Cronus is King

by fanficlover 1

The Princess Discovers

Ch 4

“Sorry for disagreeing with ya princess but I don’ believe that.”

“AppleJack?” I couldn’t believe it, after everything I just told them, the element of honesty didn’t believe me.

“I can tell your telling the truth ma’am but I just don’t think Cronus is that kind of man. When my Granny, and brother Mac were trapped under our barn, ready to be squished, he appeared out of nowhere and helped without even giving a reason why and after that he came and helped out the town.”

“You said it Applejack, Cronus is coolerific with a capital cool. He just walks into town, gets the mayor’s attention and starts helping like it wasn’t a big deal.”

“You to Pinkie Pie?”

“I have to concur, even though his fashion choice leaves much to be desired, he has only helped us since we got here. Why before we even fully trusted him, he pulled my poor Opal down from one of the trees before helping Twilight with the lumber collection.”

“But Rarity-”

“I also think he’s a good person.” I couldn’t believe it, I was being ganged up on by the elements. Surely Twilight could see my point though.

“Twilight, you trust me don’t you?” Twilight looked torn as she was now having to choose between her friends and her me, her teacher.

“Well you bring up a good point Celestia, but that was a long time ago but we have no real way of determining if he is truly good or just playing us like one of Discord’s games.” Middle of the road, while not enough to sway her friends, it should help them ease into the idea that i’m right about this.

“If knowing is such a problem, then why don’t we just test him.” It was Rainbow dash who spoke after being quite for so long. While I couldn’t argue that testing him would be a good way of seeing if I was right or not, we have no way of doing so.

“I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, while your idea has merit, there is no way to test and see if Cronus, as you call him, is evil or not.”

“Sure there is, just have Princess Lune get in his head while he’s sleeping and check his brain.”

“Rainbow, that’s amazing, you came up with that idea all on your own. Checking his mind is just like when Daring Doo was put on trial in the harsh Savanna of Zebafrica by the ancient Zebra tribes in volume 39” Rainbow dash’s coat took a slight tinge of red around her eyes and cheeks at the praise. Her blush was soon ignored though in favor of Twilight looking to me in expectation. Staring into her eyes. I could see hope, hope that all was good and right with the world. Sighing once more for about the seventh time this day, I nodded.

“Very well, I will ask my sister to check his memories when Cronus goes to sleep tonight. After such a long day, I don’t think he could handle staying up much longer than he would have too.”


(Cronus POV)

The climb was perilous as I made my way upwards from one small ledge to the next. Everyone in awhile I would lose my grip before grabbing hold on another ledge but overall I was doing fine for the moment. Looking upwards and then down, I figured I had climbed about a fourth of the way up now but no out crop looked to be in sight. Grabbing onto another ledge, it crumbled in my fingers before letting my hand go free but by utilizing my recently discovered enhanced reflexes, I quickly grabbed onto another.

“Phew, that one was a close one right there, hopefully there aren’t more like it further up.” As I said that, A shadow over passed me before continuing up the mountain. Surprised by the unexpected sight, I looked upwards to barely catch a glimpse of something wingedbefore it disappeared around the side of the mountain. Fearing that it was the princesses again, I unclipped my bugvisor from my belt, ready to fire and anypony who thought they could get me in a compromising position and aimed it to the other side where the unknown flyer would have to come around to. No one did though as instead, the feeling of weightlessness overtook my body as I was snatched right off the side of the mountain and into the air. Before even a curse could leave my lips, both I and my snatcher were already halfway up the mountain now and still climbing before reaching the top in no seconds flat and floating high above the top.

“What the hell?” Instead of a pointed top or even a flat-ish surface to rest on the entire top part of the mountain, and many of the others that made up the small range, were covered in cities that could put New york to shame in their size and grandeur. Each building was like a building block with one on top of the other giving them the appearance of roman columns with small landings circling upwards around it for doors built into the sides that the inhabitants would walk through and go about their lives in before exiting and flying off to the next one. The inhabitants themselves though were the real show stopper in all of it though because every single person, young and old, tall and small, male or female, was griffon, the mythological hybrid of lions and eagles.

Struggling to look behind my myself at my captor, I was shocked to see that it was a griffon as well, a very angry griffon but one nonetheless. As I stared at him (I think it was a him since he looked much bulkier than most of the other griffons around), he paid me no mind as he began weaving his way to and fro through the flying mass of griffons with ease as many stopped and parted before him. From what I could tell, then that meant he was someone of major importance so probably a knight or some equivalent standing for griffons. Eventually, our destination came into view, being a parthenon among pillars helped give it away before we landed, with my body still in the claws of the unknown griffon who was now standing on top of me, to keep me from running away no doubt. Having noticed our landing, close to twenty griffon guards had exited the parthenon as fast as the could, in full body armor no less, before circling us with their spears at the ready.

“Um, hi.” My faceplate was slammed into the dirt, which, while not hurting, peeved me to no end. Keeping my cool though, I breathed in and out like I had been taught as kid before raising my head to look again. Looking up, I noticed multiple spears in the back row begin to raise and part to the sides like someone was coming through. After only a few more seconds, I was proven right as a new griffon, one wearing an expensive looking robe and fine jewelry had finally made his way through with his guards bowing behind him. The griffon on top of me bowed as well but it was only for a short period of time before standing straight again.

“My king.”

“Captain Aires. It looks like you found someone on you daily patrol, mind telling me who and what it is.”

“My name is Cronus sir, and i’m human.” again, my faceplate was shoved into the dirt though I didn’t care as I wasn’t going to be called a thing.

“A human you say? I don’t believe i’ve ever heard of that race before, imps yes, fairies even but not humans. Aires, let the poor creature up so I may talk to him.” Can’t say dreature was better but i’ll take what I could get as the now named captain removed his talons from my back.

“Of course sire.” With that, he bowed again though this time he stayed that way. Having been looking at the captain, I did not notice the king come closer and offer me one of his claws until the king cleared his throat. Noticing it now, I gratefully took it and got up and was now looking the king head on now.

“So tell me, human, why were you climbing the the side of my mountain and not taking the main road through the village Griffon stone? Be warned though, your answer can mean the difference between life and death if you are not truthful.”

“Of course, I have nothing to hide. The truth is that I did not know about a main road as I have only been in this land for less than a day now.”

“A traveller hm?” the king didn’t look convinced. “Why would a random traveler who knows nothing of this land climb the main mountain of the griffon kingdom then instead of simply trying to go around it.”

“Because, sir, I was being chased.”

“Chased, chased by whom exactly?”

“The two princesses of Equestria sir, Luna and Celestia.” The king said nothing as he simply stared at me, then, he started laughing. His laughter appeared to be contagious as many other griffons began laughing as well. When the king finally calmed down, he wiped away a stray tear from his eyes and began to look serious again.

“You expect me to believe that Celestia, the kind hearted Alicorn who rules our neighboring country, would even think about hunting another living being. Luna I could understand given her past but putting the blame on Celestia as well is all the proof I need that you are lying. Guards, take him to a cell so that he may wait while we prepare his coming trial.” Before I could react, two of the guards jumped over top their king and landed atop me before pinning my arms behind me and away from my Bugvisor which I had connected to my belt during the flight.

Unable to break free, I was forced to my feet and into the parthenon but no sooner did we enter the main hallway, my escorts turned right to a nearby set of stairs that led to the aforementioned dungeon. Selecting one of the cells at random, the guards threw me inside and locking the iron behind me.

“Don’t bother using that dagger of yours on your belt, the walls are made of the surrounding mountain themselves.” With his piece said, i watched as the guard left, leaving me alone in a cell with a stone block jutting from the rock acting as my substitute for a bed and a rotten bucket for my toilet.

“Just great, could this get any worse?” with nobody to answer me and nothing to do, I laid myself onto the stone block and tried to find a somewhat comfortable position while I waited. Finding the best I could, the fatigue of the day had finally made itself known causing my eyelids to become heavy.


(Luna POV)

“You want me to do what?”

“Go into Cronus dreams as he sleeps and when you are there, simply examine his memories to see if he is a threat or not.”

“But sister, he is a displaced, the same type of beings who took me away from you. Why would you ever tell me to do such a thing?” I couldn’t believe it, how could she possibly ever suggest the idea.

“Because my student asked me too.” Hearing her answer, I realized why now. Those six not only saved me after so many years but so many others.

“I guess if Twilight asked me to then I can at least try then.” walking past my sister onto the terrace, I finally lowered the sun so that my moon could follow. Even after all the years I had been away, the feeling of it filled me with at least some joy even if it was somewhat diminished by the fact that the moon was lowering a few hours early (not that the displaced would know that). With the moon now risen, I returned to my bed, and let my powers over the dreamscape unravel from me to touch the minds of every pony and creature that slept.

Opening my eyes, I was now in the dream hub, a central point for all dreams to be accessed by me so that I may watch over it. Slowly, doors were beginning to appear but none suggested that they belonged to the displaced which meant I would have to wait. In time, a new door slowly began to appear; it was taller that myself and in the form of a plain rectangle that was colored a metallic green color.

“It’s now or never then.” grasping the handle of the door with my magic, I pulled but it didn’t open. Surprised by the resistance, I put more magic into it and pulled once more, this time the door began to open but it was slow.


The door suddenly slammed shut, leaving me angry now. Not only had this displaced been keeping me from opening the door but he had the nerve to tell try and tell me to leave. Not having any disrespect, I began to charge my horn with all my magical power. Once filled with all the magic power I could handle, the door blocking me from my goal was turned to splinters from my charge letting me enter. The dream was empty, only a black void with nothing inside of it. Feeling that it would be easy to complete my work, I walked further into it.


Again, the displaced, Cronus’, dream voice screamed for me to leave but instead of another door slamming shut, a light snapped on from the unseen ceiling shining downwards onto the displaced both I and my sister were looking for.

“Do it.”
A new voice spoke this time, much deeper than Cronus’ but what captured my attention then was the distinct sound of a match lighting. Coming closer to the armored human, I saw in his hands was, as I expected, a match that was slowly burning.

“Do it.”

Again the voice spoke but I paid it no mind as I stared at the match that was beginning to shake in his hand.

“Do it.”

The match finally stopped its shaking but it no longer was being held in Cronus’ hand but was instead falling to the floor. With barely a touch, the entire black void became consumed in flames as Cronus disappeared. The sight was horrifying to see but what made it even worse was the screams of pain and sorrow that began to echo like that of banshee and an unknown person, whether it be Cronus or the other, began to laugh with unbridled glee. Closing my eyes and ears, I tried to block out the sound and sight but it stayed; then, without warning, it stopped. Again, Cronus was standing center stage, with a light over top him, but he was not the only one. Laying at his feet was a lump of flesh, burned and scarred, the lump of flesh moved as a hand began to shakily raise itself.

“Big Brother, please, help me.”

No words were said from Cronus as he removed his strange belt buckle and placed in on his hand in the form that blasted energy before pointing it towards the deformed little sister. Realizing what he was about to do, even if it was a dream, I ran as fast as I could to stop him but it was to late and the buckle fired its sickly violet and blue energy making the now dead girl disappear. Seeing Cronus do such an inhumane thing put me sick to my stomach as I began to back away slowly. Suddenly, Cronus turned around and raised his hand to fire again. That was the last thing I saw as I woke in my bed in a cold sweat while my sister was sitting close by with a book in her magical grasp that she quickly dropped.

“Luna, What’s wrong?” I was panting like a mad mare but I still spoke though it was forced and even fearful.

“Get the Elements of Harmony.”