//------------------------------// // A Cuddle Duel! // Story: Sisterly Snuggles // by Inactive Pone //------------------------------// The next morning, as the sun was risen by their parents, who were actually still far away doing some of their own business, it’s comforting and warm light shone through the window of the playroom, right onto the two sisters. Detecting the light, Celestia woke up first, with a big yawn. “Luna~ Wake up~!” She said, nudging her best friend. She didn’t seem to move, so Celestia started to call her lovingly. “Heyyyy Luna! Luna~!” Finally, she woke up. “*giggles* Morning, Tia!” They both smiled and kissed each other, before getting off the bed to do their daily routine for another typical morning. They slept really well last night, and were super ready to start the day. Celestia was preparing to go for another day of magic school again, but unfortunately on her own this time since her parents aren’t here. Luckily, she had Luna to accompany her before she left the castle. “So...” Celestia said, looking at Luna lovingly. “Mhmm?” Luna kissed her on the cheek. “You said you had an idea for when we sleep together tonight, right?” Luna’s cheeks turned pink. “Oh, hehe... It’s a little silly, now that I think about it...” Celestia nudged her with a wing. “Awww, come on! Tell me, pleaseeee?” Luna nodded. As they walked, she started to whisper her great idea. At the end of it, Celestia wanted to burst out laughing. “Haha, that’s wonderful!” Celestia said. “Should we add something before we start, though?” “Hmmm... Maybe!” “Okay, how about this?” Celestia whispered her idea back to Luna, and she agreed. “That seems really fun!” Luna agreed. “Let’s do it, then! Ooh! And we could even do this every so often too! Like, we could make this become a usual thing we do!” “It is possible,” Celestia said, approaching the front doors. “I’ll think about it later, I’m gonna go to magic school to learn from Starswirl today.” “Don’t forget to teach me!” Luna begged, nuzzling against her. “Haha, I won’t forget,” She replied. “I’ll come back soon, I promise! Alright, see you later, Lulu!” “*giggles* Bye, Tia!” Luna said, giving her a kiss before she departed. And so, a normal day passed by without anything special happening. At least until nighttime. As usual, they met up and they were going to spend the night in the playroom once again. Both of them were pretty excited and couldn’t wait to do their little “Idea” they thought up. This time, however, they had to sneak past the extra guards because of what happened the night before. But with Celestia’s invisibility spell, they got in rather easily. They shut the door behind them when they saw no guards coming. They sighed in relief. But then, they had a little question for each other. They chatted with their thoughts again. “Actually,” Celestia said, thinking. “Hmm?” “You can talk a bit better now, right?” She asked. “Would... Would you mind if we actually talk this time, Luna? I mean, I never heard your real voice and neither have you...” To her surprise, Luna nodded. “Probably. I’m not sure if the voice we’ve been hearing through our thoughts really is a fake voice, though. It might be the real one, it’s just we never knew, because we can only hear each other but not ourselves.” “We’re gonna find out now, I suppose.” The two were really shy- Since they first met, they have never opened their mouth ever to talk to each other. After a while, they took a deep breath. Celestial signalled Luna to say something first. “Tia?” Luna asked. “Can you hear me now?” Celestia gasped, and smiled. It was a really sweet voice, a bit more high-pitched than hers. “Wow... You sound... really good!” She commented. Luna gasped too. “So this is what you really sound like?” She asked, questioning her rather squeaky voice, despite how regal she seemed. “It’s so... Ugh, how do I say it...” Celestia chuckled and used her thoughts again. “Really weird, isn’t it?” “I meant to say special,” Luna said. They both giggled as they heard each other speak for the first time. “I’ll try to speak as much as I can,” Luna told her sister. “I’m only three, after all. I know a lot, but I may not be able say it with my mouth. I’ll try to say it.” “Don’t worry,” Celestia reassured her. “If you need to, just use your thoughts. Now, come on.” Same thing happens- Celestia lifts Luna up to the bed with a grin. After landing, the two sat down, to begin their little plan for tonight. They thought it was really silly, but at the same time, it sounded fun. And it was with their dear sister too, which makes this moment even better. “So... Luna?” Celestia asked, nudging Luna from behind. The filly giggled and did the same. “Yes, Tia?” “We’ve been going around this... Cuddling thing for a while.” “Yeah, you kinda taught me a little.” “And I see you’re getting better at it.” Luna twitched her eyebrows. “Mhmm... Go on...” “I’ll be honest with you,” Celestia said, rolling her eyes. “I... I don’t like how this is going. You’re getting better at this. I don’t like that.” “Why so?” “Because it means you’re gonna get better than me!” The two turned, and stood up on their little hooves, puffing their chest out a little. “I really like snuggling,” Celestia said. “But I don’t like it when ponies are better at it than me.” Luna rolled her eyes too. “What’s the problem with that? I can be better at cuddling...” “Come on... I taught you, Lulu. So I have more experience on it.” “Oh, really now?” The sisters started to push heads playfully, with a cold smile. Pushing back and forth, they were playing along in a silly quarrel over who could cuddle better. “I’m better at cuddling!” Luna yelled. Celestia shook her head and cried back. “I’m better at snuggling!” “Nuh-uh! I’m better!” Luna cried. “No, I am!” Celestia yelled back. “Nuh-uh!” “Uh huh!” The two hmphed a little, and pulled themselves apart for a minute, both blushing. “Seems like we couldn’t decide who’s better at snuggling,” Celestia said. Luna nodded. “True... And I know exactly how we’re going to find out.” Both of them narrowed their eyes, winking, they came to the same conclusion- The same idea Luna suggested last night. “A cuddle fight!” They both agreed to the idea, and sat down to plan out how their battle will work. Gently, Luna nuzzled her head on Celestia’s side, as she waited for her to say something. “This will be simple,” Celestia began. “All types of cuddling between us are allowed in the duration of this duel, such as hugs, snuggles, spooning and so on. Kissing is also okay, but definitely no actual fighting since this is a friendly fight, not a real one. Also, we can’t exit the surface of the bed in any way and no flying.” Luna nodded. “Is it alright for us to... *chuckles* Kinda argue over who’s better at this?” Celestia agreed to her suggestion.”Hmmm, I guess it’s part of the fun, so maybe.” “Yay!” Luna clapped her hooves. “Ooh! And I have more ideas on how it should go!” “Go ahead!” “Okay, so we’re on a large bed, right? Remember when we fought, we were on opposite edges and we ran into each other?” Luna asked, and Celestia nodded. “As I suggested to you before- We’ll do the same thing when we start. We’ll count down, and charge forward and jump, and make contact in the middle. Then we can start the duel! There’s something I wat us to do after we’re done- But I’ll get to it later.” “Awesome idea!” Celestia giggled. “So, you ready?” “Mhmm!” They got to the middle of their bed, where the sun and moon symbols are, and they argued over cuddling a little bit. A while later, they confirmed to do the fight. “This will be fun,” Celestia giggled. “Just a friendly battle between sun and moon, am I right?” “Yeah,” Luna replied. “And it’s a kind of playing for us at the same time.” They stared at each other, and reached out a hoof. “Well, good luck,” Celestia said, shaking hooves with her sister. “Just a reminder; I’m gonna win this.” Luna chuckled. “Haha, what? You’re totally going down.” “*snickers* So it’s gonna be like that, huh? Let’s see about that...” “If you say so... ‘Cause I’ll win. Easily.” Their cold smile widened, and they locked their hooves in a strong grip, gripping from the side like they were wrestling their hooves. They pulled away a second later, and went to an edge of the bed, directly opposite their sister. Ready for the duel to begin, they both nodded. “Three...” They both crouched and left their pink and blue tails tangling and wagging in cheer. “Two...” They winked for the last signal. “One...” In a flash, Celestia and Luna charged for each other. They jumped, and crashed into their sibling, but locked themselves in a tight hug. As soon as they hit ground, they both yelled out the word to start: “Fight!” Celestia quickly pulled her sister down, and snuggled her really affectionately. Luna chuckled and did the same thing, both nuzzling their heads together. She began her attack by spooning Celestia, even though she was small and had difficulty wrapping her hooves around the white body of her sister’s. And of course, the two did cuddle each other and they did kiss. They were just happily wiggling against each other in content, hoping that the other will surrender first. “Come on! Just give up!” Celestia chuckled. “You”ll be out-snuggled by me anyway!” Luna giggled and shook her head. “It’s you that will be defeated!” They stood up, still in contact. Their heads touched and started pushing, and they made their grip tighter. “Come on, Lulu... You know I’m better at this.” “Hmph! Of course it’s me, Tia!” “Oh, please. Just admit it, I’m gonna win!” “No, I will!” Luna used her weight to push Celestia down, both of them hugging together like a ball. The two laughed and started to roll around with each other tightly wrapped in their hooves. Giggling the whole time, they didn’t really want this to end- But they wanted to beat their sibling at snuggling. “*laughs* This is so fun!” Celestia giggled. “How did you think of this, Lulu?” Luna rolled her eyes. “Oh, just a random thought after our fight. *laughs* You know... I love you, but I also hate you too.” She winked playfully. “Why?” “*whines* You’re so good at cuddling!” Luna whined. “Oh wait, no matter, because I’m still better at it!” Celestia tittered and winked. “In that case... I hate you too!” Both of them stuck out a tongue playfully. “Awww, come here!” The two continued to laugh and cuddle, kicking their hooves cheerfully. They started getting a little more personal- They were booping each other’s muzzles, and of course nuzzling them, and probably some cheesy stuff that they’re probably not supposed to know at their age. About 30 minutes later, after several attempts of getting the other to sleep from their loving cuddles almost succeeding, the two finally stopped and gave up since they felt really tired. All they did was lie on the bed, with each other in their hooves, easing themselves into the warmth and comfort brought by their own dear sister. Celestia hummed. “This makes me feel so... So happy,” she said, snuggling Luna close. “Me too, sis. It’s fun,” Luna replied. She brushed away Celestia’s messy mane, her eyes searching her sister’s. “So... It’s a draw, yes?” She continued. Celestia winked. “Mhmm. I’ll beat you sometime, though.” “*giggles* I feel the same way. Soon enough, one of us is going to win.” Luna giggled. “But for now... I have an idea for how to end it.” She whispered her idea. “That seems pretty cool!” Celestia commented. “Geez, you have the best ideas.” Luna was playfully shoved by her sister’s white wing. “Oh, you should have known.” The two fillies stood up, facing each other and looking deep into their sister’s eyes. “I, princess Celestia,” “And I, princess Luna,” “We both promise that we will stop our constant fights, and learn how to respect and love our dear sibling.” The two both shook each other’s hoof with a smile. “Now that we’ve made up from everything,” Luna said, winking. “Mhmm?” Celestia winked back. “How about we give a nice big hug to say sorry?” Luna’s hooves were wide open. Celestia smiled, and shuffled closer to wrap Luna in her hooves. Patting each other’s backs and both swaying to and fro with each other, they sighed in bliss. “I’m sorry for arguing with you, Lulu,” Celestia whispered. Luna nodded. “I’m sorry too, Tia.” The two moved their heads, and kissed on the lips. Celestia pulled them back down, so they could sleep side-by-side, but not breaking the contact. Blushing heavily, the two were cuddling really affectionately and were kissing a lot, on the ears, the cheek, the horn, and of course on the lips. At one point, they were licking their lips, but were so close their tongue started playing around with the other’s, banging into each other. The two’s faces both turned red- They didn’t mean to. But they laughed it off and booped each other’s muzzle gladly. Luna let out a cheerful sigh as she nuzzled herself beside her sister’s body. “When are we gonna grow up, Tia?” Upon the sarcastic question, she laughed. “Probably never, at this rate.” Celestia opened her wings a little, letting Luna nuzzle deeper as she nuzzled her head, lightly nibbling on Luna’s ear. Celestia could tell Luna felt it- Because she retorted with a tickle attack. “N-No! Luna!!” Celestia giggled, breaking the hug. Luna broke into hysterics as she messed with her. “Haha, take that, you little frisky sister!” “Okay! Okay! I’ll stop!” They settled down and wanted to go back to bed, spooning together in comfort. “Hey, Lulu?” “Hm, Tia?” Luna turned to face Celestia, accidentally bumping their noses together. “I’m really glad to have a sister like you.” Luna nodded. “Me too. But... Why do you say that all of a sudden?” Celestia blushed. “Well... I know we’ve been a little bit at each other’s throats recently. We... We fought a lot more. We still cuddle a lot when we sleep together, and even through it... You’re always with me.” “Mhmm... We really do have a lot of silly memories together. Sure, it an be bad, or it could be good, but it still a memory nonetheless.” The two placed their hooves together. “I don’t know how I can move on without you,” Celestia said. “I spend every moment with you, Lulu. I can’t imagine us being apart.” “I can’t either,” Luna replied. “Because I know we love each other deeply.” Both of them embraced their sibling. “I’m glad I got to love you, Luna.” “And I’m happy to be with you, Celestia...” They both grinned, and kissed again.