//------------------------------// // Last Preparations // Story: The Great and Destructive Hearths Warming Eve! // by PonyPlays2014 //------------------------------// It is Hearths Warming Eve and Twilight Sparkle already started decorating her castle while Spike is in the kitchen and cooks the delicious Hearths Warming Dinner with fresh salad, hay-burgers, carrot sticks and some cakes for dessert. The Apples will bring the cakes over before the dinner begins. The Mane Six decided to celebrate the today's holiday together while the Apples and the Pies are also celebrating. But not only Big MacIntosh, Applebloom, Granny Smith, Igneous Rock Pie, Cloudy Quartz, Marble, Limestone and Maud are there but also Babs Seed, Aunt and Uncle Orange, Braeburn, Caramel Apple, Red Delicious, Apple Fritter and Golden Delicious are there as their visitors but they won't stay for long. Mayor Mare announced a great celebration tonight's evening and all the visitors will participate. Some other participants are Mayor Mare, the Cakes, Derpy Hooves, Doctor Hooves, Octavia Melody, Vinyl Scratch aka. DJ Pon3, Zecora, Soarin, Fleetfoot, Spitfire, Bon Bon, Lyra, Berry Punch, Daisy, Rose, Lily, Cheerilee, Lemon Drop, Caramel and Thunderlane. But also royal guest will show up at the party! Princess Cadance and her husband, the captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor will come all the way from the Crystal Empire to celebrate the holiday with the ponies of Ponyville and, on the next day, with his sister and her sister-in-law Twilight Sparkle. Vinyl Scratch and Octavia are in charge of the music and Mr. and Mrs. Cake and the Apples will bake all the cakes, pies and other delicious desserts made of cream, berries, chocolate, apples and sprinkles. Derpy volunteered to help with the decoration and bake some muffins for the great party. Lily, Rose and Daisy will gather some beautiful flowers and a big Christmas tree and Mayor Mare already made a list for all the funny and hearts warming events, which will take place tonight. "It is really a shame that Cadance and Shining Armor can't be here tonight", the pale purple Alicorn thinks while she uses her magic to levitate a yellow glass ball to add it to the already beautifully decorated tree, “But they should really spend some time with the other ponies, who are living here in Ponyville and all over Equestria. After all they aren't only my family but Cadance is also a Princess, the Princess of Love. She has to take care of everyone in Equestria and celebrating a party with almost everyone in Ponyville is a really good idea. Also she will come tomorrow so I think it isn't so bad. Now... I wonder where Pinkie Pie is? She promised me that she would come and help me decorate." Twilight takes a look at the clock above the fireplace, which is connected to the chimney, and a worried mimic appears on her face as she realizes, that it is already five past seven o'clock in the evening! “Pinkie said she would be here around six o'clock... Where is she?”, the Princess of Friendship mumbles while she already searches for the next item inside the big, brown box full of glass balls, lights, figures and fake snow. This time it is a golden star for the tip of the tree. Carefully she levitates the object while keep up her mumbling about her friend, who is still missing. “I can't believe she is so late! After all she made me a-” “Pinkie Promise!”, the voice of the pink Earth Pony appears loud and echoing, which causes Twilight to lose her concentration and almost drop the figure but luckily she can focuses herself again and catches the star only millimeters before it hits the floor. “Phew... That was close...”, Twilight whispers while she lifts the figure again and finally places it on top of the tree, completing the piece of art. After that she looks around the room and searches for Pinkie Pie but nothing pink can be seen, except for one little present. “No...She isn't... Or is she? Can she really fit inside this little box? Well, I'm talking about Pinkie so...” Slowly she sneaks towards the little box and, after counting to three, opens it by lifting the lid and shouts. “Found you, Pinkie Pie!” But the box is empty! Out of nowhere Pinkie Pie pops out of the chimney and lands in the wood of the fireplace, which Twilight, luckily, didn't set on fire yet. “Wow! You found me without finding me! You are amazing!”, the Earth Pony says very impressed by her friends show, who screams and turns towards the fireplace instantly. “Pinkie! Where do you come from?”, she asks but only gains a giggle first. Then Pinkie points towards the chimney and explains with a singing voice where she came from. “You”, Twilight repeats, “were in the chimney? How long?” “I think 2 hours... or more. I had no place to make small lines to count and my chalk was also already gone. Anyway! Let's start decorating!”, the pink pony answers and seems very excited. Twilight rolls her eyes and explains, that the tree is already decorated. “But you can decorate this room, the dining hall and finally the bedrooms so everypony can sleep in a beautifully decorated atmosphere. Do you think you can do that before everypony arrives?” But Pinkie is already in her element and climbs back into the chimney to gather her Party Canon she stored there. “Why was your Party Canon in my chimney?”, the Alicorn asks but the answer is as useless as no information at all. “Obviously because they were too big for the toaster and your library is already full, Silly”, Pinkie Pie explains as if it was the most normal thing in the entire world. “Of course my library is full. Full of books.” Pinkie just giggles and points the canon at the wall and the window on the south side of the room while singing her answer to this comment. “Not anymo-ore!” She shoots her load and in less than a ten-seconds-flat the entire wall was perfectly decorated. “Looks like you will have no problem. I will go and look for Spike and the food”, Twilight says and leaves the living room to go up the stairs, enter the first door on the left side and enter the dining hall, which is connected to the kitchen. “Spike! Spike, are you already finished with the food?”, she shouts and even gains an answer. “Almost finished”, the echoing voice of the baby Dragon responses and gains the Alicorn's attention, who walks through the room and enters the kitchen. Spike, the little, purple and green Dragon runs between the oven, the fridge and the table to collect all the ingredients, prepare the next steps and control the currently cooking food. “I am currently making bread because Applejack likes it so much. And for Rarity I made some … strange little snacks she likes very much. I may don't know what she called them but I am doing them. How is your task? Is the living room already decorated?”, he answers as he looks at his best friend but can't concentrate right now or else he will surely forget something. “Pinkie is decorating it right now”, Twilight explains and walks towards the oven to see the delicious bread, which look golden and most likely will taste unbelievable good. And Rarity's little snacks are currently in the fridge to stay cold. The hay-burgers are on the table and the salad is also ready to be eaten. “Everything looks super-tasty! You are a great cook Spike.” “Well”, the little Dragon blushes while he mixes another bowl of salad to make sure it is mixed very good, “I am a Dragon with many talents.” “Just make sure everything is done when it is time for dinner. The whole evening is perfectly planned and it must stay this way.” Twilight always plans everything and the plans must be followed or else everything will go down in chaos! Or most likely not but Twilight was never a fan of surprises, random moments and any other kind of unplanned situations. But I don't think a holiday should have a strict plan. After all everything can go wrong. “Do you really need to have times for every little activity? Isn't a holiday for relaxing and having fun with your friends? Just let the evening plan itself”, Spike suggests but Twilight can't agree. “But planning is relaxing for me. I know it doesn't have to be but I feel like it. Most likely we can't follow it anyway but you must always be prepared for everything! After all everything can happen. Maybe we can't find the music for the corals, maybe the dinner isn't ready or a villain tries to ruin our celebration. That's the reason why I planned everything and prepared everything perfectly, got it?” No, he doesn't but he trust Twilight and she always knows what to do. “I know you're right so I will try my best to help you.” Twilight, who appreciates these words, steps next to Spike and hugs him tightly. “You are my number one assistant, Spike. Always helpful and encouraging.” “Oh come on Twilight, I already kno...”, the Dragon stops and listens. His Alicorn friend also listens and hears something. “Is that”, she asks, “a voice?” A sudden loud sound scares them and leads to almost throw his spoon away. “What was that?!?”, both ask at the same time and run into the dining hall. It came from there, that's for sure.