//------------------------------// // Episode 11: Date Night // Story: EoH Evolution: Season 2 // by Bahamut0 //------------------------------// It was getting to be late in the afternoon. Burst Stream was lying on his couch, and staring at the ceiling. Yesterday was crazy. Burst thought to himself. I figured a new enemy faction might show up. That's how anime and Power Rangers works. But I honestly didn't expect them to show up so late. And of course they're stronger than the Nightmare Forces. But sitting around worrying my head off about the changelings isn't going to make beating them any easier. Not to mention they've been quiet since we beat back their first wave. I need to get my mind off of that last battle. Burst Stream pulled out his phone, and texted Celestia. She must be pretty busy if she hasn't been able to text me. That, or she's been waiting for me to make the first move. She does seem like the one to play the long game. He was surprised when his phone started to ring. Burst promptly answered. "Hi Celestia! Didn't expect to hear from you so quickly." "Sorry to be silent for so long Burst Stream." Celestia said with a giggle. "But in fact, that's partially why I'm calling you. In addition to your recent text. I've been planning something just for us, and tonight it should be ready. I do hope you enjoy it." Burst smiled and blushed slightly. "So. . . just what exactly do you have in store for me?" "Come by the castle. I promise you won't be disappointed." Celestia replied. And somehow, Burst knew she was winking on her end of the phone as she hung up. "Well. I know how I'm spending my evening." Burst thought out loud. He then froze at a sudden realization. Wait a minute. Shouldn't I have been the one to plan something grand? Burst Stream thought on this for a minute before shrugging. Nah! That's a tired old trope. Burst slipped on his iconic coat, and headed out on the next train to Castalot. He watched as the sun slowly set over the horizon. I guess Celestia's getting ready for tonight too. The train soon stopped at Castalot Station, and Burst Stream stepped out. He immediately headed towards the castle, and was surprised when the guards asked for his autograph. Well, my friends and I have been showing up in the media more lately. I'm surprised we don't have a fan club by now. No matter. None of us planned to get recognized to begin with. Burst happily signed the guards' helmets, and made his way to the throne room. "Weird. This is usually where I meet Celestia." At that moment, Luna nad noticed Burst's arrival. "Ah! Burst Stream! I see you received my sister's summons?" "You could say that." Burst Stream said with a nod. "Usually I meet her in the throne room. But for some reason, she's not here." Luna's eyes brightened up in realization. "Oh! I had heard her worrying herself that she forgot to mention where you should meet her. Allow me to escort you to her!" Burst Stream barely had time to blink when Luna gripped his hand, and flew through the halls! Coming to a stop in front of a large, white door with golden designs on it. "Enjoy your evening!" And with that, Luna zipped away to her tower. "Here goes nothing. . . " Burst muttered to himself as he knocked on Celestia's door. "Uh, Celestia? It's Burst." "Be right there!" Celestia answered from the other side. Not a few seconds later, Celestia opened her door and greeted Burst. "Well? How do I look?" Celestia's outfit was a little black dress that showed off just enough to make Burst blush. "Divine." Burst said quickly. His face turned red at the unintentional joke he'd made at the moment. The sun goddess giggled at Burst's reaction. "Not the most original compliment a goddess has heard, but flattering nonetheless." Burst smiled sheepishly. "So. . . what did you have planned for tonight?" "I was hoping you'd join me for dinner." Celestia said with a smile. "And I can see you came in your work outfit." Burst chuckled. "It's not work if I enjoy what I do. Hope you didn't have th kitchen staff working too hard just to try and please my taste buds." "Who said anything about dining in my home?" Celestia asked as she extended her hand to Burst. "What's the point of going out on a date if we stay in?" Burst smiled as he took Celestia's hand. "You got me there." And with that, the couple made their way to the restaurant Celestia had made reservations for. The two of them soon seated. "So I'm guessing this is something other than paperwork that's been keeping you busy?" "I'd call this a labor of love." Celestia said with a smile. "Though it wasn't that hard to make a reservation thanks to the perks of royalty." Burst couldn't help but feel warm around Celestia. Not because she controlled the sun, but rather it was the feeling she gave him when he was with her. "So, not to sound rude, but what made you pull off all of this for me?" Celestia gazed contemplatively at the glass of water she held in her hands. "Tell me Burst. Do you remember when you first met me?" Burst nodded in response, and Celestia smiled warmly. "You had no idea who I was, and yet you made a promise to me. When you talked, you didn't see my position or who I was. To you, I was just like anyone else." "Are you, upset about that?" Burst asked in a concerned tone. Celestia blinked, and shook her head. "No Burst. Not in the least. In fact, it made me quite happy. And in some part, because of you, I'm happier than I've been in a long time." Celestia sighed. "Allow me to be perfectly honest. You're far from the first suitor I've had in my immortal life. But those who have pursued me in the past only did so for my title, or the power that comes with my position. And no one who was of a status far below mine ever dared to try and court me because they assumed someone like me was too good for them. Because they all thought of me so highly, I was placed on a pedestal. Isolated from the very people who put me up there." Celestia then looked into Burst's eyes lovingly. "And then, one day, who should I run into again but you. Even upon realizing my identity, you still saw me as any other person. It may not be ideal, but right now? With you? This is the most normal I've felt. And our dance at the Grand Gala? I was screaming with joy on the inside. I have to know. Why do you see me only as a person?" "Gee. Asking the big question already, huh?" Burst said as he scratched his head. "Well, I guess it's because you believed in me. Especially when everyone else thought I was an idiot for making that promise of mine." Burst took a deep breath. "When I pieced together the truth about you and your sister, I didn't see some perfect princess. I saw someone who was alone and sad. Somebody who lost the one person they loved the most, and had to hide so much sadness and pain away from everyone. Someone who couldn't afford to cry. And I couldn't let that stand. I was at a pretty low point when my whole class mocked me for my promise. Because they didn't understand what you were going through. Or how hurt you must have felt for so long. But that's when I met you. And when I looked in your eyes, I saw you believed in me. I didn't care if I knew you or not. Just the fact you believed I could fulfill my promise made me so happy. And right when I began my training, I swore that I'd find you again after I'd fulfilled the promise I made." Burst Stream looked into Celestia's eyes. "I didn't have to look for too long. I won't lie. Finding out the same person who believed in me was also the one I'd made my promise to was pretty big news to me. But in the end? I didn't care. All that really mattered, all that I really wanted, was the chance to see your real smile. But after knowing you? I just can't get you out of my head. And to top it all off, you've got a hold on my heart too. From how I've seen that you ruled, and because of the time we've spent together, well," He then began to blush. "I guess what I'm trying to say is. . . I love you Celestia." Complete silence reigned between the two of them. However, Burst Stream's heart was beating madly in his chest. He was panicking at the full confession of his feelings. And his mind was screaming. Great. This setting practically screams romantic! No wonder I poured my heart out! She probably thinks I'm a total idiot! AGH! However, he was snapped out of his mental ramblings when he felt Celestia place one of her hands on his cheek and pull his face towards hers. Sealing it with a kiss. About a minute passed before Celestia released Burst Stream. Her eyes tearing up out of joy. "I can afford to cry a bit more now. Because I know you'll be there to save the day. My Dragon Knight." Burst smiled as he held Celestia's hand. "Pet names already, Sunshine?" Celestia smiled. "It's because of how you fight. Baring all of your might and never backing down until you've either fought with all you can, or until you've won. That's the way true dragons fought according to Starswirl." "If that's the case, I can't think of anyone who lights up my life more than you." Burst said with a smile. However, he was soon snapped back into reality when he heard his stomach growl. "Looks like we our hearts are full. But we forgot about our stomachs!" Celestia laughed at hearing this. "I think I'll pass on the cake tonight. You've already given something far sweeter."