MLP Scions Unite!!

by Chrome Masquerade

Part 1 Chapter 5: Rainbow's Empowerment

"Yes, daughter. It is I. I am sure that you have many questions, but now, 'tis not the time. Before thou ask'th, I WAS going to tell ye when ye were 20, but it seems that there is no choice now."

"No choice?" I querid. "What do you mean? And stop talking like that. It's weird."

He chuckled. "I apologize. Force of habit when I'm in this form. Nevertheless, if we are to avenge your mother, I must tell you of your origin, and unleash your potential."

Thus he told me of my soul's origin in Equestria, of the sacrifice we made. Of my becoming a Scion "And, well, you know the rest. I visit all of my scions, but you... you I stayed with, for some reason. Let's see if you measure up to your lineage."

With that. he pointed Mjolnir at me and another bolt of lightning struck me I felt power overwhelm my senses, felt every part of me become more... real, if that makes any sense. Like this was how i was meant to be.

Rainbow Dash gains the following:
4 points of Strength, Dexterity and Stamina. Total: 6, 5 and 6.
3 points of Charisma and Appearance. Total: 6, 5 and 4
2 points of Perception and Wits. Total: 4 and 3
1 point of Manipulation and intelligence. Total: 2 and 3

3 points of Academics, Animal Ken, Arts: general, Athletics, Fortitude, Integrity, Melee, and Thrown. 5 across the board
2 points in Awareness, Brawl, Occult, Presence and Survival. 3 across the board

4 points of Willpower

3 points of Harmony (4)
2 points of Vengeance and Valor (3)
1 point of Loyalty (3)

2 Legend (Legend Points: 9)

Knacks and Boons:
Automatic bonus: 7 points Animal, 11 points Sky(1)
3 points Justice
5 points Guardian

A moment after that was done, i came to my senses. My father nodded. "Good. Good! you've survived the endowment. I expected no less! Now, daughter, gather your weapons. For tonight we hunt Jotun!" At this, he laughed heartily.

I was about to walk back into the house, but dad stopped me. "No, no! You've kept up on your mythology, right?" he smiled at me, and i understood.

"My blades! My hammer! To me!" when i sad that, my moonblades and hammer came flying. The swords slung themselves at my back, the hammer at my side.

Also, a set of armor begam to form around me.I recognized this plate mail armor as my Warrior's Raiment, and somehow i knew that it would only appear when i needed it.

Before anything else happened, i looked back at my dead friend. "I wish i could do something for her." I commented idly.

"But there is, my daughter!" dad said. "Concentrate on your magic; call her back."

Doing just that, i reached out to her body and soul. "My friend, return to me!"

Wind swirled around her, raising her into the air. Before my very eyes, flesh, bone and sinew came anew, rebuilding my friend's broken body, reshaping it. By the end, a white pegasus stood before me. And not my kind, either!

"Ugh. I'm gonna feel that in the morning." she said, still groggy.

I glomped her joyfully. "You're back! I thougt I'd lost you."

"Still need air!" she said, and I released her. we smiled at each other and she nuzzled me.

Suddenly, a change started to come over me. My skin turned blue and kind of fuzzy. My face became a small muzzle. My ears migrated to the top of my head. Also, my false wings became real wings! All said, i looked like a half human half horse mix, with wings for good measure.

"Let me try that!" At will, my friend shifted to a similar form, but golden and brown. "Swift Breeeze, at your service(2)."

My father and I looked astonished. "Since when could you do that?"

"Just now."

Dad asked, "And why didn't you mention that you could talk?"

She shrugged. "You never asked."

Face, you remember palm, right?

"Anyway," dad said, "we haven't all day, and we have much to do."

"Wait, wait. First..." i said, then put my hands to Swift's chest and said, "You are now under my protection."

There was a flash and a symbol of a lightning bolt appeared on her chest.

"NOW we can go." I affirmed.

My father, the Thunderer, nodded. "Well and good. We fly! To Jotunheim!"

A portan opened in the sky and we went through.

Jotunheim was, I found... optimistically dystopian. There was a lot of gray and black. And i mean a LOT. Rock covered the ground, not a single tree was in sight, not a blade of grass anywhere, not even a single pool of water was in sight. It almost made me feel sorry for those giants.


"Well, isn't this impressive." I said, dryly. "You really need to work to get this level of menace into a place."

"Indeed." Dad said. "This is the home of the forces of chaos. We must be careful. Our backup wil be limited here."

"We get backup at all?" I queried.

"Observe." my father said, then raised his hand, blue magic crackling along his arm. "Birger!(3)"

Suddenly, a flash occurred and a silver and red armored warrior appeared. He bowed befor his commander, saying, "Sir. The Arms of Thunder await your command."

"You have an ARMY?!" I queried incredulously.

"He does indeed, my lady." the warrior said. "T'was formd after a... somewhat embarasssing incident, shall we say. If ye so desire, there is a similar army prepared for thee." he added.

I looked down to my hand. Then i summoned some energy, imagining soldiers that looked much like I did at the moment. "Two fighters. Two archers. Two guardians." I then raised my hand, six flashes appearing.

The warriors i saw were nondescript, clad in plain gray armor, with grey weapons. I looked to my father for an explanation.

"Ah, yes. They remain untouched by your magic. You might notice that Birger here is garbed in my colors. Also, don't worry about losing them. They are made with Seidr, and will come back as often as necessary."

"Aaaaah. I get it!"

I turned to my assembled guards and said, "Then you are part of the Stormguard." Magic flowed from my hand, washing over them. Immediately they were shifted to resemble my current form. Yeah; an army of anthro ponies. Their armor changed to a sky blue with red highlights. Also, they were all female.

Pointing to them in turn, i said, "Brenda, Brenna, Asta, Astrid, Borghild, Dagmar.(4)"

They seemed satisfied at this and knelt to me.

"Rise, my guardians. And embrace your new roles." i said. I then put a hand to Swift and thought "Warrior."

Another flash occurred and Swift Breeze was covered in armor, wielding a shield and a broadsword.

Dad again sseemed pleased. Then he turned away. "Bjart! Bjorn! Brandt! Cuyler! Geir! Gudbrand!(5)"

Six more flashes occurred, six more warriors appeared. I grinned. Now we had a chance!

"Alright, Everypony!" i called out instinctively, "Let's do this!"