Sisterly Snuggles

by Inactive Pone

A Sisterly Bond’s Start

A long time ago, in the magical land of Equestria, there was a pair of royal sisters.

The older sister represented the sun, and every day, she would be in charge of rising it to signal the start of a new day. The younger sister, on the other hand, symbolized the moon. She would raise the moon to dawn the night over the nation.

They were Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

Although being two polar opposites, the two princesses were always meant to do everything together, and of course, ruling side-by-side the moment they were crowned the new rulers. As princesses, the two respected each other’s opinions and worked together to solve many problems the country faced, no matter if it was a problem inside or outside the nation. They took up many responsibilities and cooperated to finish their job. This was what ponies thought of them in their point of view. They would think they would call each other by their formal title when they see each other and that is technically correct.

But what they don’t know, is that behind their royal flair... As sisters, it’s a much different story.

Nopony knew about it- Because they feared of nasty rumors spreading around town. That’s why it was kept secret towards many. However, it’s true- The siblings, when not around anypony else but each other, used to be one of the cutest, closest and probably the best of friends in the land. They have silly nicknames for each other and hang out very often, just the two of them together. Celestia and Luna both loved each other dearly as sisters and best friends, and they get personal sometimes, no matter good or bad. They even once had affection towards the other!

It’s hard to believe- Sun and Moon are direct opposites and are very different from each other. So naturally, you will think, “How could two princesses that are so different, be so close together?”

Well, reader, I once thought so too. So let’s go and see the answer, shall we? The rise, fall and recovery of the bond between the Princesses of the sun and moon, Celestia and Luna.

It happened many years ago- When Celestia was born into the world. She was born from a pair of great alicorns, but for some reason, she never got the genes to naturally be an alicorn. So, the two parents put a spell on her so she would transform into an alicorn, to put it simply, a princess.

The filly that would ultimately become a ruler one day, had a lot of fun every day. Her parents were very nice, spending time with her even under royal duties. She’s protected by them wherever she goes, and she seldom got into trouble. Why exactly? Because she was blockaded from any signs of damage by either her parents or the guards that already protect her, even though she’s at such a young age. Then again, she’s still kind of a baby, so it’s reasonable.

Life was great for the little one- But something didn’t feel right. Every time she had fun, she felt something was missing. She thought that she was a bit alone while having such a thrill every time she had learnt something new or just had something to share.

A friend.

Seeing her loneliness, Celestia’s parents decided they would raise a second filly, to accompany her. They hoped that it would’ve been a prince, so Celestia may get attracted to her brother for a possible relationship. But, it turned out to be another princess. Even so, it’s better than not having another filly so they still accepted the outcome.

Exactly three years since Celestia was born, the princess got the best birthday present ever- A little sister.

“Look at her...” The Mother cried. “She’s so adorable...”

The new baby was born, still sleeping soundly under the warmth of the mother’s hooves. Her skin was a beautiful shade of ocean blue, but her mane was navy. Same with Celestia, she wasn’t born as an alicorn either. But unlike her, the new princess was born as a Pegasus, not a unicorn like she did.

The father came in to see the newborn one. He smiled as he kissed his wife.

“Everything alright, honey?” He asked as he looked at the new princess.

She nodded. “Where is she?”

He chuckled as the white-skinned alicorn climbed from behind him, and he used his hooves to hold Celestia.

“Hey, Sunshine,” He said, nuzzling his muzzle on her’s, making her giggle. “I got a present for you- Look!”

She saw the new baby, and was very excited.

“Say hello to your new sister,” The Mother said. “Princess Luna.”

Celestia clapped her hooves and giggled. “Papa, am I a big sister now?”

He nodded. “Mhmm! You are, darling.”

As he held Celestia close to the baby, Luna opened her eyes and sparkled. She let out a few soft and cute sounds, and wanted to reach out to her big sister, flailing her little blue hooves. Celestia smiled and wanted to reach out to her too, making sure to not fall by accident.

When the father pulled her back, the baby started crying.

“Oh...” The Mother cried, kindly shushing Luna. “Shhhh, don’t worry, little one...” She said, hugging her new daughter.

“I think she likes Celestia,” the father suggested, giggling,

The mother had an idea. “Well, she’s still technically a baby and still pretty tiny. I don’t suppose...?”

He nodded. “I think I know what you’re planning...”

So, once they all returned to their castle, which later became the castle of the two sisters, The parents decided they would let Celestia sleep with Luna, so the new baby can sleep silently without crying all the time, just as an experiment to see if their guess is true. They also didn’t want her to randomly shoot magic everywhere while whining, now that she turned into an alicorn now.

Before bed, they gave her a heads up.

“Sweetie,” the father said, brushing her pink mane. “You’ll be sleeping with somepony else tonight.”

Celestia blushed. “Awww...”

“Don’t worry,” the mother replied, hugging her. “It’s somepony new. There’s something we want you to do, which is to go sleep with her.”

The princess’ ears perked up. “*gasp* Luna?”

They nodded.

“Yay!” Celestia squeaked, nuzzling against her parents’ body as they picked her up.

“I saw that she really likes you,” The Mother pointed out. “That’s why we think she would love to sleep with you.”

The father nodded. “Okay, Sunshine. Go have fun with your little sis. And don’t fight, okay?”

The princess nodded as their parents gave her a kiss and placed her inside Luna’s crib, coloured in blue and with a little blanket with moon patterns.

When the door closed, Celestia refused to sleep and wanted to get the attention of her sister desperately. Her eyes opened up, and smiled. The baby started nudging the other baby, placing her muzzle and nuzzling the fur on her back. That didn’t seem to work, so she used her hoof to gently nudge her again.

Luna shuffled in her sleep and turned. This was good progress. Celestia wanted to rub her little tummy a bit, to tickle her to becoming awake, but all she did was making Luna let out a few giggles and shuffling more.

After a while, Luna finally woke up with a yawn as Celestia wanted to give up. This was it!

Luna peeked in front of her- the same pony she met a while ago. She smiled as the two babies made eye contact, but remained silent. She giggled and Celestia started hearing something.

“It’s you!”

She started looking around in fear. “What was that?” She thought.

Luna winked and nudged her. “It’s me, silly!”

Celestia turned to look at Luna again. She still remained silent. Celestia understood now- She uses thoughts to communicate with her! So, similarly, she tried to think of what she wanted to say in her mind, which has a much bigger word bank than what she can say.

“Are... Are you doing it?” She thought.

Luna nodded with a cute squeak.

“You’re... You’re the one I met a while ago!” Luna thought, hearing her thoughts and responding.

Celestia scratched her head- This was a little complex for her. She couldn’t talk to communicate with her sister. This is going to be a problem.

“Can you only talk like this?”

Luna shook her head. “I can talk, but all I can utter right now is just squeals and weird noises and you won’t know what I’m saying. So, I use my mind to listen to what others are thinking, and tell them my response through my head as well.”

“So... You can only know what I’m saying and respond,” Celestia repeated her words. “If I think of them in my head?” She pointed to where her mind is.

“Mhmm!” Luna nodded.

The two blushed, and looked away. They are sleeping together, in a crib. It was now a bit more narrow for both of them, considering Celestia was sleeping in it as well . There’s still room to move around, but not much.

“So... Luna, right?”

“Yeah, that’s my name, I guess.” Luna giggled. “Well, what’s your name?”

“Celestia,” She replied.

Luna smiled. “That’s a good name. Nice to meet you, Celestia!”

“Nice to meet you too, Luna.”

Celestia held out one of her little hooves. Luna showed a confused face.

“It’s called a hoofshake,” She explained. “Put out a hoof, Luna.”

Luna did as she was told. “And I place it against yours?”


Her blue hoof met Celestia’s white hoof. The touch was rather warm, and they blushed with a smile. Celestia started shaking Luna’s hoof, so Luna played along and followed.

“That was...” Luna said. “It feels pretty good.”

“It’s a good way to start a new connection when two ponies meet.”

They both chuckled.

“Actually...” Celestia said. “We’re sisters, you know that?”

Luna smiled. “I do. So... You’re the bigger sister?”

“Yes, And you’re the little sister.” Celestia replied. “You know, ‘cause I’m bigger and you’re more little?”


They continued to chat for around 10 more minutes. They got to know each other a little bit better, and both wished to hear each other’s voice while talking soon, instead of chatting through thoughts.

After a while, they both yawned with a cute sound.

“I’m tired,” Luna softly said.

“Me too,” Celestia replied. “Should we sleep?”

“Okay. Well... It’s been great to see you again.”

“I feel so too.”

They both blushed, and moved closer. They suddenly felt a warming sense taking over. They moved again- And it got stronger. They continued to wiggle until they can no longer move closer- Because the two sisters found their bodies pressing close to each other’s. They knew this when their muzzles bumped into each other, making their face blush as red as a rose.

“Sorry,” Celestia apologized. “Oh, and it’s a thing you say whenever you did something wrong.”

Luna giggled. “I see.”

Luna happily started nuzzling Celestia’s muzzle. The big sister chuckled and mirrored the action, pushing forward a little. After a brief look, Celestia wrapped her hooves around Luna, placing her head behind the little sister’s.

“O-Oh...” Luna said sheepishly. “What are you doing, sis?”

Celestia hummed as she let go to explain. “It’s called a hug. It goes by many names, depending on how intense it is.”

“Oh, Okay!” Luna replied, smiling in content. “How do I do it?”

“Let me teach you the easiest form,” Celestia said, signaling Luna to slightly move back. “It’s simple. First, put your hooves out.”

Celestia demonstrated, and Luna followed by reaching her hooves out, placing them on her sister’s. “Like this?”

“Yeah! You’re a fast learner,” Celestia replied. “But you don’t have to hold your partner’s hooves.”

She let go. Then, Celestia shuffled over.

“Now, move close to your partner, so this next step will be easy. You may keep your hooves down, just remember to bring them up again.”

Luna moved close, right up against her chest. She put her hooves beside her as she listened.

“Now, the fun part,” Celestia giggled. “Put your hooves around me, and I will put my hooves around you.” She showed the step to her. “To deepen the contact, you and your partner can put your heads behind each other’s, like this.”

She let go a few seconds later. “Is it okay?”

“Mhmm!” Luna said as she shuffled back to where she was sleeping, smiling.

“Okay, then we’ll do it now, Luna,” Celestia smiled. “First, we need to move a bit. Come here, sis.”

“Oh, Okay!” Luna giggled. “Sorry I just went back.”

“It’s okay.”

Luna placed herself right in front of Celestia. Now they’re really blushing.

“Hooves ready?” Celestia asked.

“Yep!” Luna replied in cheer.

“Okay, count one, two, three with me,” Celestia told her. “When we say three, we both hug.”

“Yay! This is gonna be so fun!” Luna giggled.

“Sure it will!”

They turned a bit, feeling bashful, then turned back.

“On Three,” They both whispered. “One... Two... Three!”

The two wrapped their hooves around each other’s necks, and embraced their sister tightly. Immediately, they knew they were meant to be. They both realized the warm feeling they’ve been feeling:

It was love.

Celestia started tickling her baby sister. Luna tittered and tickled back. They both shared a laugh. As the crib rocked side-by-side from their movement, gently swaying and scaring them a little, Celestia and Luna held on to each other.

“Phew,” Celestia said. Then she heard sobbing. “Luna?”

Luna, who got scared by the crib swaying around, started to cry a little, feeling scared. Celestia smiled and hugged her tightly, as Luna did the same.

“Shhhh,” Celestia reassured her. “It’s okay. Nothing will scare you.”

Luna looked up. “*sniff* Really?”

She nodded as Luna squeezed her.

“Awwww,” Celestia giggled, patting her head. “As I was saying, what we did just now goes by many names. The simple form is just hugging, where two or more people come together closely to embrace each other. Usually it’s only two people but it can be a group hug.”

“Then what are the other names, big sis?”

“Another type is snuggling,” Celestia said. “Snuggling is a little different. For one, it’s usually between two people. What you do, is after you’re in a hug position, you start rubbing your head gently on the other’s shoulder or you can gently do so against the other’s head, right here.” She pointed to her forehead. “So, like this.”

Celestia pressed forward to rub her head upon Luna’s. She smiled.

“Awww, this sounds so good!” Luna said. “What else?”

Celestia laughed. “This next type is my favorite: Cuddling. It’s basically snuggling, but this uses your whole body, where you would wiggle against each other’s body in content. Because of this, it’s usually done in bed, just as we are now. It’s usually for ponies who are very close with each other.”

“I like that name!”

“Lastly, there’s also a type called spooning. Oh, Luna, can you turn over so I can tell you how it works?”

Luna turned to face her back against Celestia. Soon, she was wrapped in her sister’s hooves from behind.

“It’s hugging and snuggling, but with one pony doing the hugging and one accepting it’s warmth. If you are feeling down, like just a moment ago, I could use this to comfort you. You can also feel free to switch positions if you and your partner agree to switch. The pony giving the hug is called the big spoon, since they wrap their partner in the embrace. The one accepting it is the little spoon, since they’re the thing that get put on the “Spoon”, or the big spoon.”

Luna sighed. “Uhm, Celestia?”


“I don’t... really like this as much,” Luna said. I can’t see you from behind and if you are the little spoon, you can’t see me either. I want us to look at each other when we hug.”

“That’s Fine by me,” Celestia said. “Oh, it’s really late now. We really should go to bed soon.”

Luna had an idea. “Hey! Should we... Should we hug again?”

“Sure! And how would you like it, little sis?” Celestia asked, rubbing her cheeks with her hooves. Luna mirrored the action, making them both laugh.

“Hmmm... I like most of them,” Luna said. “Oh, I don’t know which to pick!”

“How about cuddling?” Celestia suggested. “I love being held by somepony close to me.”

“Hmm, Okay!” Luna replied, agreeing. “So I can wiggle against you however I wish?”

“Yeah! Now come here, little sis!”

“*chuckles* Hey! You too, big sis!”

Celestia and Luna both giggled as they hugged tightly and started cuddling. They wiggled and shuffled along and both adjusting to each other’s actions for a moment. But a while later, Luna started to cuddle a little bit more forcefully.

“Haha, you really learn fast,” Celestia laughed. “Guess I couldn’t go easy on you.”

Quickly, she snuggled her head close and Luna started moving back a little. After a sigh in content, they continued this process for a while, Celestia wiggling closer and Luna wiggling closer, then back and forth.

They opened their eyes.

“You’re good at cuddling,” Celestia commented. “Probably with more practice, you can be just as good as me.”

Luna beamed. “Hehe, I think I’m better already.”

“Haha, what? No, I taught you, so I’ve been doing this longer...”

They were about to fall asleep, when their eyes popped open. They looked at each other, grinning coldly.

“I will snuggle you all night,” Luna said, nuzzling close. “I will beat you at hugging, you watch!”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Come on, you can’t match against me.”

Luna did the same. “Oh, I will soon!”

Their eyes narrowed. Slowly, Celestia placed her forehead against her sister. Nudging it forward, Luna retorted and did the same. It got more and more frequent as they tried to prove they’re better at snuggling. Soon, it turned into a round of pushing heads. The white and blue heads of the two baby princesses finally attracted each other and collided into one. They started pushing a little, beads of sweat and tears coming out as they argued.

“I’m better at snuggling!” Celestia said, pushing Luna.

“I’m better at cuddling!” Luna replied, pushing Celestia.

“No, I’m better, you’re worse!”

“No, you’re worse, I’m better!”

Celestia and Luna pushed back and forth, feeling a little angry.

“*grunts* Celestia better!”

“*grunts* Luna better!”

The two pushed with equal force. Sparks started forming between the duo’s horns. Celestia’s was yellow, and Luna’s was blue. It seemed to shoot out from from their little horns, colliding in the middle in green. This startled them and they stopped arguing.

“Whoa, what was that?” Celestia asked.

“I don’t know,” Luna said. “Was It.. Was it because of what we said?”

“Maybe...” Celestia said, looking down. Luna did too.

“We just... disagreed, didn’t we?” Luna questioned.

Celestia nodded. “Y-Yeah. It’s called arguing, Luna. Whenever two ponies don’t agree with each other, and they start to prove their right with a bit of anger, that’s when they start to quarrel. Usually, it ends with somepony agreeing the other. But sometimes, like we just did just now, if we continued to argue and get angrier... We...”

“We might...?” Luna asked.

There was a bit of silence.

“*sigh* I’ll tell you later. “But, usually when ponies argue and end well, we usually apologize.”

“Okay,” Luna nodded. “I’m sorry, Tia.”

“I’m sorry too, Lulu.”

They both blushed as they called each other by a nickname. They both laughed and tightly hugged, nuzzling deep into the embrace.

A minute later they looked at each other, with a smile and close together.

“But still...” Celestia offered. “We still need to decide who’s better at snuggling.”

“Oh, definitely me, Tia,” Luna said, winking.

Celestia snickered. “Come on, Lulu... you know it’s me.”

The two let their foreheads touch lightly.

“Let’s not argue about it for now, Okay?” Celestia asked. “We’ll argue over it later.”

Luna agreed. “Alright. For now... Can we please snuggle, big sis? Please?”

She nodded. The two gently laid their head down, and their slight movement caused the crib to sway to and fro. But this time, is more of a nice little rocking action to lull them to sleep. The two smiled, and bumped into each other’s muzzle as they slept.



They wanted to look at each other and get close, but didn’t know they were so close together, and they accidentally pushed themselves into a kiss. They both squeaked and pulled their white and blue lips apart.

“Wh-Whoa...” Luna stuttered, blushing as red as an apple. “That was... That felt so good! What’s it called?”

Celestia blushed so hard, and didn’t want to say anything.

“I’ll tell you in the morning, you sweet little sister,” She said. “Right now... Good night, and sleep well, alright?”

Luna nodded. “You too, my big sister. And... can I say something?”

“Go ahead...” Celestia whispered as their muzzles touched.

“Don’t you think... We’re connected now?”

“I do. I think this will be a start of a very nice friendship.”

They sighed in content as they cuddled and drifted into sleep, after whispering one last sentence before ending their first night together.

“I love you, Tia...”

Celestia smiled, and they kissed again without thinking.

“I love you, Lulu...”