Cronus is King

by fanficlover 1

The King Acts


I couldn’t believe it, snapping trees and hologram clocks I could explain as being a really well made practical joke, disappearing and reappearing armor, I could blame on the after effects of whatever drug was used to knock me out but flying horse ladies who just tried to kill me not even 10 minutes ago crossed a very thin line of what could be considered a practical joke. Quickly shaking my head, to get rid of the unneeded thoughts for the moment, I focused more on running in a relatively straight line so I didn’t get turned around and head back towards the killer unicorns. Second after second passed by and miles upon miles were covered in that time but no matter how far I went it seemed like the forest just wasn’t getting any less dense, in fact it seemed to somehow be getting denser and darker even though the sun was still high in the sky.

Eventually my running had to change to a light jog and soon a walk as the trees were just too compact for me to simply run through. I couldn’t kick them down to clear a path either as that would simply be a dead give away if the two unicorns had decided to follow me.

“Who were those two anyways? They seemed important with their crowns… don’t tell me I somehow hurt royalty in this stupid world.” I couldn’t help but groan in exasperation because of course, somehow, I ended up in some obviously different world and the members of some royal family just has to hate me without even knowing who I am.

“Just what am I supposed to do now?” having stopped now, I leaned against one of the trees to think. Unfortunately for me though, I couldn’t think of how to answer my question; I obviously couldn’t talk to the princesses, queens, or whatever the two were because they wanted to just capture me and if the royalty wanted me, horse or not, the commoners would probably be told to try and catch me no matter what. Sighing to myself, I slumped to the ground in depression, dead to everything in the world around me (BOOM) well, almost everything.

Having jumped to my feet from the almost deafening explosion, my body was tense, ready to spring in whatever direction I needed to but nothing happened. (BOOM) another explosion though this time I did not get startled, instead I became curious as to what was causing such a loud noise. Unlike in the earlier parts of the forest, this time the tree’s branches were only two feet above my head, so after picking one with what looked to be a strong enough branch, I jumped as hard as I could, breaking said branch with my own head and continuing upwards, well past the top of the tree and high into the sky. Suffice is to say that I did not like the next 15 seconds before landing in the tree that I had been trying to climb.

“Ugh, note to self: learn how the teleport works.” I would probably need more than one note to self considering all the powers Cronus had like weather and time cycle manipulation, and even the reset though the last one could be held off at the moment. Giving myself a quick once over, I climbed to the top of tree, making sure not to snag my cloak on the surprising amount of sharp branches. Having reached the top with barely a sweat, I still lost my breath at what I saw. Standing as tall, if not taller, than a mountain, was a rampaging bear that looked to be made up of light blue stars giving it a form reminiscent of the Ursa Major constellation. I don’t know how long I had stared at the creature but my stupor was broken at the sight of a large concentric set of rainbow circles with a single rainbow trail that impacted directly into the large creature’s head and causing it to flinch in pain but overall unharmed as it continued to thrash around. Having been broken from my trance, I started to notice what looked like small rocks flying up and around it as it moved about, though considering its size the debris was most likely much larger.

Eventually, the large creature began to slow down in its rampage until eventually it stopped completely and walking away with thundering steps. When it was well away from the spot, I started to jump from treetop to treetop with minor amounts of force hopping to get where the creature had once been quickly. The reason for my apparent bravery was due to the fact that a creature that large would have bound to hit anything or anyone that was near it (and considering rainbows don’t act like sonic booms I could guess that at least one person or pony or whatever else was in the was around and probably hurt). Treetop after treetop, I jumped until the sounds of crying, pain, and all around suffering could be heard. Hearing the dreaded noise, I couldn’t help but put more force into my jumps to reach wherever I was headed as quickly as possible (Crazy unicorn women or no crazy unicorn women, one does not simply walk away after seeing such a sight).

I finally reached the edge of the forest and was now only a stone’s throw away from civilization or rather what was left of it it. Houses were simply piles of wood and splinters, the bell of the tower was a crushed like a piece of tin scrap metal, and what looked to be the base of an extremely large tree was all that remained of the now destroyed town, well that and the surprising amount of horse, scratch that, pony survivors (they were too small to be horses). Each and every one of them was identifiable due to their pastel color pallets as each one seemed scared and jittery as they walked around what used to be the center of town, that is all but five of them who were surrounding a light blue one with rainbow colored hair. Suddenly, one of the many ponies who were just meandering around in a daze seemed to perk up for a moment before running up to the five and started talking to the orange colored one. The conversation didn’t last long apparently as they both started to run off. Curious as to what might be wrong, I followed after the two who led me to what look like a farm that was in much better condition than the town itself somehow, with only the barn collapsed and many of the surrounding trees uprooted.

Watching the two enter through their still standing gate, they began running around and yelling. Between the two, the small yellow one with a red mane was easily louder but only by a few decibels.

“Macintosh, Granny, where are you?” over and over the yelled, running from one end of the farm to another but no yell came in reply. Without warning, the Orange began to yell to the yellow one. “Over here Applebloom, they’re trapped under the barn.” the small one, now known as applebloom, quickly ran over and started to help, in trying to lift the barn but the wreckage wouldn’t budge.

“It’s too heavy, they’ll never get if off the two.” my assumption was right as the two ponies backed away. The small yellow one began to cry at this point, while the older sister (I realized that she might be her sibling at this point) tried to console her. Seeing such a sight, it filled me with memories, memories of a past I hated, a past where I was to weak. Unable to control my impulses now, I jumped down from the treetops to the ground below without taking my eyes off the sisters, that is until my sight was filled with the color of neon green.


(Applejack POV)

It was hopeless, both Macintosh and Granny had been trapped under the barn when the Ursa Major had attacked and now the only thing keeping them alive was Macintosh himself pushing up on one of the broken support beams. With all the weight already being held up in such a strange position and no good holds to catch onto with our hooves, we were left with digging them out but there was no time. I don’t know what to do, neither me or Applebloom.


“What the…” I quickly looked upwards and saw the strangest sight I ever saw. Some kind of armor wearing diamond dog with a short snout and small arms had appeared in a burst of green light and he landed right next to me and my sister in a crouch before looking over to us with his strangely painted on eyes.

The diamond dog said nothing as he looked from side to side in possible confusion but he quickly stopped before focusing on the barn. Noticing this, I left my sister’s side to stand in front of the weirdly shaped beast before he could do anymore harm. Before I could say as much though, the dog spoke.

“Stand aside, I can get your family out from under there.” I couldn’t believe it, some stranger just appears from nowhere and says he could do something that I, the strongest mare in Equestria, couldn’t do. If I were any other pony, I would have stood my ground and not let him pass after saying such a lie, but I wasn’t any other pony, I am the bearer of the element of honesty and with that title comes the perk of knowing when someone lies or not and right now the diamond dog wasn’t lying. Stepping aside, the dog walked past with long strides before stopping only a few inches from the wreckage.

Not sure as to what he would do, I saw him pull out a strange looking book then open it but instead of pages inside, he removed three strange red coins and crushed them. What happened next was unbelievable as his entire upper body inflated like one of Pinkie’s balloons before returning to normal while he grabbed onto the one piece of wreckage he shouldn’t have. It was part of the support beam that Macintosh was currently hold up from under the pile sticking out from under. In one fell swoop, the dog lifted up but instead of the cries of pain from Macintosh that I expected with the shifting of weight, the beam, and everything on top of it fly high into the sky faster than I could blink. Looking back, the dog seemed tired from the exertion and the only other person more so than him was a passed out Macintosh laying a few yards In front of him.

Applebloom was the first to react by running straight to her big brother and holding on tight to his limp body. I followed after but not before giving the stranger a pat on the back in thanks. As I stood beside my sister, I helped Granny, who had been sitting the entire time next to Macintosh, to her hooves before looking back at the green stranger and seeing him walk away in the direction of town.

“Who was that, Applejack dearie?” I didn’t know how to answer the question as I had never asked his name so I figured that it would be best to answer it as simply as possible.

“A friend, I think.”

(Cronus POV)

“Note to self number 2: just because I hit like a truck does not mean I can lift like one.” Apparently all those feats of strength I had seen by the riders whenever the kicked or punched something was only that while everything else was relatively normal though maybe a little superhuman. Thankfully I had thought to use a few of the regenerating energy items: Muscular when I did, and even more thankfully was that it had been enough to get the job done at the cost of taking a lot out of me.

Stretching my arms, I continued down the dirt road heading to the wrecked town to see if any more ponies needed help, after all, if you help one person in a crisis, you should at least try and help the rest, even if you couldn’t do much.

“Hopefully it isn’t as intense as the last one because I don’t know if I could do that again. Speaking of again, I wonder if I can teleport again.” Focusing as I walked, my vision didn’t fill with neon green meaning something from earlier must have triggered it and not just me, something intense. Putting off teleporting for now, I could see the ruins and picked up the pace to a light jog.


(Celestia POV)

He may have gotten away, but thanks to my crown, both myself and Luna could still track him where ever he went.

“Sister,Where has that despicable displaced run off to now?”

The venom in my sister’s voice was almost palpable which just showed you how how much the Displaced affected her before she was sent to the moon as the demon she had been turned into.

“Last I checked, he was somewhere in the Everfree forest.”

“The same Everfree that is right next to Ponyville.?”

At this, we both realized that we needed to hurry as there was no telling what kind of carnage he could cause, especially with the ability to stop time. If we hit him hard enough with a surprise attack though, it might not be a problem.