. “I asked you if everything was alright young one you seem extremely upset” “I.... I’m fine” I whimpered then I burst out crying once again. I found myself in the arms of the princess of the night but instead of feeling trapped like whenever my father usually hugged me, Instead it felt safe and warm, which were things I have not felt for a while now. “There there child I’m sure it’s not that bad” the moment she said those words even dared to utter them I felt a wave of fury like no other, who did she think she was pretending to know my problems acting as if she understood me. Even though there was only compassion in her words I pushed her away from me as if she was some disgusting creature or something of the likes of that. I started to scream terrible things to her but what was worse was that she was completely calm, during this she didn’t even scowl or shout back the only thing she did when I had taken a breath between insults she muttered two words “I’m sorry”. These two words drove me into a fit of tears so strong I just collapsed into her awaiting arms “I’m sorry” I said through gritted teeth to stop the sobs “I just miss her so much” “I know I am truly very sorry for what happened to you and for what it’s worth which I’m sure is not very much I too know what its like to lose someone you love”. After that she would not, could not say anything else I glanced at her face and through tear filled eyes I saw that she had her eyes closed and I saw one stray tear fall down her face. And in the dead of the night with the arms of a princess around me I cried myself to sleep. I awoke in a daze and I recalled the night before but instead of worrying about my father or why I was here I decided to put those fears aside for now. I stretched my body and I realised I was on a bed as dark as night but with little dots that looked as if they blazed. I looked to the ceiling and saw the midnight sky with a beautiful full moon and thousands upon thousands of stars scattered across the sky or ceiling I’m not entirely sure if it is real or not I strained to reach the ceiling to feel the inky black sky. I started to jump on the bed trying to reach the ceiling/sky and strangely enough I felt joy in the simplicity of it, it was almost fun. A voice startled me “having fun” chuckled Princess Luna “Oh sorry” I said still slightly bouncing on the bed “its fine child” “Crystal” “Excuse me” “ My name is Crystal” I said almost bitterly “Okay Crystal, did you sleep well?” “I slept.............well” I sounded surprise at the words cause it was true “I haven’t had a good night’s sleep for a long time” more like a half a good night’s sleep I expected for the heartache and grief to hit me when I remember why I had been found crying in the gardens but no feelings came I actually almost felt safe. The sound of my stomach rumbling brought me back to my senses “hmmm you must be very hungry would you like to join, me for breakfast or would you like me to bring some food up here” “no thanks I’d rather eat with you than be alone” I said and though I wouldn’t admit it I was dead curious to see the rest of the castle I mean for a princess her room, wasn’t very decorative I mean sure her ceiling/sky was beautiful but there wasn’t really anything else exciting it had four walls which were all a rich, deep amethyst and the starry patterned bed with two regular old black bedside tables “well come then Crystal we should get there soon otherwise there may be no food left it us quite late in the morning after all” “okay lets go wait I do have one question though” “yes?” “Is that ceiling real?” and you could hear the sound of the Princesses laughter throughout the whole castle. So there we go what do you think you can tell me if you think it’s horrible.