//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Stormy Skies for Ponyville // by DarkestAutumn //------------------------------// Chapter 6_____________________________________________________________________ “You can attempt to overtake Equestria. You can throw Princess Celestia down to the floor. I don’t care. But Nopony- NOPONY. HURTS. MY. FRIENDS.” She flew up so she was eye level with the 2 changelings. Stormy was shocked. Of all the ponies to try and stop them, it was Fluttershy?! Chrysalis merely glared at her. “Do you really think YOU, one WEAK, SINGLE pegasus can defeat the two of us, the changeling armanda, AND your entranced friends? Please, I don’t have time to laugh right now. I can do that once Princess Celestia is dead.” “I- well... no.” stammered Fluttershy, “I can’t do it alone. But with the help of my friends, we can accomplish anything!” She turned the the crowd of ponies, some of which had stopped bowing. “Please. I need your help. Friendship has defeated Nightmare Moon and Discord. And now, I think it can stop THEM!” she pointed at Stormy and Chrysalis. At first, there was silence. Nopony rose, and Fluttershy began to look worried. “It seems friendship can’t destroy US, if your friends are too COWARDLY to do it, can it?” jeered Stormy Skies. But at that moment, one pony rose. A cerulean pegasus with a Rainbow Mane- Rainbow Dash. And then another- Twilight Sparkle, though just barely standing. It seemed as though some of her ribs were broken. And then Rarity, who had a large scar on her left hind leg. And finally, Applejack, who had a twisted ankle. The sight of the injured ponies still having enough courage seemed to boost the others’, because they too rose up. Berry Punch, Amethyst Star, even some random blue earth pony Fluttershy didn’t even know, until finally everypony was now standing. Queen Chrysalis and Stormy Skies both looked terrified. “What do we do now?” Stormy whispered to Chrysalis. Chrysalis took a long time to respond. “Fight back. 1... 2... 3...” “GO!” screamed Stormy. They dashed away. “AFTER THEM!” cried Rainbow Dash. There were loud screams and the residents of Ponyville chased after the 2 shapeshifters. Chrysalis gathered the rest of the Changelings, and ordered them to attack back. “GO!” she shrieked. “DON’T HOLD BACK! KILL THEM IF YOU MUST!” Stormy blended in with the others, punching ponies here and there, biting their legs so they couldn’t move, ect. However, the ponies seemed to be doing even more damage to them than they were to the ponies. 2 changelings were already dead, and the worst that had happened to the ponies was that Vinyl Scratch had broken her leg. Stormy Skies found Applejack and attempted to attack her from behind, but the orange cowpony had sensed her coming and bucked her in the face, sending her flying a far ways away from the group. “AAAAAAAGH!” she screamed. Meanwhile, Darkest Autumn was searching desperately for Stormy Skies. “Stormy?! Yoo-hoo! Hello?! Please, ANSWER ME!” she called, but no reply came. Suddenly, it appeared as though a black meteorite was speeding from the sky, headed straight tworards her. “Aaugh!” cried Stormy, and closed her eyes as the space rock came flying. However, it was not a meteorite after all- in fact, it was a changeling. It took one look at her with it’s beady blue eyes and pinned her to the ground, hissing menacingly. “Okay, I admit it! I’M SORRY!” sobbed Darkest Autumn. Tears were running down her face. It seemed as though it was very hard for her to talk, she was just barely choking out the words. “I took the changeling egg from your hive three years ago. She lives here, in Ponyville, disguised as an Alicorn named Stormy Skies,” she said. “I took it because... because... I thought, you know, not all of them could be evil...” The changeling looked both shocked and confused. “I took her in and raised her like all the other ponies... so when I heard you guys came... Oh, please don’t take her away from me...” Instead of clawing the ash-black pegasus open like she had originally intended to, the changeling merely whispered... “Mom? Is that true?”